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Chapter8 Sampling IoxO

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Chapter 8

• If the data you collect really are the same as you
would get from the rest, then you can draw
conclusions from those answers which you can relate
to the whole group.

• This process of selecting just a small group of cases

from out of a large group is called sampling.
The need to sample
Sampling- a valid alternative to a census when;

• A survey of the entire population is impracticable

• Budget constraints restrict data collection

• Time constraints restrict data collection

• Results from data collection are needed quickly

When doing a survey, the question inevitably arises:

• how representative is the sample of the whole

population, in other words;
• how similar are characteristics of the small group
of cases that are chosen for the survey to those of
all of the cases in the whole group?
Population in Research
• It does not necessarily mean a number of people,
it is a collective term used to describe the total
quantity of things (or cases) of the type which are
the subject of your study.

• So a population can consist of certain types of

objects, organizations, people or even events.
Sampling Frame
• Within this population, there will probably be only
certain groups that will be of interest to your study,
this selected category is your sampling frame.
Populations can have the following characteristics:

Characteristics Explains Examples

homogeneous all cases are similar bottles of beer on a production line

stratified contain strata or layers people with different levels of income: low,
medium, high

proportional contains strata of percentages of different nationalities of

stratified known proportions students in a university

grouped by type contains distinctive of apartment buildings – towers, slabs, villas,

groups tenement blocks

grouped by different groups animals in different habitats – desert,

location according to where equatorial forest, savannah, tundra
they are
Sampling techniques
 Probability sampling techniques give the most reliable
representation of the whole population.

 Non-probability techniques, relying on the judgment

of the researcher or on accident, cannot generally be
used to make generalizations about the whole
Probability Sampling
• It is a sampling technique in which sample from a larger
population are chosen using a method based on the theory of
• For a participant to be considered as a probability sample,
he/she must be selected using a random selection. 
• The most important requirement of probability sampling is
that everyone in your population has a known and an equal
chance of getting selected.
• Probability sampling uses statistical theory to select randomly,
a small group of people  (sample) from an existing large
population and then predict that all their responses together
will match the overall population.
Types of Probability Sampling

Four main techniques used for a probability sample:

 Simple random

 Stratified random

 Cluster

 Systematic
Simple random sampling
• As the name suggests is a completely random method of
selecting the sample. This sampling method is as easy as
assigning numbers to the individuals (sample) and then
randomly choosing from those numbers through an
automated process.
Stratified Random sampling 
• Iinvolves a method where a larger population can be
divided into smaller groups, that usually don’t overlap but
represent the entire population together. While sampling
these groups can be organized and then draw a sample from
each group separately. A common method is to arrange or
classify by sex, age, ethnicity and similar ways.
Cluster random sampling 
• It is a way to randomly select participants when they are
geographically spread out. Cluster sampling usually analyzes
a particular population in which the sample consists of more
than a few elements, for example, city, family, university etc.
The clusters are then selected by dividing the greater
population into various smaller sections.
Systematic Sampling 
• It is when you choose every “nth” individual to be a part of
the sample. For example, you can choose every 5th person to
be in the sample. Systematic sampling is an extended
implementation of the same old probability technique in which
each member of the group is selected at regular periods to
form a sample. There’s an equal opportunity for every member
of a population to be selected using this sampling technique.
Types of Non-probability Sampling
Four main techniques used for a non-probability

 Convenience

 Judgemental

 Snowball

 Quota
Convenience Sampling
• It is a non-probability sampling technique used to create sample
as per ease of access, readiness to be a part of the sample,
availability at a given time slot or any other practical
specifications of a particular element. 
• Convenience sampling involves selecting haphazardly those
cases that are easiest to obtain for your sample, such as the
person interviewed at random in a shopping center for a
television program.
Judgmental Sampling

• In the judgmental sampling, also called purposive sampling,

the sample members are chosen only on the basis of the
researcher’s knowledge and judgment.
• It enables you to select cases that will best enable you to
answer your research question(s) and to meet your
Snowball Sampling
• Snowball sampling method is purely based on referrals and that
is how a researcher is able to generate a sample. Therefore this
method is also called the chain-referral sampling method.
• This sampling technique can go on and on, just like a snowball
increasing in size (in this case the sample size) till the time a
researcher has enough data to analyze, to draw conclusive
results that can help an organization make informed decisions.
Quota Ssampling
• Selection of members in this sampling technique happens on
basis of a pre-set standard. In this case, as a sample is formed
on basis of specific attributes, the created sample will have the
same attributes that are found in the total population. It is an
extremely quick method of collecting samples.
• Quota sampling is therefore a type of stratified sample in which
selection of cases within strata is entirely non-random.

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