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MGT 266 - Educational Management and Supervision

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Management and
Management- is
developing a goal for
what is to be done.
-A plan to get the work done
-How work will be broken down into
-How much time each step will take
-Taking corrective action on anything
that deviates from the original plan
Educational Management
While Education is the provision of a series of
learning experiences to students in order to
impart knowledge, values, attitudes and skills
with the ultimate aim of making them
productive members of society, Educational
Management is the process of planning,
organizing, directing and controlling the
activities of an institution by utilizing human
and material resources so as to effectively and
efficiently accomplish functions of teaching,
extension work and research.
• Educational management is about
effectiveness within a given context, and
having all-encompassing skills and
knowledge and attitudes. In order to achieve
effective organizational performance in
schools, it is essential that all persons and
resources are aligned and given directions.
This implies deliberate planned action
towards the achievement of specific goals or
policy objectives. This deliberate and
planned action lies at the core of educational
management in the context of educational
Scope of Educational
• The scope of educational management is
indeed wide. It involves getting a license for
the school, setting up the building, advertising
for admissions, employing staff - teaching and
non-teaching, deciding the curriculum,
acquiring books, aids, equipment, preparing for
the admission of children, admitting the
children, the beginning of classes, teaching,
testing, evaluating, promoting to the/ next class,
managing staff so that they are geared to the
main functions of the school, managing the
finances of the school in a way that appropriate
amounts are available at the right time so that
teaching and learning can take place efficiently.
Management of Self
• Effective educational management helps the
school heads to perform his or her roles
professionally and in an informed manner. The
first level of education management is the
management of self. The first step to managing
self is to be self-aware. Management of a school
entails a combination of knowledge, skills and
attitudes for different levels of school related
activities. Each level or area of operation needs
to be analyzed to enable you to become
analytical about your job so that you can make
sure you are doing the right things, for the right
reason, in the right way, and at the right time.
Management of Teams
• The scope of educational management also unfolds in
the management of teams. Teams basically mean a
group of people, other than yourself, who have to be
motivated and committed to achieve the institution's
goals. Before understanding the management of teams,
the leader has to believe that a team is probably the
most important resource to achieve institutional goals.
In the context of schools, teacher leadership has gained
legitimacy in the last couple of decades. Teachers are
now expected to play a major role in all facets of
school life including action research, staff
development, attend and chair meetings and act as
change agents. The synergy that occurs when leaders
interact with other teachers gives birth to a vibrant, self
initiating and self renewing community of learners.
Management of School
• Essential to the management of the school as an
organization is the presence of an institutional mission.
Mission provides direction to the process of
management. It addresses questions like what is the
purpose of the school? Why are the pupils and staff
here? What knowledge and skills do our pupils need?
How does the school identify individual differences and
how does it adjust its methods and programs to foster
individual growth? What values does the hool seek to
promote? What are the desired relationships between:
• a student and a student
• a student and a teacher
• a teacher and the head the head and the community
Supervision is direction,
guidance and control of
working force with a view
to see that they are
working according to plan
and are keeping time
• According to Adams and Dickey,
“Supervision is a planned program for
the improvement.” It exists in their
opinion for one reason only to improve
teaching and learning. So it is mainly
concerned with “development of
teachers and pupils.”
• The dictionary of education defines
supervision as “all efforts of designed schools
towards providing leadership to teachers and
other educational workers in the
improvement of instruction ; involves the
stimulation of professional growth and
development of teachers, the selection and
revision of educational objectives, materials
on instruction and methods of teaching and
the evaluation of instruction.” Here the word
“supervision” means to guide and stimulate
the activities of teachers with a view to
improve them, i.e., teaching as well as
instruction and promoting professional
• Nowadays the concept of supervision has
been changed. It is not concerned merely
with improvement of teachers as it was
conceived in the previous days, when the
supervisory activities were directive and
prescriptive. But now according to some
experts, supervision requires a super plus
vision a superior perspective attended by
special preparation and position. To them the
primary function of supervisors of all types
is leadership, encouragement and recognition
of leadership in any other person either in
the professional staff or among the
community participants.
• 1. The Instructional Work-The first and
foremost task of the supervisor is how to
improve the instruction.
• 2. Co-Curricular Activities- The supervisor
supervises the organization of various co-
curricular activities keeping in view their
need and importance. These co-curricular
activities are: Games and sports, Dramatics,
School magazines, Library services,
Educational tours, Field trips
• 3. Records and Registers- The
supervisor has to supervise all the
records and registers of an educational
institution or school by examining the
following type of records:
• Admission Register
• Attendance Register
• The cash book
• The log book
• The Stock Register and
• The Receipt Book
• 4. The School Environment- The school environment has a
profound role bringing over an improvement of educational
process. For this the supervisor has to supervise the
following aspects of the school environment:
• School Discipline
• Relationship between the head of the institution and his
staff, between staff and students
• Emotional climate of the school
• General behavior of students
• Cleanliness of the surroundings
• Goodwill of the self-government formed by students
• Plantation of trees
• Morale of the classroom
• Relationship among teachers
• Hygienic conditions of the toilet, canteen and water supply
• Relationship of the head of the institution or school with the
community members
• Beautification of the campus
• 5. Management- Supervision of management is also
another aspect of the scope of supervision in education
without which the overall improvement of teaching-
learning process will never be successful. The
supervision of the management of the educational
institution includes the following aspects with it:
• Cooperation of teachers and community members.
• The ability of the headmaster to run the school or
• Co-operation, co-ordination and responsibility between
teachers and headmaster in organizing any program.
• Duties and responsibilities rendered by the teachers as
the members of different sub-committees for different
• Problems with the managing committee.
• Achievements and failures of the school.
• 6. Guidance to Teachers-The supervisor
has not only to supervise but also guide the
headmaster and teachers in their efforts for
ensuring qualitative improvement of
education. For this supervision includes the
following things in its jurisdiction:
• Innovations in teaching
• Remedial instruction
• Community mobilization and support
• Conducting seminars, conferences, meetings
and workshops to discuss about problems
and their solution.
• 7. Developmental Activities- The
supervisor supervises the developmental
activities of the school in the following
• Justification of developmental activities,
proposals for extension of the school
• Allotment receipt and the progress made.
Difficulties faced and the steps taken by the
headmaster to wipe out the difficulties, and
• Construction of the new building and its
• Administration and Supervision are
interrelated in that every administrator is a
supervisor and every supervisor
participates in administrative affairs.
• 1. Administration represents the
whole of the education system;
supervision represents a portion of it
in terms of improving the total
teaching-learning situation.
• 2. Administration emphasizes
authority; supervision, service. Every
act of administration is based upon
authority; supervision is based upon
• 3. Administration provides favorable
condition essential to good teaching and
learning; supervision carries out the better
operation and improving it.
In simple words, administration provides;
supervision operates.

• 4. Administration decides, directs and orders

the execution of educational program;
supervision assists, advises guides and leads
the operation and improving the program. In
other word, administration directs;
supervision serves.
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