Cytoplasm By: Prof. Dr. Suzi H. Ibrahim Lectures 1,2&3
Cytoplasm By: Prof. Dr. Suzi H. Ibrahim Lectures 1,2&3
Cytoplasm By: Prof. Dr. Suzi H. Ibrahim Lectures 1,2&3
Prof. dr. Suzi H. Ibrahim
Lectures 1,2&3
Basic dyes stains the acidic structures for example the Nuclei of
They are the basophilic structures ( Likes basic dyes)
Acidic dyes stains the basic structures for example the cytoplasm
They are acidophilic structures( like acidic dyes)
Heamatoxylin and Eosin stain (H&E )
• Heamatoxylin is a basic
dye which stains the
acidic structures blue
• Eosin is an acidic dye
which stains the basic
structures red
The cell
• Mitochondria are membranous
organelles concerned with the
production of most of the energy
needed by the cell. Power house of
the cell.
LM of mitochondria
When stained with iron haematoxylin,
mitochondria appear with a dark blue colour
and in a variety of shapes as granules, filaments
or rod-shape.
EM of mitochondria
Mitochondria are the largest organoids
Mitochondria are bounded by two membranes, separated
by a narrow inter-membrane space.
The outer membrane is smooth.
The inner membrane projects in the form of shelves called
cristae. Cristae vary in size and shape.
Elementary particles:
Are attached to the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Are club shaped, with a narrow stem attached to the crista.
Their heads contain enzymes which generate ATP.
The matrix:
Fills the cavity of the mitochondrion.
Endoplasmic reticulum
• Network of interconnected membranous
• TWO types:
• Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).
• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum(SER).
he sites of RER are indicated by cytoplasmic
RER are prominent in cells specialized for protein
secretion, such as pancreatic acinar cells, fibroblasts
and plasma cells.
Are anastomosing network of
intercommunicating flattened sacs or
The cytoplasmic side of the membrane is
covered by attached ribosomes.
The lumen of the RER is continuous
with the perinuclear space and also
with the lumen of smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (sER).
Functions of the RER
Synthesis of secretory proteins and
lysosomal enzymes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum SER
• Formed of anastomosing tubules which has no
attached ribosomes, thus their membrane appears
Functions of the SER
Diffuse basophilia
Spotty basophilia
Localized basophilia
• Are electron-dense particles.
• Each ribosome is formed of a large subunit and a small
• Ribosomes are either:
a- Free ribosomes are not attached to membranous
organelles. The individual ribosomes are held together by a
strand of messenger (mRNA) to form polysomes or