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Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

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Arab International University

Faculty of Informatics Engineering

Introduction to


Dr.Tarek Barhoum


Course Objectives

 Recognize the major components that constitute an

embedded system

 Apply small programs to solve well-defined problems on

an embedded platform

 Practice familiarity with tools used to develop in an embedded

Course Outcomes
 Classify the differences between the general computing system and the
embedded system

 Become familiar with programming environment used to develop

embedded systems and also recognizes the key concepts of
embedded systems like IO, timers, interrupts, interaction with
peripheral devices

 Practice to do hardware/software co-design for embedded systems

5 Chapter 1 : Learning Objectives
 Learn what an Embedded System is

 Learn the difference between Embedded Systems and General


 Know the history of Embedded Systems

 Learn the classification of Embedded Systems based on performance,

complexity and the era in which they evolved

 Know the domains and areas of applications of Embedded Systems

 Understand the different purposes of Embedded Systems

 Analysis of a real life example on the bonding of embedded

technology with human life
1.1 What is an Embedded System?

 An ES is an electronic/electro-mechanical
system designed to perform a specific
 And a combination of both hardware and
output analog
firmware (software)
input analog
 Every ES is Unique and hardware as well as CPU

the firmware is highly specialized to the

embedded mem
application domain System
 ES are becoming an inevitable part of any
product or equipment in all fields including
household appliances, telecommunications,
medical equipment, industrial control,
consumer products, etc.
1.1 What is an Embedded System?
1.1 What is an Embedded System?
1.1 What is an Embedded System?
1.1 What is an Embedded System?


FIRST GEN:8 bit microprocessor (8085) & 4 bit microcontrollers. Simple

hardware circuits with firmware developed in assembly code.

SECOND GEN: built around 16 bit microprocessors and 8 or 16 bit micro

controllers. More complex & powerful . Embedded OS.

THIRD GEN:32 bit microprocessors & 16 bit microcontrollers. App

specific and domain specific like DSP.

FOURTH GEN:System on Chips(SOC) , reconfigurable processors , multi

core processors.
Classification (Complexity & Performance)

Simple in application needs,
Requirements are not time critical
Low performance & Low cost 8 bit processor.
Eg. Electronic toy

Highly complex hardware & software .
Medium performance
16 or 32 bit µp.
They usually contain an embedded operating system for functioning.

Highly complex hardware & software.
32 or 64 bit processors
They are used in Mission critical applications.
1.2 Comparison of ES & General Purpose Computing System
Criteria General Purpose Computer Embedded System
Contents A system which is a combination A system which is a combination of
of a generic hardware and a special purpose hardware and
General Purpose Operating System embedded OS/firmware for executing a
for executing a variety of specific set of applications
OS It contains a general It may or not contain an
purpose operating system operating system for functioning.
Alterations Applications are alterable by the Applications are not-alterable by
user. the user.
Key factor Performance is key factor. Application specific requirements are
key factors.
Power More Less
Response Time Not critical Critical for some applications
Execution Need not be deterministic Deterministic for certain types of ES
like ‘Hard Real Time’ systems.
1.5 Major Application Areas of
The application areas and the products in the embedded
domain are countless.
1. Consumer electronics: Camcorders, cameras, etc.
2. Household appliances: Television, DVD players, washing machine,
fridge, microwave oven, etc.
3. Home automation and security systems: Air conditioners, sprinklers,
intruder detection alarms, closed circuit television cameras, fire
alarms, etc.
4. Automotive industry: Anti-lock breaking systems (ABS), engine
control, ignition systems, automatic navigation systems, etc.
5. Telecom: Cellular telephones, telephone switches, handset
multimedia applications, etc.
1.5 Major Application Areas of
The application areas and the products in the embedded
domain are countless.
10 Cont’d
6. Computer peripherals: Printers, scanners, fax machines, etc.
7. Computer Networking systems: Network routers, switches,
hubs, firewalls, etc.
8. Healthcare: Different kinds of scanners, EEG, ECG machines etc.
9. Measurement & Instrumentation: Digital multi meters, digital CROs,
logic analyzers PLC systems, etc.
10. Banking & Retail: Automatic teller machines (ATM) and currency
counters, point of sales (POS).
11. Card Readers: Barcode, smart card readers, hand held devices, etc.

Logic analyzers PLC systems

Point of Sales (POS)

Hand Held Devices







1.6 Purpose of ES
 Each embedded system is designed to serve the purpose of any one or
combination of the following tasks:
1. Data collection/Storage/Representation
2. Data Communication
3. Data (signal) processing
4. Monitoring
5. Control
6. Application specific user interface
13 1. Data Collection/Storage/Representation

 Embedded systems designed for the purpose of data collection performs

acquisition of data from the external world.
 Data collection is usually done for storage, analysis, manipulation and
 Data can be either analog (continuous) or digital (discrete).
 Embedded systems with analog data capturing techniques collect data
directly in the form of analog signal whereas embedded systems with
digital data collection mechanism converts the analog signal to the digital
signal using analog to digital (A/D) converters and then collects the
binary equivalent of the analog data.
 If the data is digital, it can be directly captured without any additional
interface by digital embedded systems.
 A digital camera is a typical example of an embedded system with data
collection/storage/representation of data.
 Images are captured and the captured image may be stored within the
memory of the camera. The captured image can also be presented to the
user through a graphic LCD unit.

2. Data Communication
 Embedded data communication systems are deployed in
applications from complex satellite communication systems to
simple home networking systems.
 The transmission is achieved either by a wire-line medium or by a
wire-less medium.
 Data can either be transmitted by analog means or by digital means.

 The data collecting embedded terminal itself can incorporate data

communication units like Wireless modules (Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-
Fi, EDGE, GPRS, etc.) or wire-line modules (RS-232C, USB, TCP/IP,
 Network hubs, routers, switches, etc. are typical examples of
dedicated data transmission embedded systems.

3. Data (Signal) Processing

 Embedded systems with
signal processing functionalities are employed in applications demanding
signal processing like speech coding, synthesis, audio video codec,
transmission applications, etc.
 A digital hearing aid is a typical example of an embedded system
employing data processing.
 Digital hearing aid improves the hearing capacity of hearing
impaired persons.

4. Monitoring
 Almost all embedded products coming under the medical domain
are with monitoring functions only.
 Electro cardiogram machine (ECG) is intended to do the monitoring
of the heartbeat of a patient but it cannot impose control over the
 Other examples with monitoring function are digital CRO, digital
multimeters, and logic analyzers.

5. Control
 A system with control functionality contains both sensors and
 Sensors are connected to the input port for capturing the changes
environmental variable or measuring variable.
 The actuators connected to the output port are controlled according
to the changes in the input variable.
 Air conditioner system used in our home to control the room
temperature to a specified limit is a typical example for ES for
CONTROL purpose.

6. Applications specific user interface

 Buttons, switches, keypad, lights, speakers, display units, etc. are
application-specific user interfaces.
 Mobile phone is an example of application specific user interface.
 In mobile phone the user interface is provided through the keypad,
graphic LCD module, system speaker, vibration alert, etc.
20 Understanding Test Questions I

1. Embedded systems are

(a) General purpose (b) Special purpose
2. Embedded system is
(a) An electronic (b) A pure mechanical system
(c )system
An electro-mechanical system (d) (a) or ( c )
3. Which of the following is not true about embedded
(a) Built around specialized hardware
(b) Always contain an operating system
(c ) Execution behavior may be deterministic
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
21 Cont’d

4. Which of the following is (are) an intended purpose(s)

embedded systems? of
(a) Data collection (b) Data processing
(d) All of these (e) None of these (c ) Data communication

5. Which of the following is an (are) example(s) of embedded system

for data communication?
(a) USB Mass storage (b) Network router
device (c ) Digital camera (d) Music player
(e) All of these (f) None of these
6. A digital multi meter is an example of an embedded system
for (b) Monitoring
(a) Data communication
(c) Control (d) All of these
(e) None of these
22 Review Questions I

1. What is an embedded system? Explain the

different applications of embedded systems.

2. Explain the various purposes of embedded systems in

detail with illustrative examples.

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