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Operations Management: William J. Stevenson

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11-1 Inventory Management

Operations Management

William J. Stevenson

8th edition
11-2 Inventory Management



Operations Management, Eighth Edition, by William J. Stevenson

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
11-3 Inventory Management

Economic Order Quantity Models

 Economic order quantity model

 Economic production model
 Quantity discount model
11-4 Inventory Management

Assumptions of EOQ Model

 Only one product is involved

 Annual demand requirements known
 Demand is even throughout the year
 Lead time does not vary
 Each order is received in a single delivery
 There are no quantity discounts
11-5 Inventory Management

The Inventory Cycle

Figure 11.2

Profile of Inventory Level Over Time

Q Usage
Quantity rate
on hand


Receive Place Receive Place Receive
order order order order order
Lead time
11-6 Inventory Management

Total Cost

TC= Total annual cost

Q= Order quantity in units
H= Holding cost per unit
D= Annual Demand
S= Ordering cost

Annual Annual
Total cost = carrying + ordering
cost cost
Q + DS
TC = H
2 Q
11-7 Inventory Management

Cost Minimization Goal

Figure 11.4C

The Total-Cost Curve is U-Shaped

TC  H  S
Annual Cost

2 Q

Ordering Costs

Order Quantity
QO (optimal order quantity)
11-8 Inventory Management

Deriving the EOQ

Using calculus, we take the derivative of the total cost function

and set the derivative (slope) equal to zero and solve for Q.
The total cost curve reaches its minimum where the carrying
and ordering costs are equal.
2DS 2(Annual Demand)(Order or Setup Cost)
Q OPT = =
H Annual Holding Cost
Annual ordering cos t  S
Length of order cycle  Q / D
No. of orders per year  D / Q

QOPT= Optimum order quantity

Q= Order quantity in units
H= Holding cost per unit
D= Annual Demand
S= Ordering cost
11-9 Inventory Management


 A local distributor for a national tire company expects to
sell approximately 9600 steel-belted radial tires of a
certain size and tread design next year. Annual carrying
cost is $16 per tire, and ordering cost is $75. The
distributor operates 288 days a year.
 D= $ 9600 H= $ 16 S= $ 75
 a) What is the EOQ? Q OPT = 2DS  2(9600)75  300 tires
H 16
 b) No. Of orders per year=D/Q=9600/300=32
11-10 Inventory Management


 D= $ 9600 H= $ 16 S= $ 75
 c) Length of order cycle= Q/D= 300/9600

=1/32 of a year*288 =9 work days.

 d) Total Cost=Carrying cost+Ordering cost

=$ 4800
11-11 Inventory Management

Economic Production Quantity Assumptions

 Only one item is involved

 Annual demand is known

 Usage rate is constant

 Usage occurs continually

 Production rate is constant

 Lead time does not vary

 No quantity discounts
11-12 Inventory Management

Economic Run (Batch) Size

2 DS p
Qp 
H p u
I 
TC min  Carrying Cost  Setup Cost   max H   D / Q S
 2 
I max  Maximum inventory  ( p  u)
Cycle time 
Run time 

Qp= Optimum production quantity

H= Holding cost per unit
D= Annual Demand
S= Setup cost
P= Production or delivery rate
U= Usage rate
11-13 Inventory Management

Economic Run (Batch) Size Example

A toy manufacturer uses 48000 rubber wheels per year for its popular dump
truck series. The firm makes its own wheels, which it can produce at a rate of
800 per day. The toy trucks are assembled uniformly over the entire year.
Carrying cost is $ $1 per wheel a year. Setup cost for a production run of
wheels is $45. The firm operates 240 days per year.
D= 48000 S=$45 H=$1 per year p=800 wheels per day u= 48000 wheels
per 240 days or 200 wheels per day.
a)Optimal run size
2 DS p 2(48000)45 800
Qp    2400wheels
H p u 1 800  200
b) Minimum total annual cost
Qp 2400
I max  ( p  u)  (800  200)  1800 wheels
p 800
I  D  1800   4800 
TC min   max  H  
 
 S   1    45  $1800
 2  Q  2   2400 
11-14 Inventory Management

Economic Run (Batch) Size Example

D= 48000 S=$45 H=$1 per year p=800 wheels per day u= 48000 wheels
per 240 days or 200 wheels per day.

c) Qp
Cycle time   2400 wheels / 200wheels per day
Thus, a run of wheels will be made every 12 days.

Run time   2400 wheels / 800wheels per day  3days
Thus, each run will require three days to complete.

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