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Asking and Giving Directions

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Asking and

Giving directions
Where do you want to go?
Prepositions of directions
1. In front of =

2. Behind =

3. On =

4. In =
5. Beside =

6. Between =

7. Opposite =

8. Above =
9. Below =
10. Next to =

11. Across from =

12. Near =

13. Far =
Directions (คำสัง่ )
Turn left =

Turn right =
Go straight =

Go over =
Go under =
For example: Go over a bridge.
Asking directions
• How do I get to the KFC restaurant?
• Where is the Coffee Shop?
• Can you tell me where 7 eleven is?
Excuse me,
Pardon me, How do I get to the KFC restaurant?
I beg your pardon, Where is the coffee shop?
Sorry to botter you, Can you tell me where 7 eleven is?

Excuse me, how do I get to the KFC restaurant?

Pardon me, where is the Coffee Shop?
I beg your pardon, can you tell me where 7 eleven is?
Sorry to botter you, but where is the coffee shop?
Giving directions
• You can go straight and turn left.
• The Coffee Shop is next to the High School.
• 7 eleven is very near your house.
Of course, You can go straight and turn left.
Yes, why not? The Coffee Shop is next to the High
7 eleven is very near your house.

Sure, you can go straight and turn left.

Of course, the Coffee Shop is next to the High School.
Yes, why not? 7 eleven is very near your house.
Activity 1
Say the preposition:

1. in front of the house.

The car is __________
2. next to
The dog is _________ the house.
3. between the tree and the dog.
The house is _______
4. below the sun.
The dog is _________
5. behind the car.
The house is ________
6. above the dog.
The sun is _______
Activity 2
Fill in the prepositions:
1. between the Post Office and the Movie Theater.
The Drugstore is __________ On
2. The Police station is across from the Drugstore.
____________ Across from
3. The Hospital is far/near
______ from the Library. Far
4. opposite
The Train Station is _____________ the School. Near
5. turn Right
To go to First Street, _____ _______ from Central Avenue. Turn Right
6. The Bank is _________
next to the Police Station. Between
7. on
The Church is __________ the Second Street. Next to
8. beside the School.
The Restaurant is ________ Opposite
• Directions
• Conversation
• Lost
• Foreigner
• Landmark
• Map
• Location
Asking Directions Giving Directions

How can I get to the cinema? You can get there by car/bus/train/
sky train.
Excuse me, I’m new here. Yes, a little bit.
Can you speak English?
I’m a little lost. Can you help me please? Sure. Where would you like to go?

Do you know where the bank is? Yes, it’s just about 5-7 minutes from here.

Do you know where the bank is? I’m sorry. I have no idea.

Is the bank far from here? No, it’s just about 5-7 minutes from here.

Is the bank far from here? Yes. You should probably take a taxi.
Activity 1
• Divide yourselves into groups of 3 each.
• Allot the roles among each other.
• Enact a role-play similar to the example but
change the elements marked in red.
• 30 minutes is allowed for prep time.
• The best team will be awarded 5 points each per
• The second best team will be awarded 3 points
each per member.
Conversation between a Thai National and 2 Foreigners

• Alice : Excuse me. We are a bit lost. Can you speak English?
• Jan : Yes, but just a little. Can you speak slowly?
• Alice: Ok. Do you know if there is a hospital around here?
• Jan: Yes. Go straight along the road and turn right. There
you will see the hospital.
• Henry: Is it far from here?
• Jan: No. It’s just a few minutes.
• Henry: Is there any landmark?
• Jan: Yes. The hospital is opposite 7 eleven.
• Alice and Henry: Thanks a lot.
• Jan: You’re welcome.
Activity 2
• Draw your own town.
• Name your town.
• Create and mark roads and places (hospitals,
shops etc)
• Explain the directions of your town in about 5
• The name of my town is Terryville.
• The hospital is to the left of the library.
• The department store is across from Main
My Town

Create full sentences with prepositions using the given hints:

Hospital/Pet Shop: ....The Hospital is next to the Pet Shop....
1. Bank/ Flower Shop: ...................................................................................................
2. Restaurant/Rosa e Silva Avenue: ................................................................................
3. Toy Store/Music Store/Restaurant: ............................................................................
4. Fast Food Restaurant/School: .....................................................................................
5. Bookstore/Supermarket: ............................................................................................

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