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Course Title: E-Commerce

Lecture No: 3rd (Planning an E-Commerce Framework)

Mr. Bahar Hussain

CCNP (Security), DCG, DMD, Certified in VMware (Virtualization & Mobility),
Data Backup & Security , Specialist in Networks And Multimedia Graphics

Faculty Member
Hajvery University (HU)
Framework for Successful Ecommerce
Successful implementation of any ecommerce business is
dependent on implementing or adopting these seven key steps:
• Planning for E-commerce Business
• Technology Selection/Website Audit & Analysis
• Customer Acquisition
• Customer Engagement
• Customer Retention
• Optimizing Key Metrics, and
• Business Analysis & Customer Insights
Each of these steps has a positive and cascading effect on the other
steps and hence implementing each of them in the right priority and
in a phased manner is of utmost importance.
For an e-commerce business to get the maximum ROI on their
investment, it is the execution of these 7 steps around the 4 core
pillars that will be your mantra for success!
Strategic Business Planning and Roadmaps
Strategy is about making the right choices that will help reach the
stated business objectives.
There should to be a clear cut vision, mission and objective about
what will be achieved, in how much time, within what budget,
identification of the right resources for and constraints in the face of
execution of the strategy mentioned in the business plan, and what
elements will be considered for roadmap.
Knowledge and deep understanding of the digital marketing tools
and techniques that will help in reaching and acquiring customers is
required. Your business must reach out to customers who are online
across multiple dimensions and devices.
So, the assumptions considered in preparing the strategic business
plan should be in alignment with the ecommerce industry’s norms and
Technology Selection/ Website Audit and Analysis
In order to provide the maximum benefit to the end customer, your
chosen ecommerce technology should be fully capable of being
customizable, and be able to complement the business model, and adhere
to the existing best practices in offline retail.
If you’re a retailer taking the first-time plunge into ecommerce,
various functionalities on the e-commerce website should be carefully
thought over based on the industry, audience being targeted, various
customer segments who may be buying the offered products and services.
With respect to retailers who have implemented an ecommerce strategy
and have not yet received the rewards of the complete capability of the
ecommerce technologies, there needs be a complete assessment of how the
website can perform better by examining the store front and customer flow,
analysis of competing websites, identification and implementation of
solutions based on the gap analysis carried out (‘as-is’ and ‘to-be’). It is
equally important to measure and monitor the process that was made
because of the implementation of the suggested changes.
Customer Acquisition
Online or popular digital marketing encompasses multiple tools for
reaching out to the new generation of customers, who are actively
engaged in using multiple devices, through search engine
optimization, search engine marketing (paid advertisement that
includes both cost per click and cost per thousand impressions), social
media marketing (that includes both cost per click and cost per
thousand impressions), email campaigns, display advertisements using
various ad networks, referral programs and re-targeting campaigns.
Going by the sales principles of AIDA (awareness, interest, desire and
action), it’s important to note that the cost of customer acquisition will
be very high for brands and retailers that are newly establishing their
product offerings exclusively online.
However, for brands that are well established offline and are
pursuing ecommerce strategy, the cost of customer acquisition is
lesser compared to the new entrants.
Customer Engagement
Customers these days are actively seeking to engage with brands to
understand the core benefits and unique value proposition that the
brand offers, discount and offers during special seasons, a robust
support mechanism for queries/clarifications regarding the products
displayed and interaction with customer support executives to know
more about policies on returns and exchange, etc.
Engaging customers through various social media channels also
instills superior trust in the minds of customers.
Customer Retention
With the advent of sophisticated e-commerce technologies, new age
retailers will be able to leverage an almost one-to-one customer
experience and that’s the best a customer can really expect.
However, it should be noted that to fully leverage best-in-class
technology, there needs to be a constant effort to look out for features
and functionalities that will enhance the customer experience.
Optimization Based on key Metrics
Some of the key metrics to measure the health of an ecommerce
venture are the total revenue generated, cost of customer acquisition,
% of customers converted, and % of customers entering the website
through various channels.
However, these metrics may vary significantly based on the business
objectives and so every business needs a fully customized approach for
defining the key metrics and further analysis.
Once these are defined and there are a substantial number of customers
visiting the website, a deeper level of optimization is needed at 2 levels
– on the technology and the business front.
Technology – This generally includes optimizing the page load
speed, shopping cart, check-out and other web pages, a/b and
multivariate testing, etc. Creating unique and well-researched blog
content, refining the titles & headings in the content, and using
engaging meta descriptions are other ways to attract organic traffic to
your website.
• Business – Optimization here includes analysis of the total
revenues generated, total spends for running the e-commerce
operations, optimizing the gross net margins, conversion rates from
each of the various channels, customer loyalty and retention rates,
rate of repeat purchase, frequency of repeat customers (across
multiple dimensions), % of carts abandoned, etc.
• There are a lot of features and functionalities to helping online
retailers improve these numbers. There is a lot of research evidence
supporting the incorporation of features like reviews and ratings, and
display of the right products either through up-selling or cross-
• Based on the statistics, 47% of shoppers read product reviews
prior to their online purchases and 63% are more likely to buy from
websites with online reviews or ratings [1]. Similarly, online
companies that leverage a recommendation system can increase
sales by 8-10%.
Business Analysis and Customer Insights 
The final step in the entire process is about fine-tuning and
understanding the product categories that have performed well
compared to other products displayed in the web store. Assessing this
is crucial since each of these categories and products within those
categories occupy the prime real estate in the online world – the web
• It also should consist of understanding the customer segments,
demographics, profitable customers, source of channels through
which the profitable customers came to the web store, % of revenue
each profitable customer contributes to and the marketing spends
that has gone into acquiring these customers.
• These metrics are only a small representation of a larger list that
can be optimized further. These metrics vary based on the business
needs and require a customized approach for defining, monitoring
and optimization.
In today’s “compete hard or perish” environment a holistic e-
commerce strategy, if planned and executed well, can be an important
means of bolstering revenues, increasing brand awareness, providing
best in class support and shopping experience to the new generation of
The successful implementation of an e-commerce strategy helps in
gaining a competitive edge over the existing competitors, no matter
whether they are online or offline.
It’s evident: a clear winner in the game of e-commerce power play
will be one who understands the role of deep integration of these 4
core pillars along with the importance of executing a 7 step approach
around these pillars.

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