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4 Adrenergic and Anti-Adrenergic Drugs

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The text discusses the divisions of the human nervous system into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and describes their functions and involvement with different neurotransmitters.

The main divisions of the human nervous system discussed are the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The main neurotransmitters involved in the sympathetic nervous system are norepinephrine and epinephrine, while the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system is acetylcholine.

Adrenergic and anti-adrenergic

Divisions of human nervous system
Nervous system
• Sympathomimetic or adrenergic in
sympathetic nervous system—
neurotransmitters are ____________
• Parasympathomimetic or cholinergic are used
to describe parasympathetic system—
neurotransmitter is _____________
Drugs Acting on the Sympathetic Nervous System
Drugs Acting on the Parasympathetic Nervous System
• Eyes: pupillary dilation
• CNS: ↑ drive
↑ Alertnes
• Saliva: little, viscous
• Bronchi: dilation
• Heart: ↑ rate
↑ force
↑ blood pressure
• Skin: perspiration (cholinergic)
• Fat tissue: Lipolysis, fatty acid liberation.
• Liver: glycogenolysis, glucose release
• Bladder: ↑ Sphincter tone
↓ detrusor muscle
• GI-tract ↓peristalsis ↓ blood flow ↑ sphincter tone
• Skeletal muscle: ↑ blood flow ↑ glycogenolysis
• Eyes: Accommodation for near vision, miosis
• Saliva: copious, liquid
• Bronchi: constriction, ↑ secretion
• Heart: ↓ rate↓ blood pressure
• GI tract: ↑ secretion ↑ peristalsis ↓ sphincter tone
• Bladder: ↓ sphincter tone ↑ detrusor
Sympathetic nervous system
Fight or flight response results in:
1. Increased BP
2. Increased blood flow to brain, heart and
skeletal muscles
3. Increased muscle glycogenolysis for energy
4. Pupil dilation

• 2. Decreased flow to viscera: Also increased rate and depth of respiration,

increased blood sugar, increased mental acuity, increased muscle strength
• Hydroxylation of tyrosine is the rate- limiting step


• Dopamine enters a vesicle and is converted to norepinephrine.
• Norepinephrine is protected from degradation in the vesicle.
• Transport into the vesicle is inhibited by reserpine.

• Influx of calcium causes fusion of the vesicle with the cell membrane in a process known as exocytosis.
• Release is blocked by quanethidine and bretylium

• Postsynaptic receptor is activated by the binding of neurotransmitter.

• Released norepinephrine is rapidly taken into the neuron.
• Reuptake is inhibited by cocaine and imipramine.


• Norepinephrine is methylated by COMT and oxidized by MAO.

Adrenergic receptors
• Alpha—A1 and A2
• Beta—B1, B2, B3

• Alpha 1 receptors are in blood vessels, kidney, liver, pregnant

uterus, male sexual organs, intestinal smooth muscle. Causes
vasoconstriction, decreased renin secretion , uterine contraction
• Alpha 2—Inhibits release of norepinephrine. affects vascular
smooth muscle, inhibits insulin secretion, platelet aggregation
• B1—affects heart and kidneys
• B2—affects lungs, liver, blood vessel vasodilation, decreased
motility and tone
• Dopamine—blood vessels of kidneys, heart, viscera; brain
Review of functions of sympathetic
nervous system receptors
• Alpha 1—smooth muscle contraction
• Alpha 2-negative feedback causes less
norepinephrine to be released so BP is
• Beta 1—increased heart rate
• Beta 2—bronchodilation
• Beta 3—actual site for lipolysis
Mechanisms of action and effects of
adrenergic drugs
• Direct adrenergic drug action
• Affects postsynaptic alpha 1 and beta
receptors on target effector organs
• Examples: epinephrine, norepinephrine,
Mechanisms of action cont.
• 2. Indirect adrenergic drug action occurs by
stimulation of postsynaptic alpha 1, beta 1
and beta 2 receptors.Cause release of
norepinephrine into the synapse of nerve
endings or prevent reuptake of
• Examples include cocaine and TCAs
Mechanisms of action cont.
• 3. mixed action. Combination of direct and
indirect receptor stimulation
• Examples are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine
Mechanisms of action cont.
• Stimulation of alpha 2 receptors in CNS is
useful in decreasing BP
• Most body tissues have both alpha and beta
• Effect occurs 2ndary to receptor activated and
number of receptors in the particular body
Mechanisms of action cont.
• Some drugs act on both
receptors(nonselective) --dopamine
• Some are selective--Isoproterenol
Indications for use
• Emergency drugs in treatment of acute
cardiovascular, respiratory and allergic disorders
• In children, epinephrine may be used to treat
bronchospasm due to asthma or allergic reactions
• Phenylephrine may be used to treat sinus congestion
• Stokes Adams (Syncope 2* Heart Block)
• Shock
• For vasoconstrictive and hemostatic purposes
Note: Phenylephrine can cause rebound congestion
Contraindications to use of
• Coronary Artery Diseases, Angina Pectoris
• Hypertension
• Hyperthyroidism
• Cerebrovascular disease
Individual adrenergic drugs
• Epinephrine—prototype
• Effects include: increased BP, increased heart
rate, relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle,
vasoconstriction in peripheral blood vessels

Note: Vasoconstriction shunts blood to heart and brain

• Increased glucose, lactate, and fatty acids in
the blood due to metabolic effects

• Inhibition of insulin secretion

• Affects both alpha and beta receptors
• Usual doses, beta adenergic effects on heart
and vascular smooth muscle will predominate,
high doses, alpha adrenergic effects will
• Drug of choice for bronchospasm and
laryngeal edema of anaphylaxis
• Excellent for cardiac stimulantion and
vasoconstrictive effects in cardiac arrest
• Added to local anesthetic
• May be given IV, inhalation, topically
• Not PO
• Physiologic antagonist to histamine
• Those on beta blockers may need larger doses
• Drug of choice in Pulseless Electrical Activity
• PEA (pulse electrical activity)
Other adrenergics
• Ephedrine is a mixed acting adrenergic drug.
Stimulates alpha and beta receptors. Longer
lasting than epinephrine.
• Seen in Primatene mist as a nasal
• Used for bronchodilating and nasal
decongestant effects in OTC cold products
isuprel (Isoproterenol)
• Synthetic catecholamine that acts on beta 1
and 2 receptors
• Stimulates heart, dilates blood vessels in
skeletal muscle and causes bronchodilation
• No alpha stimulation
• Used in heart blocks (when pacemaker not
available) and as a bronchodilator
Toxicity of adrenergics in critically ill
• Affects renal perfusion
• Can induce cardiac dysrhythmias
• Increases myocardial oxygen consumption
• May decrease perfusion of liver
• Sympatholytic
• Block or decrease the effects of sympathetic
nerve stimulation, endogenous
catecholamines and adrenergic drugs
Antiadrenergics—mechanisms of
action and effects
• Can occur by blocking alpha 1 receptors
• Or by stimulation presynaptic alpha 2
receptors. Results in return of norepineprhine
to presynaptic site. Activates alpha 2 resulting
in negative feedback. Decreases release of
additional norepinephrine.
Alpha-Adrenergic Agonists and
blocking agents
• Alpha 2 agonists inhibit release of
norepinephrine; thus, decrease effects on
entire body
• Results in decrease of BP
Alpha 1 adrenergic blocking agents
• Act on skin, mucosa, intestines, lungs and
kidneys to prevent vasoconstriction
• Effects: dilation of arterioles and veins,
decreased blood pressure and pupillary
constriction; increases motility of GI tract
Alpha 1 adrenergic blocking agents
• May activate reflexes that oppose fall in BP
such as fluid retention and increased heart
• Can prevent alpha medicated contraction of
smooth muscle in nonvascular tissues
• Thus, useful in treating BPH as inhibit
contraction of muscles in prostate and
Alpha 1 antagonists
• Minipress (prazosin)—prototype.
• Hytrin (terazosin) and Cardura (doxazosin)—
both are longer acting than Minipress.
Alpha 1 antagonists cont.
• Flomax (tamsulosin). Used in BPH. Produces
smooth muscle relaxation of prostate gland
and bladder neck. Minimal orthostatic
Alpha 2 agonists
• Catapres (clonidine). PO or patch.
• Tenex (guanfacine)
• Aldomet (methyldopa). Can give IV. Caution in
renal and hepatic impairment.
Beta adrenergic blocking medications
• Prevent receptors from responding to
sympathetic nerve impulses, catecholamines
and beta adrenergic drugs.
Effects of beta blocking drugs
• Decreased heart rate
• Decreased force of contraction
• Decreased CO
• Slow cardiac conduction
• Decreased automaticity of ectopic
Effects of beta blocking drugs
• Decreased renin secretion from kidneys
• Decreased BP
• Bronchoconstriction
Effects of beta blocking agents
• Decreased production of aqueous humor in
• May increase VLDL and decrease HDL
• Diminished portal pressure in clients with
Indications for use
• Alpha 1 blocking agents are used for tx of
hypertension, BPH, in vasospastic disorders,
and in persistent pulmonary hypertension in
the newborn
• May be useful in treating pheochromocytoma
• May be used in Raynaud’s or frostbite to
enhance blood flow
Indications for use
• Alpha 2 agonists are used for hypertension—
Beta blocking medications
• Mainly for cardiovascular disorders (angina,
dysrhythmias, hypertension, MI and
• In angina, beta blockers decrease myocardial
oxygen consumption by decreasing rate, BP
and contractility. Slow conduction both in SA
node and AV node.
Beta blockers
• Possibly work by inhibition of renin,
decreasing cardiac output and by decreasing
sympathetic stimulation
• May worsen condition of heart failure as are
negative inotropes
• May reduce risk of “sudden death”
Beta blockers
• Decrease remodeling seen in heart failure
• In glaucoma, reduce intraocular pressur by
binding to beta-adrenergic receptors in ciliary
body, thus decrease formation of aqueous
Beta blockers
• Inderal (propranolol) is prototype
• Useful in treatment of hypertension,
dysrhythmias, angina pectoris, MI
• Useful in pheochromocytoma in conjunction
with alpha blockers (counter catecholamine
• migraines
Receptor selectivity
• Acetutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, esmolol, and
metoprolol are relatively cardioselective
• These agents lose cardioselection at higher
doses as most organs have both beta 1 and
beta 2 receptors
Non-Receptor selectivity
• Carteolol, levobunolol, metipranolol, nadolol,
propranolol, sotalol and timolol are all non-
• Can cause bronchoconstriction, peripheral
vasoconstriction and interference with
Specific conditions-alpha agonists and
• In tx for BPH, patient should be evaluated for
prostate cancer
• With alpha 2 agonists, sudden cessation can
cause rebound BP elevation
• With alpha 1 blockers, first dose syncope may
occurr from hypotension. Give low starting
dose and at hs. May also cause reflex
tachycardia and fluid retention.
Note: May need diuretics
Special conditions—beta blocers
• Should be discontinued gradually. Long term
blockade results in increase receptor
sensitivity to epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Can result in severe hypertension. Taper 1-2
• Patient with asthma, cardioselectivity is
Ethnic considerations
• Monotherapy in African Americans is less
effective than in Caucasians.

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