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Healthy Eating Habits

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H ealt hy

Eati n g
L e s s o n 3.1


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you will be

able to:
1.Evaluate a personal food log
based on dietary
recommendati ons
2. Interpret food labels
3. Criti que health claims of
food products and popular
dietary practi ces
4. Evaluate 3-day food log
based on
Eati ng Habits 03

According to Encyclopedia 2014, the term

eati ng habits (or food habits ) refers to why
and how people eat, which foods they eat,
and with whom they eat, as well as the ways
people obtain, store, use, and discard food.
And it’s multi factor that infl uences the way
people eat; individual, social, cultural,
religious, economic, environmental, and
Healthy eating
C o n s u m i n g diff erent
s o u rc e s of food that
g i v e s your body
the nutrients to
sustain health,
fi tness, and e n e rg y
carbohydrates, fat,
water, vitamins, and
minerals are the ve r y
nutrients that your
body needs.

from the Lati n word “nutire”, meaning to
“nourish” is very vital especially in
maintaining a healthy weight, more when
being physically active.
A s defi ned by Zimmerman and Snow
(2012), it is the sum of all
processes involved in obtaining
nutrients for life support.
And to keep your body strong and
it is recommended for you to eat well

Mac ronutrients )

-Nutrients that are needed in large amounts.

C l a s s e s of macronutrients are:
Macronutrients carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water.

Carbohydrates Simple sugars include sucrose, the type of sugar

you would have in a bowl on the breakfast table, and
glucose, the type of sugar that circulates in your
are molecules composed blood.
Complex sugars are long chains of simple sugars
of carbon, hydrogen and that can be branched or unbranched.
oxygen. And is classifi ed T h e major food s o u rc es of
into two basic forms: carbohydrates are grains, milk,
fruits, and sta rc hy vegetables like
simple and complex sugar. potatoes.
Are also a family of molecules
composed of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen, but unlike
carbohydrates, they are insoluble
in water.
T h i s nutrient is responsible for
the sto ra ge of energy, s e r ve
a s cell membrane for organ
protecti on and temperature
regulati on and other body
functi on.
S o u rc e s are butt er, oils, meats,
dairy products, nuts, and
seeds, and in many processed
are macromolecules composed of
chains of subunits called amino acids
( carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and
nitrogen ) providing structure to
bones, muscles and skin, and play a
role in conducting most of the
chemical reactions that take place in
the body.
Protein can be found in meats,
dairy products, seafood, and a
variety of different plant - based
foods, most
W ater
the kind of nutrient that the body
needs in large amount composed
of two hydrogen and one oxygen.
Present in the body for about 60
percent of the total body weight
which is mainly responsible for
transportation of other nutrients in the
body and other benefits.


Are nutrients needed to be

present in the body in smaller
amounts, but are very essential in

Micronutrients carrying out bodily functions.

Micronutrients include all the essenti al
minerals and vitamins, they play
many roles a s c o e n z y m e s producing
energy, d i ge sti ng nutrients, and
building macromolecules.
Calcium, potassium, and iron
they are critical for enzyme function as protection against
harmful free radicals, build bone tissue, hormone
synthesis, maintain fluid balance, transmit nerve
impulses, contract and relax muscles.

Are required to perform many functions in
the body such as making red blood cells,
synthesizing bone tissue, and playing a role
in normal vision, nervous system function,
and immune system function.
They work together with enzymes for
better health condition.
They are either fat- soluble or water -
water - soluble ( vitamin C and all the B
vitamins ) and fat - soluble (vitamins A, D, E,
and K).

A. FA D Diets
Fa d diets are trending, popular for losing weights. T h e y typically promise rapid

weight loss and other health benefi ts based on no evidence or what so ever.

1. At k i n sthere
However, dietare– some
the sm o st famous
o called Fa d diets that have been shown to produce
low car weight lose diet. It
weight loss of four stages
in controlled , including
studies. T h e s e diets can be healthy and well
an initial two-week Inducti on
h a s e that restricts
Here are some: ca rbs 2 0
g ra m s per day, while allowing
unlimited amount of protein and
2.Vegan diet – have become
popular among people who wants
to lose weight. They ’ve been
criti cized for being unbalanced
and extreme because they
contain no animal products, but
on the other hand they’ve also
been praised for being ethical and
healthy way of eati ng.

3.5:2 diet – also called the fast

diet is a type of inti mate in
fasti ng also known as alternate
day fasti ng.
o f b a l a n c i n g
a m a t t e r
t h y d i e t i s e a te n .
g a h e a l d t h a t i s
Achievin n d q u a n t i t y o f fo o
t v a lu e s i n
u a l i t y a m p o r t a n
the q c a l c u l a t e i
f e r e n t a ge
e ar e t o o l s t o
a l t h f o r d i f
T h e r t i m u m h e t h e
e e t t h e o p o u l d b e
r t o m o n s id e r w
orde t h i n g t o c A s ) , a n d t h e n
i r s t ( R D
groups. F a i l y A ll o w a n c e
e I n t a k e s
m e n d e d D R e f e r e n c
Recom d t h e D i e t a r y
q u i r e m e n ts
u l d a d a g e R e
we co t i m a t e d A v e r
it s ( U L s ) .
) , t h e E s p e r L i m
(DRIs e T o l e r a b l e U p
s ) , a n d t h

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