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Phlebotomy Basics

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The key takeaways are that phlebotomy involves collecting blood samples through venipuncture for diagnostic and treatment purposes. It has been practiced since ancient times and involves correctly identifying veins and arteries. A phlebotomist's main roles are to perform venipuncture accurately and efficiently to obtain reliable test results while ensuring patient and their own safety.

The process of phlebotomy involves collecting blood, typically through venipuncture of the veins in the arm. It dates back to ancient Egypt and involves translating blood from the veins. The main reasons for collecting blood are for diagnosis and treatment of diseases as well as for blood donation.

The main roles and responsibilities of a phlebotomist are to perform venipuncture accurately and efficiently to obtain reliable test results, provide quality patient care, ensure patient and phlebotomist safety, and maintain patient confidentiality.

Phlebotomy: Venipuncture

What does it mean?
Process of collecting blood

Dates back to ancient Egypt

Bloodletting-”bad” blood

Greek translation
Phlebos- vein
Tome –incision
Why collect blood?
Diagnosis and treatment of disease

Therapeutic purposes

Blood donation
The Medical Assistant’s Role
Perform venipuncture accurately and
Reliable test results
Provide quality care
Patient safety and confidentiality
Phlebotomist safety (PPE)
Anatomy and Physiology of the Circulatory
Blood forms in body’s organs and
bone marrow
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients
to cells and removes waste products
and carbon dioxide
(Review your terminology textbook Hematology and
Do you know?
The difference between an
artery and a vein?
Circulatory System Cont’d
Arteries and Veins
Arteries Veins
Carry oxygenated Carry deoxygenated
blood away from the blood to the heart
Pulse No pulse
Thick walls Thin elastic walls
No Valves Valves
Circulatory System Cont’d
Body contains about 6 liters of blood
Forty-five percent of blood is formed elements
Thrombocytes (platelets)
Two mL of blood will yield about 1 mL of fluid
Liquid part of blood is plasma
Important Terms
Fibrinogen –substance in blood
Converted by the blood clotting process to
Fibrin- “sticky” web like substance –traps
the formed elements-result is a “blood clot”
Serum- clear liquid portion of blood
extracted from the “blood clot” used for
many tests
Important Terms
Anticoagulant-used to prevent blood
from clotting. Found in certain blood
Buffy coat-layer separating plasma
from RB
Centrifuge- machine which spins
blood separating the RBC from the
Anatomy and Physiology
of the Circulatory System

Centrifuge separates serum from blood

Anticoagulant prevents blood from clotting to produce
plasma specimen
Buffy coat
Phlebotomy Sites
Order of Draw by sites
Arm-Antecubital Space includes
Median cubital


Veins in hand
Veins in feet
Preferred Sites in the arm
Arteries of Arm
Note locations of arteries in the
arm. You DO NOT want to draw
from an artery
How can you distinguish an artery from a
Venipuncture Methods
There are three main methods of
drawing blood
Vacuum Tube


Evacuated Tube Method
This method includes:
Vacutainer tube
Double-pointed Needle
Features of this method are:
Closed system - needle stick risk low
Vacuum draws blood inside the tube
Safety needles meet OSHA guidelines
Venipuncture Technique
Butterfly collection system
Combines benefits of syringe and vacuum methods
Used for small or fragile veins that are difficult to draw
Winged needle inserted at about 5° angle then threaded
into vein

Syringe method
Used for small or fragile veins
Control flow
Venipuncture Equipment

Safety needles
 Required
 Protects patient and health care worker
Equipment/Supplies Needed
Physician order and Lab requisition form

Pen –black ink

Appropriate PPE (gloves, gown, goggles)

Needle holder and Needle (varying sizes)

Tubes –varying sizes and types used

More Equipment/Supplies
Tourniquet or blood pressure cuff
Constrict flow of blood in arm
Make veins more prominent

Alcohol or Betadine

Cotton balls or gauze-(preferred)

Bandages or tape
Order of draw
Why? Prevent carryover or contamination - Order
may vary between laboratories.
Basic order:
Sterile- sterile specimens
Light blue-sodium citrate
Red or plain tubes no additives or gel
SST –Serum separator tube (Red/Gray, Yellow)
Green –heparin
Gray –oxalate-fluoride
Venipuncture Equipment
Additives, anticoagulants, and gels
 Thixotropic separator gel >>
 Separator gel tube: centrifuging process
 Glass particles activate clotting
Venipuncture Equipment
Specimen collection trays
 Hold all equipment necessary
 Carts also used
Venipuncture Technique
A Phlebotomist needs to use all these skills:
 Technical skills
 Prepare for the draw-equipment (spare tubes)
 Positioning the patient
 Administrative skills
 Note order-required tests and
 Complete the lab requisition
 Social skills
 Small talk (weather, pets, entertainment)
 Good Therapeutic Communication
 Assess patient comfort level
 Put patient at ease-show confidence
 Ask about past experiences
Preparing the patient
Identify yourself and explain the procedure
Properly Identify your patient ask them to:
State their name and date of birth
For non-English speaking photo ID
Note fasting or non-fasting
Ask patient about allergies
Taking blood thinners
Past Experiences
Remember to

Wash your hands

The Draw
Position your patient for safety:
lie down
(note past history of fainting or loss of consciousness)

Select the appropriate site and vein free of:

A Pulse
The Draw Cont’d
Find site that will give best blood return
(remember the location order)
Palpate vein with tip of finger
Differentiating between veins, tendons,
and nerves
Use the tourniquet appropriately
Proper Tourniquet Technique
To prevent inaccurate blood test results-do
not leave on longer than one minute
Tourniquet may be applied over clothing
for patient comfort
Remove tourniquet when blood flow is
achieved or prior to inserting last tube
Always remove tourniquet prior to
removing needle
Proper completion of draw
Remove tourniquet

Remove needle and apply safety device while

Applying pressure to site (patient can assist)

Bandage appropriately

Tend to the safety of your patient

Label specimen tubes in front of patient

Venipuncture Technique
Patient and specimen
 Computer label >>

 Compare lab requisition

with patients information
Important Tips
Do Not draw from a resistant patient

Do Not draw if you are not comfortable

Uncooperative children must receive

special care and be restrained for safety

Note Patient reactions, stop if patient
complains of pain-assess patient
Venipuncture Technique
The unsuccessful venipuncture
Reposition tube and needle
 Rotate needle Advance further into vein
Try another tube-maybe the tube is
If you haven’t succeeded in getting blood
after 2 tries ask someone else to try
Venipuncture Technique
Factors affecting laboratory values
Incorrect specimen handling and storage
Drawing procedure incorrect
Alcohol in specimen
Tourniquet on too long

Wrong tube

Tubes not filled to appropriate levels will cause

inaccurate test results
Patient Factors Affecting Lab
Blood Alcohol-elevate Hemolysis-destroys RBC’s
results Heparin-incorrect use
Diurnal rhythm-RX or daily interferes with results
activity level Stress-Increase in WBC’s
Exercise-runner’s anemia, Tourniquet on too long-
change results dilution hemoconcentration
Fasting (not)-inaccurate
Challenging Patients
The child, parents or guardians
Approach-explain –get down to their level
Resistant-restraints ?
Physical-skin, hearing or vision impaired
Effects of disease-stroke, arthritis, Parkinson’s –tremors,
Safety issues-wheelchairs, balance
More Challenges
Dialysis or Cancer patients -fistulas
and shunts
(AV-arteriovenous-permanent access for
Long-Term Care patients, Home Care,
or Hospice Patients
Traveling phlebotomists
Problem Sites
Burns, Scars, Tattoos
Damaged Veins (sclerosed-thrombosed)
Edema-swelling due to abnormal
accumulation of fluid
Hematoma-swelling or mass of blood
Mastectomy-caution lymph node removal
Complications or Conditions
Allergies-adhesive, antiseptic, latex
Excessive bleeding due to medications,
Nausea and vomiting
Pain while drawing-what is normal –what is
NOT-stopping the draw
Seizures/Convulsions-stop draw immediately-get
Comprehensive Medical Assisting 4th Edition

Clinical Medical Assisting: A professional, Field

Smart Approach to the Workplace, Textbook and

Phlebotomy Essentials 4th Edition

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