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Flexible Pavement: Click To Edit Master Title Style

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Flexible Pavement
• Types, causes and maintenance
of its failure

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Types Master
failures title style
in Flexible Pavement
1. Alligator cracking or Map cracking (Fatigue)
2. Consolidation of pavement layers (Rutting)
3. Shear failure cracking
4. Longitudinal cracking
5. Frost heaving
6. Lack of binding to the lower course
7. Reflection cracking
8. Formation of waves and corrugation
9. Bleeding
10. Pumping
11. Edge cracking and shoulder drop off
12. Slippage Cracks

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Types edit Master
Causes oftitle stylein Flexible Pavement

1. Alligator cracking or Map cracking (Fatigue)

• This is a common type of failure of flexible pavements. This is also
known as fatigue failure.
• A series of interconnected cracks are observed due to such distress.
• Followings are the primary causes of this type of failure.
• Relative movement of pavement layer material
• Repeated application of heavy wheel loads
• Swelling or shrinkage of subgrade or other layers due to moisture
• Repair – Crack filling and Sealcoating can be done.

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2. Consolidation of pavement layers:
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• Formation editfalls inMaster title
this type of failure. A rutstyle
is a depression or
groove worn into a road by the travel of wheels.
• This type of failure is caused due to following reasons.
• Repeated application of load along the same wheel path resulting
longitudinal ruts.
• Wearing of the surface course along the wheel path resulting shallow
• Repair - Minor surface rutting can be filled with micro paving or paver
placed surface treatment deeper ruts may be shimmed with a truing
and levelling course, with an overlay placed over the shim.

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3. Shear failure cracking
• If the shearing resistance of the pavement is low, the shear
4. Longitudinal cracking
• This types of cracks extents to the full
failure cracking occurs, as shown in fig. 9. The upheaval of thickness of pavement.
pavement materials is caused by the formation of cracks. The
inadequate stability or excessively heavy loading contributes to • The following are the primary causes of
the poor shear resistance of the pavement mixture. longitudinal cracking.

• Differential volume changes in subgrade

• Settlement of fill materials
• Sliding of side slopes

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5. Frost Heaving
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• Depending upon the groundwater and climatic conditions, a localized heaving up of a portion of pavement takes place
due to the action of frost, as shown in fig.

6. Lack of binding with the lower course:

• If the surface course is not properly keyed or bound with the lower course, slipping occurs and it leads to the loss of
pavement materials forming patches or potholes, as shown in fig.

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7. Reflection cracking:
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• When a bituminous overlay is provided over the existing cement concrete pavement and if due to some reason, the cement
concrete pavement fails, the same pattern of cracks in the form of reflection cracks is seen on the bituminous overlay, as
shown in fig.

Section AB for reflection cracking

8.  Formation of waves and corrugations:

• The formation of waves and corrugations on the flexible pavement surface takes places for the following reasons:
• excessive speed of vehicles combined with harmonic spring action;
• defective rolling:
• spongy foundation or sub-base; and
• use of unsuitable binding materials.

Corrugation 7 7
9. Bleeding
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• Excess edit Master title style
binder occurring on
the pavement surface causes bleeding.
Bleeding causes a shiny, glass-like,
reflective surface that may be tacky to
the touch. Usually found in the wheel
• Repair- Minor bleeding can often be
corrected by applying coarse sand to
blot up the excess asphalt binders.
• Major bleeding can be corrected by
cutting off excess asphalt with a motor
grader or removing at with a heater

Water Bleeding

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10. Pumping 11. Edge cracking and shoulder drop off
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• Seeping Master
ejection title
of water and finesstyle • Edge Cracks travel along the inside
from beneath the pavement through edge of a pavement surface within one
cracks is called pumping. or two feet.
• The most common cause for this type of
crack is poor drainage conditions and
lack of support at the pavement edge.
• As a result underlying base materials
settle and become weakened.

Water Pumping
9 9
12. Slippage Cracks
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• Slippage cracks are crescent-shaped or horse shoe shaped cracks or tears in the
surface layer.
• It is the asphalt where the new material has slipped over the underlying course.
• It is caused by a lack of bonding between layers.
• Acceleration, deceleration and sudden brakes on the road are leads to slippage
• Repair - The most common repair for these issues are full depth asphalt

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Maintenance title style
and Repair of failures in pavement
2. Asphalt Overlay
1. Bituminous Surface treatment:- • Asphalt overlay is a paving method of
• Also known as a seal coat or chip seal, is a thin protective wearing applying a new layer of asphalt to a
surface that is applied to a pavement or base course. deteriorating surface.
• An asphalt overlay project will use the
• It is provided to protect the underlying pavements, improved skid
resistances etc. existing layers as a base for the new
asphalt pavement.
• A BST offers preventive maintenance from the effects of sun and • Some asphalt surfaces with severe
water, both of which may deteriorate the road.
damage like rutting, potholes, large
cracks, and expansions will need to be
milled before an overlay is applied.

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3. Slurry Seals 4. Crack Seals
• Slurry seals is a homogenous mixture of • Crack seal products are used to fill
emulsified asphalt, water, well-graded individual pavement cracks.
fine aggregate and mineral filler that has • It is used to prevent entry of water or
a creamy fluid-like appearance when other noncompressible substances such
applied. as sand, dirt, rocks or weeds.
• Slurry seals are used to fill existing • Crack sealant is typically used on early
pavement surface defects as either a
stage longitudinal cracks, transverse
preparatory treatment for other
cracks, reflection cracks and block cracks.
maintenance treatments or as a wearing
course. • Crack filler material is typically some form
of rubberized asphalt or sand slurry

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