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Physiology of Renal System

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Physiology of
Renal System

Abu ahmed
Functions of the kidneys
 The kidneys are vital organs
that perform a variety of
important functions, these are:-
1. Excretion of metabolic
products & foreign substances:-
 Urea from amino acid metabolism
Uric acid from nucleic acids
Creatinine from muscles
 End products of hemoglobin
Hormone metabolites
Foreign substances (e.g. drugs)
2. Regulation of body fluid
osmolarity & volume.
3. Regulation of electrolyte balance.
4.Regulation of PH (acid-base
balance) by 3 mechanisms:-
1. Reabsorption of HCO3-
2. Synthesis of new HCO3-
3. Secretion of H+
4.Regulation of arterial blood
5. Endocrine functions:-
 Renin (activates the renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system)
Erythropoietin (stimulates red
blood cell formation by bone
Prostaglandins (modulation of renal
blood flow ).
Activation of vitD.
6. Gluconeogenesis.
Renal anatomy
The kidneys are paired (weight about
150 g), bean-shaped organs located in
the posterior abdomen, on either side of
the vertebral column , Outside the
Each kidney consist of two
 Cortex:- outer part

 Medulla:- inner part

Medulla consist of:-

 Pyramids
 Calyces

 Renal pelvis
Structure of the kidney
The Nephron
 Is the functional unit of the kidney.
 Each kidney is made up of about (1- 1.5)
million nephrons.
 The kidney can not regenerate new
Structure of Nephron
Consists of:-
1.Glomeruli ( a tuft of Glomerular
2.Tubules which are divided in to:-
1. Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT).
2. Loop of Henle:- which consist of:-
a. Descending limb
b. Thin & thick ascending limb .
3. Distal convoluted tubule (DCT).
4. Collecting duct:- is made up of
principle cells (p- cells) and
intercalated cells (I- cells).
Structure of nephron
Types of Nephron
 There are two types:-
1.Cortical Nephron:-
 85% of all nephrons in human
 Their glomeruli are found higher
up in the cortex.
 short loop of Henle.
2. Juxtamedullary Nephron:-
 15% of all nephrons in human kidney.

 Their glomeruli are located close to

renal medulla.
 long loop of Henle.
Renal Circulation
 Blood reaches the kidneys from
the abdominal aorta through the
following blood vessels:-
 renal artery.
 Segmental artery
 Interlobar artery.
 Arcuate artery (cross the
border between the cortex and
the medulla).
 Interlobular artery.
Afferent arteriole
Glomerular capillaries.
Efferent arteriole.
Peritubular capillaries (surround
the PCT & DCT).
Vasa recta (descend into the
renal medulla).
Then the blood is drained by
equivalent veins.
Blood Supply of the Kidney
Renal Blood Flow (RBF)
about 1.2 L/min (20-25% )of
cardiac output.
Directed mainly to the cortex:-
(90%) to the cortex, only
(10%) to the medulla.

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