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Oman College of Health Sciences

Foundation Programme

Level 1
Trimester 1

Prepared by: Alexandra Costantine


The students will be able to :

• learn the grammatical rules governing the
correct use of definite and indefinite articles of
• demonstrate linguistic competence in the correct
use of definite and indefinite articles;
• use correct articles in sentences.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• use the grammatical rules of definite and
indefinite articles in constructing English

Unit 29
Articles (1)
• The English langauage has three articles:
‘a’ – ‘an’ – ‘the’
•Each of these articles is used before a noun.
‘ a’ and ‘an’:
These articles are known as the ‘ indefinite
articles’ because they do not specify which noun
you are talking about.
‘ the’:
This article is known as ‘ definite article’. When
you use this article, it means you are talking about
something very specific.
Indefinite article ‘A – An’

• Are known as the ‘indefinite articles’ because

they do not specify which noun you are talking
• For example:
• - ‘a table’ could be any table.
- ‘an apple’ could be any apple.
Indefinite article ‘A – An’

• Use ‘a’ before a singular noun which starts with

any consonant.
e.g. a boy, a girl, a window, a city, a tree
• Use ‘an’ before a singular noun which starts with
any vowel.
e.g. an apple
an egg
an ice-cream
an orange
an umbrella
Indefinite article ‘A – An’
Use ‘a – an’:
• To give an example:
e.g. A thermometer is used for measuring
• To describe one of a class of things or people:
-e.g. Marko is an Italian. - She is a nurse.
• For rates and speeds:
e.g. some people can cycle at 50 km an hour.
e.g. Sam earns 1000 dollars a month.
Definite article ‘the’
Use ‘the’
• With things or people mentioned before.
e.g. I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.
The sandwich wasn’t very good but the
apple was delicious.
• When we know what is being talked about.
e.g. Tom sat on a chair.
Tom sat on the chair near the door.
Zero article
Use zero article (no article):
• To describe general things.
e.g. Freedom is necessary to everyone.
e.g. Money can cause problems.
• With proper names.
e.g. Jim lives in London street.
e.g. Obama was one of USA presidents.
• With general examples, countable or
. e.g. Babies need milk
e.g. Gold will not buy everything.
Exercise 1
Underline the correct word.
1 .I don’t like that coat. The/A colour is horrible.
2. He doesn’t like going to see the/a dentist.
3. She asked for the/a cup of coffee, but she got tea instead.
4. The/a laboratory is a place where experiments are done.
5. I don’t believe he is the/a policeman. He looks too young!
6. She is a/an intelligent woman.
7. I went to the/a bank today and they said I didn’t have any
8. Who left the/a door open?
9. A/an hotel is more expensive than a/an youth hostel.
10. The/a film starts at half past seven.
Exercise 2
Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences.
1. If you want to be healthier, think carefully about ___ you eat.
a. food b. the food c. a food
2. If you don’t enjoy _____, do something else.
a. the exercise b. an exercise c. exercise
3. Try learning __________.
a. a new sport b. new sport c. the new sport
4. Sometimes the food you eat is less important than _________.
a. food you don’t eat b. a food you don’t eat c. the food you don’t
5. Do you eat enough _________ ?
a. fruit and vegetables b. the fruit and vegetables c. fruit and the
Exercise 2

6. There is a saying ‘______ a day keeps the doctor away.’

a. the apple b. a apple c. an apple
7. ________ chocolate cake should only be eaten occasionally.
a. the piece of b. piece of c. a piece of
8. Stress also make _____ unhealthy.
a. the people b. people c. a people
9. If you have had _______, try and do something nice for yourself.
a. the bad day b. bad day c. a bad day
10. You could visit a friend or go to _______
a. cinema b. the cinema c. a cinema
Exercise 3
• Complete the text with a, an or the.
____ word memo is short for memorandum and it means _____ note to
help as _____ reminder. It is only used within _____ business and so
there is no need for _____ full external address of _____ person you
are sending it to. However, you might need to show _____ internal
office address, e.g. room number and building.
There are usually just spaces for ________ names of the person sending
and the person receiving _______ memo. However, copies might be
sent to other people in ________ company for reference.
The subject is clear from _______ heading and _______ text is brief.
There is no formal signature. Sometimes ______ originator will sign
their name freehand at _______ bottom.

• Vince, M.,2008. Macmillan English Grammar in

Context. United Kingdom, Macmillan Publishers

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