The document discusses 12 major issues facing the global tourism and hospitality industry. These issues include: 1) safety and security concerns, particularly from terrorism; 2) the impact of the world economy on tourism; and 3) the need for sustainable tourism management. Other issues addressed are tourism policy/planning, use of e-commerce, education/training, emerging markets like China and India, quality products/experiences, partnerships/alliances, impacts of health issues like disease outbreaks, effects of natural disasters, and implications of climate change. The document was prepared by group 8 to analyze macro perspectives on the future of the world tourism and hospitality sector.
The document discusses 12 major issues facing the global tourism and hospitality industry. These issues include: 1) safety and security concerns, particularly from terrorism; 2) the impact of the world economy on tourism; and 3) the need for sustainable tourism management. Other issues addressed are tourism policy/planning, use of e-commerce, education/training, emerging markets like China and India, quality products/experiences, partnerships/alliances, impacts of health issues like disease outbreaks, effects of natural disasters, and implications of climate change. The document was prepared by group 8 to analyze macro perspectives on the future of the world tourism and hospitality sector.
The document discusses 12 major issues facing the global tourism and hospitality industry. These issues include: 1) safety and security concerns, particularly from terrorism; 2) the impact of the world economy on tourism; and 3) the need for sustainable tourism management. Other issues addressed are tourism policy/planning, use of e-commerce, education/training, emerging markets like China and India, quality products/experiences, partnerships/alliances, impacts of health issues like disease outbreaks, effects of natural disasters, and implications of climate change. The document was prepared by group 8 to analyze macro perspectives on the future of the world tourism and hospitality sector.
The document discusses 12 major issues facing the global tourism and hospitality industry. These issues include: 1) safety and security concerns, particularly from terrorism; 2) the impact of the world economy on tourism; and 3) the need for sustainable tourism management. Other issues addressed are tourism policy/planning, use of e-commerce, education/training, emerging markets like China and India, quality products/experiences, partnerships/alliances, impacts of health issues like disease outbreaks, effects of natural disasters, and implications of climate change. The document was prepared by group 8 to analyze macro perspectives on the future of the world tourism and hospitality sector.
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Macro Perspectives
of Tourism and Hosp
itality The Future World Tourism and Hospitality Issue 1. Safety and Security in Tourism
-the first issue of universal concern is the rela
tionship of tourism to terrorism or, in the large r context, to safety and security. -Safety and security, particularly from crime and terrorism, have been very important issues in the tourism industry for many decades. At present, th ere is an increase of tourism that specifically t argets tourist destination. The peak of terrorism activity occurs in the early 1990’s. 2.The Impact of the World's Economy on Tourism
-The world economy has a major impact on the futu
re of the international travel. With a flourishin g world economy, more people will travel. If ther e is a greater distribution of a country’s wealt h, more people will have the financial means to t ravel. Related to world economy is population gro wth. 3. Managing sustainable tourism in a responsible manner
-The third word tourism issue is managing sustain
able tourism in a responsible manner. Sustainable tourism is of utmost importance today and in the future. Measures to educate tourism agencies, the host communities, and traveler’s about sustainab le tourism must be continued as world population increase. 4. Tourism policy and strategic planning
-Tourism policy and strategic planning is the f
ourth major world tourism issue. The sustainabl e benefits of tourism for local communities wil l continue to grow in importance. There will be greater efforts towards partnership of the priv ate and public sectors to alleviate poverty, de velop policies to combat the negative impacts o n tourism, and support the economic, socio-cult ural, and environmental contributions of touris m to the world. 5. Using e-commerce tools in tourism
-The fifth world tourism issue is the use of e-
commerce tools in tourism. More than 50% of tra velers in the U.S use the internet in planning in their travel and vacations. This occurrence is growing globally. If a destination does not a good website, it will miss tourism traffic. 6. Tourism education and training
-The sixth major tourism issue is tourism educa
tion and training. Globalization and innovation will be the outstanding feature of tourism educ ation and training in the future. Several innov ations are taking place at some universities. 7. Emerging tourism markets
-The seventh major tourism issue refers to emergi
ng tourism markets. China and India are the two e merging tourism markets in the near future. These two countries account for about 1/3 of the worl d’s population. Each country’s economy is explo ding, and a greater segment of the population is anxious to travel. 8. Quality Tourism Products and Experience s -The eight major tourism issue is quality tourism product and experiences. Tourism demand greater v ariety, flexibility, and quality in their tourism products. Quality in tourism experiences is usual ly high on the tourist list. -In the future, the number and variety of tourism products will change. Adventure travel (jungle to urs, safaris, trekking, underwater exploration) t o space travel is being experienced by adventure travelers. There will be no shortage of active tr avelers. 9. Partnerships and Strategic Alliances in Tourism
-The ninth major tourism issue is partnership and s
trategic alliances in tourism. New partnerships are occurring such as the partnership between the UNWTO and the Meeting Industry last November 28, 2006 in which the United Nations Tourism Satellite Account started to measure the global economic contribution of the meeting industry. Other partnerships are int roducing competition, the use of cooperation and co mpetition in which the available opportunities are unlimited. 10. The Impacts of Health Issues on Tourism
The tenth major issue is the impacts of health issues
on tourism. Most travelers avoid areas that have high health risks. Diseases spread more rapidly due to trav el particularly through international aviation. Report s released by Harvard Researchers show that the flu vi rus spread more rapidly due to the international touri sm, especially air travel. Fear of disease reduces travel demand. Other diseases that affect tourism are AIDS, SARS, and foot and mouth disease. AIDS was originally brought to the United Sta tes and Canada by flight attendant who contracted the disease in Africa. 11. Effects of Natural Disasters on Tourism
The eleventh major issue is the effects of natura
l disasters on tourism. Natural disasters have de vastating impacts on the tourism industry. People avoid travel to affected areas. Once this occurs, there is limited opportunity to use tourism to re start the economy or to obtain new revenues to re invest in the tourism and hospitality industry an d in the well-being of the local residents. 12. Climate Change and Tourism
The twelfth major tourism issue is climate c
hange and its impacts on tourism. Global war ming is a growing concern for travelers. Rec ently published research by the World Wildli fe Fund documents the ecological footprint o f human activities around the world, many of which are embodied in international travel a nd tourism. Thank you 💞 Prepared by group 8