Project Insurance by Er. Amrit Lal Meena, SBM National Insurance Company LTD
Project Insurance by Er. Amrit Lal Meena, SBM National Insurance Company LTD
Project Insurance by Er. Amrit Lal Meena, SBM National Insurance Company LTD
Overlapping of Coverages.
Double Insurance.
Prohibitive Cost.
Insurers devised a comprehensive cover for project insurance
called Erection All Risk Policy.
For the purpose of EAR insurance the following values denote the sum
insured :
All ‘ Act of God’ perils other than earthquake (Fire & Shock) are
taken care of in the SCE rate.
EQ (Fire & Shock) has to be opted specifically.
Rate applicable for EQ (F&S) is according to the EQ Zone in
which the risk is located.
Rate to be applied on the SI as defined under EAR Policy.
Rate to be applied on pro-rata basis for policy period either less or
more than one year.
EQ cover cannot be opted mid term.
EQ cover also available on first loss basis.
Option for higher excess for EQ Cover only (2, 5, 10, 20 times)
with corresponding discount. This can be opted irrespective of the
fact whether increased excess for normal / testing period is opted
or not .
Clearance & Removal Of Debris
Project cost : Rs.4 cr.
Escalation opted : 10% ie Rs.40 lacs.
Additional Premium to
be charged is EAR rate
on 50% of the escalation SI : ie on Rs.20 lacs.
Express Freight (Air Freight Excluded) Holiday &
Overtime rate of wages
Column 5 provides rates for erection risk beyond 2 months & upto
next 10 months.
The last installment shall come at least 6 months before the expiry
of the policy period.
Thank You
Contractors All Risk Insurance
CAR - General
Loss or Damage due to
Electrical or Mechanical Breakdown
Consumables Parts like Knives, ropes, belts,
chains etc.
Wear and tear
Sum Insured
On New ( Current ) Replacement value Basis.
Escalation maximum to the tune of 25% can be opted
by the insured.
Thank you