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Department of Master of Computer Application: M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)

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Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology

Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.


Unit 1 :
Introduction to Software Engineering : The evolving role of software, Changing Nature of Software,
Software myths.
A Generic view of process : Software engineering- A layered technology, a process framework, The
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Process patterns, process assessment, personal and
team process models.
Process models : The waterfall model, Incremental process models, Evolutionary process models,
The Unified process. Requirement Engineering :Functional and non-functional requirements, User
requirements, System requirements, Interface specification, the software requirements document.
Unit 2 :
Requirements engineering process : Feasibility studies, Requirements elicitation and analysis,
Requirements validation, Requirements management. System models : Context Models, Behavioral
models, Data models, Object models, structured methods. Modeling with UML .
Design Engineering : Design process and Design quality, Design concepts, the design model.
Creating an architectural design : Software architecture, Data design, Architectural styles and
patterns, Architectural Design.
Unit 3 :
Object-Oriented Design : Objects and object classes, An Object-Oriented design process, Design evolution.
Performing User interface design : Golden rules, User interface analysis and design, interface analysis, interface
design steps, Design evaluation.
Testing Strategies : A strategic approach to software testing, test strategies for conventional software, Black-
Box and White-Box testing, Validation testing, System testing, the art of Debugging. Product metrics :Software
Quality, Metrics for Analysis Model, Metrics for Design Model, Metrics for source code, Metrics for testing,
Metrics for maintenance.
Unit 4 :
Metrics for Process and Projects :Software Measurement, Metrics for software quality.
Risk management :Reactive vs. Proactive Risk strategies, software risks, Risk identification, Risk projection,
Risk refinement, RMMM, RMMM Plan.
Quality Management : Quality concepts, Software quality assurance, Software Reviews, Formal technical
reviews, Statistical Software quality Assurance, Software reliability, The ISO 9000 quality standards.
Books :
1.Software Engineering, A practitioner’s Approach, Roger S. Pressman, McGrawHill International Edition.
2. Software Engineering,Sommerville, Pearson education.
3. Software Engineering principles and practice,Waman S Jawadekar, McGraw-Hill.
Course Outcome

Course Name: Software Engineering

CO1:To Get detailed knowledge of role of software in daily basis

CO2:Student will be identifying different models and find out the best
CO3:Test the developed software for high performance and maintainability
CO4: Study the software measure parameters for software quality
Course Outcome

Unit 1 :
Introduction to Software Engineering : The evolving role of software, Changing
Nature of Software, Software myths.
A Generic view of process : Software engineering- A layered technology, a
process framework, The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Process
patterns, process assessment, personal and team process models.
Process models : The waterfall model, Incremental process models, Evolutionary
process models, The Unified process. Requirement Engineering :Functional and
non-functional requirements, User requirements, System requirements, Interface
specification, the software requirements document.
Introduction to Software Engineering:
The evolving role of software
 software takes on a dual role
 It is a product, and at the same time, the vehicle for delivering a product.
 As a product, it delivers the computing potential embodied by computer
hardware or more broadly, by a network of computers that are accessible by
local hardware.
 As the vehicle used to deliver the product, software acts as the basis for the
control of the computer (operating systems), the communication of
information (networks), and the creation and control of other programs
(software tools and environments).
 Software delivers the most important product of our time— information.
 The role of computer software has undergone signifi cant change over the last
Introduction to Software Engineering:
The evolving role of software
 the questions that were
 Asked of the lone programmer are the same questions that are asked when
modern computer-based systems are built:
• Why does it take so long to get software finished?
• Why are development costs so high?
• Why can’t we find all errors before we give the software to our customers?
• Why do we spend so much time and effort maintaining existing programs?
• Why do we continue to have difficulty in measuring progress as software is
being developed and maintained?
Introduction to Software Engineering:
The evolving role of software
 Defining Software :
Software is: (1) instructions (computer programs) that when executed provide
desired features, function, and performance; (2) data structures that enable the
programs to adequately manipulate information, and (3) descriptive information
in both hard copy and virtual forms that describes the operation and use of the
Introduction to Software Engineering:
The evolving role of software
 Software Application Domains :
1) System software— a collection of programs written to service other programs. Some system
software (e.g., compilers, editors, and fi le management utilities) processes complex, but
determinate, 3 information structures. Other systems applications (e.g., operating system
components, drivers, networking software, telecommunications processors) process largely
indeterminate data.
2) Application software —stand-alone programs that solve a specific business need. Applications in
this area process business or technical data in a way that facilitates business operations or
management/technical decision making.
3) Engineering/scientific software —a broad array of “number-crunching programs that range from
astronomy to volcanology, from automotive stress analysis to orbital dynamics, and from computer-
aided design to molecular biology, from genetic analysis to meteorology.
Introduction to Software Engineering:
The evolving role of software
 Software Application Domains :
4) Embedded software— resides within a product or system and is used to implement and control
features and functions for the end user and for the system itself. Embedded software can perform
limited and esoteric functions (e.g., key pad control for a microwave oven) or provide significant
function and control capability (e.g., digital functions in an automobile such as fuel control, dashboard
displays, and braking systems).
5) Product-line software —designed to provide a specific capability for use by many different
customers. Product-line software can focus on a limited and esoteric marketplace (e.g., inventory
control products) or address mass consumer.
6) Web/Mobile applications —this network-centric software category spans a wide array of
applications and encompasses both browser-based apps and software that resides on mobile devices.
7) Artificial intelligence software— makes use of nonnumerical algorithms to solve complex problems
that are not amenable to computation or straightforward analysis. Applications within this area include
robotics, expert systems, pattern recognition (image and voice), artificial neural networks, theorem
proving, and game playing.
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic: Changing Nature of Software
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
Four broad categories of software are evolving to dominate the industry. And yet, these categories were in their infancy little
more than a decade ago.
1. WebApps:
 In the early days of the World Wide Web (circa 1990 to 1995), websites consisted of little more than a set
of linked hypertext fi les that presented information using text and limited graphics.
 WebApps have evolved into sophisticated computing tools that not only provide stand-alone function to
the end user, but also have been integrated with corporate databases and business applications.
 WebApps “involve[d] a mixture between print publishing and software development, between marketing
and computing, between internal communications and external relations, and between art and
2. Mobile Applications
 The term app has evolved to connote software that has been specifically designed to reside on a mobile
platform (e.g., iOS, Android, or Windows Mobile).
 mobile applications encompass a user interface that takes advantage of the unique interaction mechanisms
provided by the mobile platform, interoperability with Web-based resources that provide access to a wide
array of information that is relevant to the app, and local processing capabilities that collect, analyze, and
format information in a manner that is best suited to the mobile platform.
3. Cloud Computing
 Cloud computing encompasses an infrastructure or “ecosystem” that enables any user, anywhere, to use a
computing device to share computing resources on a broad scale. The overall logical architecture of cloud
computing is represented in Figure.

 Referring to the figure, computing devices reside

outside the cloud and have access to a variety of
resources within the cloud.
 These resources encompass applications, platforms,
and infrastructure.
 an external computing device accesses the cloud via
a Web browser or analogous software.
 The cloud provides access to data that resides with
databases and other data structures. In addition,
devices can access executable applications that can
be used in lieu of apps that reside on the computing
3. Cloud Computing

 The implementation of cloud computing requires the development of an architecture that encompasses front-
end and back-end services.
 The front-end includes the client (user) device and the application software (e.g., a browser) that allows the
back-end to be accessed.
 The back-end includes servers and related computing resources, data storage systems (e.g., databases), server-
resident applications, and administrative servers that use middleware to coordinate and monitor traffic by
establishing a set of protocols for access to the cloud and its resident resources.
 The cloud architecture can be segmented to provide access at a variety of different levels from full public
access to private cloud architectures accessible only to those with authorization.
3. Product Line Software
 The Software Engineering Institute defines a software product line as “a set of software-intensive systems
that share a common, managed set of features satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment
or mission and that are developed from a common set of core assets in a prescribed way.”

 The concept of a line of software products that are related in some way is not new. But the idea that a line
of software products, all developed using the same underlying application and data architectures, and all
implemented using a set of reusable software components that can be reused across the product line
provides significant engineering leverage.

 A software product line shares a set of assets that include requirements, architecture, design patterns,
reusable components, test cases, and other software engineering work products.
 Software development myths—erroneous beliefs about software and the process that is used to build it—can
be traced to the earliest days of computing.
 Myths have a number of attributes that make them insidious.
 most knowledgeable software engineering professionals recognize myths for what they are—misleading
attitudes that have caused serious problems for managers and practitioners alike.

Management myths. Managers with software responsibility, like managers in most disciplines, are often under
pressure to maintain budgets, keep schedules from slipping, and improve quality.

Myth: We already have a book that's full of standards and procedures for building software. Won't that provide
my people with everything they need to know?

Reality: The book of standards may very well exist, but is it used? Are software practitioners aware of its
existence? Does it refl ect modern software engineering practice? Is it complete? Is it adaptable? Is it streamlined
to improve time-to-delivery while still maintaining a focus on quality? In many cases, the answer to all of these
questions is no.
Myth: If we get behind schedule, we can add more programmers and catch up (sometimes called the
“Mongolian horde” concept).
Reality: Software development is not a mechanistic process like manufacturing. In the words of Brooks
[Bro95]: “adding people to a late software project makes it later.” At first, this statement may seem
counterintuitive. However, as new people are added, people who were working must spend time educating
the newcomers, thereby reducing the amount of time spent on productive development effort. People can be
added but only in a planned and well-coordinated manner.

Myth: If I decide to outsource the software project to a third party, I can just relax and let that fi rm build it.

Reality: If an organization does not understand how to manage and control software projects internally, it will
invariably struggle when it outsources software projects.
Customer myths: A customer who requests computer software may be a person at the next desk, a technical
group down the hall, the marketing/sales department, or an outside company that has requested software
under contract. In many cases, the customer believes myths about software because software managers and
practitioners do little to correct misinformation. Myths lead to false expectations (by the customer) and,
ultimately, dissatisfaction with the developer.
Myth: A general statement of objectives is sufficient to begin writing programs—we can fill in the details
Reality: Although a comprehensive and stable statement of requirements is not always possible, an
ambiguous “statement of objectives” is a recipe for disaster. Unambiguous requirements (usually derived
iteratively) are developed only through effective and continuous communication between customer and
Myth: Software requirements continually change, but change can be easily accommodated because software
is flexible.
Reality: It is true that software requirements change, but the impact of change varies with the time at which it
is introduced. When requirements changes are requested early (before design or code has been started), the
cost impact is relatively small. 8 However, as time passes, the cost impact grows rapidly— resources have
been committed, a design framework has been established, and change can cause upheaval that requires
additional resources and major design modification.
Practitioner’s myths: Myths that are still believed by software practitioners have been fostered by over 60
years of programming culture. During the early days, programming was viewed as an art form. Old ways and
attitudes die hard.
Myth: Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done.
Reality: Someone once said that “the sooner you begin ‘writing code,’ the longer it’ll take you to get done.”
Industry data indicate that between 60 and 80 percent of all effort expended on software will be expended
after it is delivered to the customer for the first time.
Myth: Until I get the program “running” I have no way of assessing its quality.
Reality: One of the most effective software quality assurance mechanisms can be applied from the inception
of a project— the technical review. Software reviews (described in Chapter 20) are a “quality filter” that have
been found to be more effective than testing for finding certain classes of software defects.
Myth: The only deliverable work product for a successful project is the working program.
Reality: A working program is only one part of a software confi guration that includes many elements. A
variety of work products (e.g., models, documents, plans) provide a foundation for successful engineering
and, more important, guidance for software support.
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic: The Software production process
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
The Software production process

 The process we follow to build, deliver and evolve the

software product, from the inception of an idea all the way
to the delivery and final retirement of the system is called a
software production process.
 The goal of production processes is to make production
reliable, predictable, and efficient.
 The model used in these early days may be called the
code-and-fix model.
Waterfall Model

 It is also called as linear sequential model.

 In this model whole application is developed in a
sequential approach.
 In this model each phase must be completed fully
before the next phase begin.
 Provides structure to inexperienced staff.
History of waterfall model

 The first formal description of the waterfall model is

often cited as a 1970 article by Winston
 Royce presented this model as as an example of a
flawed,non-working model.
 It has been widely used for software projects
ever since.
Where to use the waterfall model

 Requirements are very well known.

 Product definition is stable.
 Technology is understood.
 New version of an existing product.
Waterfall model Diagram
Requirement In this phase business analyst will collect the
requirements with an interaction of client and
Gathering collected requirements will be documented.
In this phase system analyst will study the client
Requirement requirements and prepare the system requirement
Analysis specification.
In this phase design architecture is the responsible to
decide architecture of an application in order to
Design full- fill the client requirements .
In this phase developers will write the program using
Coding programming languages or scripting languages in
order to develop the application.
Initially developers will perform unit testing and
integration testing using of white box testing,
Testing After that separate team will be perform system
testing using black box testing

Release After the testing client satisfied on work product then

we deliver application to the customer to use at live
& environment. While using this application client
Maintenanc identify can some defects in existing s/m then he will
send to the CR to CCB .
 A waterfall model is easy to implementation.
 It helps to find errors earlier
 Easy to understand, easy to use.
 Works well when quality is more important than
cost or schedule
 Documentation is produced at every stage of a
waterfall model allowing people to
understand what has been done.
 Testing is done at every stage.
 It is only suitable for the small size projects.
 Constant testing of the design is needed.
 If requirements may change the Waterfall model may
not work.
 Difficult to estimate time and cost for each stage of
the development process.
 Adjust scope during the life cycle can kill a
 High amount of risk and uncertainty.
 This model is not suitable to handle dynamic changes
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic Name: A Generic view of process - Software engineering
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
A Generic view of process - Software engineering

 Software Engineering : (1) The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifi able

approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the
application of engineering to software.
 Software engineering is a layered technology.

 A process is a collection of activities, actions, and tasks that are performed when some
work product is to be created.
 An activity strives to achieve a broad objective (e.g., communication with stakeholders)
and is applied regardless of the application domain, size of the project, complexity of the
effort, or degree of rigor with which software engineering is to be applied.
 An action (e.g., architectural design) encompasses a set of tasks that produce a major
work product (e.g., an architectural model).
 A task focuses on a small, but well-defined objective (e.g., conducting a unit test) that
produces a tangible outcome.
The Process Framework

 A process framework establishes the foundation for a complete software engineering

process by identifying a small number of framework activities that are applicable to all
software projects, regardless of their size or complexity.
 A generic process framework for software engineering encompasses five activities:
Communication. Before any technical work can commence, it is critically important to
communicate and collaborate with the customer (and other stakeholders). The intent is to
understand stakeholders’ objectives for the project and to gather requirements that help defi
ne software features and functions.
Planning. Any complicated journey can be simplifi ed if a map exists. A software project is a
complicated journey, and the planning activity creates a “map” that helps guide the team as it
makes the journey. The map—called a software project plan—defi nes the software
engineering work by describing the technical tasks to be conducted, the risks that are likely,
the resources that will be required, the work products to be produced, and a work schedule.
The Process Framework

Modeling. Whether you’re a landscaper, a bridge builder, an aeronautical engineer, a

carpenter, or an architect, you work with models every day. You create a “sketch” of the
thing so that you’ll understand the big picture—what it will look like architecturally, how the
constituent parts fi t together, and many other characteristics. If required, you refine the
sketch into greater and greater detail in an effort to better understand the problem and how
you’re going to solve it. A software engineer does the same thing by creating models to
better understand software requirements and the design that will achieve those requirements.
Construction. What you design must be built. This activity combines code generation (either
manual or automated) and the testing that is required to uncover errors in the code.
Deployment. The software (as a complete entity or as a partially completed increment) is
delivered to the customer who evaluates the delivered product and provides feedback based
on the evaluation.
The Process Framework

A software
Generic Principles

The First Principle: The Reason It All Exists

The Second Principle: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

The Third Principle: Maintain the Vision

The Fourth Principle: What You Produce, Others Will Consume

The Fifth Principle: Be Open to the Future

The Sixth Principle: Plan Ahead for Reuse

The Seventh Principle: Think!

The Process Framework Activities
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic Name: Process Assessment
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.

 A process pattern describes a process-related problem that is encountered during software

engineering work, identifies the environment in which the problem has been encountered,
and suggests one or more proven solutions to the problem.
 A process pattern provides you with a template —a consistent method for describing
problem solutions within the context of the software process.
 By combining patterns, a software team can solve problems and construct a process that
best meets the needs of a project.
 Patterns can be defined at any level of abstraction.

 Ambler has proposed a template for describing a process pattern:

Pattern Name. The pattern is given a meaningful name describing it within the context of the
software process.
Type. The pattern type is specified suggests three types:
1. Stage pattern —defines a problem associated with a framework activity for the process.
A framework activity encompasses multiple actions and work tasks, a stage pattern
incorporates multiple task patterns (see the following) that are relevant to the stage (framework
2. Task pattern —defines a problem associated with a software engineering action or work task
and relevant to successful software engineering practice (e.g., RequirementsGathering is a task
3. Phase pattern —defi ne the sequence of framework activities that occurs within the process,
even when the overallflow of activities is iterative in nature. An example of a phase pattern
might be Spiral Model or Prototyping .

 Initial Context. Describes the conditions under which the pattern applies. Prior to the
initiation of the pattern: (1) What organizational or team-related activities have already
occurred? (2) What is the entry state for the process? (3) What software engineering
information or project information already exists?
 Resulting Context. Describes the conditions that will result once the pattern has been
successfully implemented. Upon completion of the pattern: (1) What organizational or team-
related activities must have occurred? (2) What is the exit state for the process? (3) What
software engineering information or project information has been developed?
 Related Patterns. Provide a list of all process patterns that are directly related to this one.
This may be represented as a hierarchy or in some other diagrammatic form.
 Process patterns provide an effective mechanism for addressing problems associated with
any software process. The patterns enable you to develop a hierarchical process description
that begins at a high level of abstraction (a phase pattern).
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic : Process Model
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
Incremental Process Models

 The incremental model combines the

elements’ linear and parallel process flows
 the incremental model applies linear
sequences in a staggered fashion as
calendar time progresses.
 Each linear sequence produces deliverable
“increments” of the software

The incremental
Incremental Process Models

 For example, word-processing software developed using the incremental paradigm might deliver
basic fi le management, editing, and document production functions in the first increment; more
sophisticated editing and document production capabilities in the second increment; spelling and
grammar checking in the third increment; and advanced page layout capability in the fourth
increment. It should be noted that the process flow for any increment can incorporate the
prototyping paradigm discussed in the next subsection.
 When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a core product.
 That is, basic requirements are addressed but many supplementary features (some known, others
unknown) remain undelivered.
 The core product is used by the customer (or undergoes detailed evaluation). As a result of use
and/ or evaluation, a plan is developed for the next increment.
 The plan addresses the modification of the core product to better meet the needs of the customer
and the delivery of additional features and functionality. This process is repeated following the
delivery of each increment, until the complete product is produced.
Evolutionary Process Models

 Evolutionary models are iterative. They are characterized in a manner that enables you to develop
increasingly more complete versions of the software.
 In the paragraphs that follow, we present two common evolutionary process models.
 Prototyping and Spiral Model
 Prototyping .
Evolutionary Process Models

 Prototyping .
 The prototyping paradigm ( Figure ) begins with communication.
 You meet with other stakeholders to define the overall objectives for the software, identify
whatever requirements are known, and outline areas where further definition is mandatory.
 A prototyping iteration is planned quickly, and modeling (in the form of a “quick design”) occurs.
A quick design focuses on a representation of those aspects of the software that will be visible to
end users (e.g., human interface layout or output display formats).
 The quick design leads to the construction of a prototype. The prototype is deployed and evaluated
by stakeholders, who provide feedback that is used to further refi ne requirements.
 Iteration occurs as the prototype is tuned to satisfy the needs of various stakeholders, while at the
same time enabling you to better understand what needs to be done.
 The prototype serves as a mechanism for identifying software requirements. If a working
prototype is to be built, you can make use of existing program fragments or apply tools that enable
working programs to be generated quickly.
Evolutionary Process Models

 Prototyping
 Prototyping can be problematic for the following reasons:
 Stakeholders see what appears to be a working version of the software, unaware that the prototype
is held together haphazardly, unaware that in the rush to get it working you haven't considered
overall software quality or long-term maintainability. When informed that the product must be
rebuilt so that high levels of quality can be maintained, stakeholders cry foul and demand that “a
few fixes” be applied to make the prototype a working product. Too often, software development
management relents.
 As a software engineer, you often make implementation compromises in order to get a prototype
working quickly. An inappropriate operating system or programming language may be used
simply because it is available and known; an inefficient algorithm may be implemented simply to
demonstrate capability. After a time, you may become comfortable with these choices and forget
all the reasons why they were inappropriate. The less-than-ideal choice has now become an
integral part of the system.
Evolutionary Process Models

 The Spiral Model

 Originally proposed by Barry Boehm, the spiral model is an evolutionary software process model
that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the
waterfall model.
 Boehm describes the model in the following manner:
 The spiral development model is a risk -driven process model generator that is used to guide
multi-stakeholder concurrent engineering of software intensive systems. It has two main
distinguishing features. One is a cyclic approach for incrementally growing a system’s degree of
definition and implementation while decreasing its degree of risk. The other is a set of anchor
point milestones for ensuring stakeholder commitment to feasible and mutually satisfactory system
Evolutionary Process Models

 The Spiral Model

 A spiral model is divided into a set of framework
activities defined by the software engineering
 we use the generic framework activities discussed
earlier. Each of the framework activities represent
one segment of the spiral path
 The software team performs activities that are
implied by a circuit around the spiral in a
clockwise direction, beginning at the center.
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic: Requirement Engineering
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
 The broad spectrum of tasks and techniques that lead to an understanding of requirements is called
requirements engineering.
 From a software process perspective, requirements engineering is a major software engineering
action that begins during the communication activity and continues into the modeling activity.
 It must be adapted to the needs of the process, the project, the product, and the people doing the
 Requirements engineering builds a bridge to design and construction.
 There have been many technology changes that impact the requirements engineering process.
 Ubiquitous computing allows computer technology to be integrated into many everyday objects.
When these objects are networked they can allow the creation of more complete user profiles, with
the accompanying concerns for privacy and security.
 Requirements engineering encompasses seven distinct tasks: inception, elicitation, elaboration,
negotiation, specification, validation, and management. It is important to note that some of these
tasks occur in parallel and all are adapted to the needs of the project.
 Inception. How does a software project get started? Is there a single event that becomes the catalyst
for a new computer-based system or product, or does the need evolve over time? There are no
definitive answers to these questions. In some cases, a casual conversation is all that is needed to
precipitate a major software engineering effort.
 At project inception, 3 you establish a basic understanding of the problem, the people who want a
solution, the nature of the solution that is desired, and the effectiveness of preliminary
communication and collaboration between the other stakeholders and the software team.
 Elicitation. An important part of elicitation is to establish business goals. Your job is to engage
stakeholders and to encourage them to share their goals honestly. Once the goals have been
captured, a prioritization mechanism should be established, and a design rationale for a potential
architecture (that meets stakeholder goals) can be created.
 Elaboration. The information obtained from the customer during inception and elicitation is
expanded and refined during elaboration.
 Elaboration is driven by the creation and refinement of user scenarios that describe how the end
user (and other actors) will interact with the system. Each user scenario is parsed to extract analysis
classes—business domain entities that are visible to the end user.
 The attributes of each analysis class are defined, and the services that are required by each class are
identified. The relationships and collaboration between classes are identified, and a variety of
supplementary diagrams are produced.
 Negotiation. It isn’t unusual for customers and users to ask for more than can be achieved, given
limited business resources. It’s also relatively common for different customers or users to propose
conflicting requirements, arguing that their version is “essential for our special needs.”
 Customers, users, and other stakeholders are asked to rank requirements and then discuss conflicts
in priority. Using an iterative approach that prioritizes requirements, assesses their cost and risk, and
addresses internal conflicts, requirements are eliminated, combined, and/or modified so that each
party achieves some measure of satisfaction.
 Specification. In the context of computer-based systems (and software), the term specifi cation
means different things to different people. A specification can be a written document, a set of
graphical models, a formal mathematical model, a collection of usage scenarios, a prototype, or any
combination of these.
 Validation. The work products produced as a consequence of requirements engineering are assessed
for quality during a validation step. Requirements validation examines the specification 5 to ensure
that all software requirements have been stated unambiguously; that inconsistencies, omissions, and
errors have been detected and corrected; and that the work products conform to the standards
established for the process, the project, and the product.
Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering & Technology
Wardha Road, Nagpur-441 108

Department of Master of Computer Application

M.C.A. First Year (I Semester)
1T5: Software Engineering
Topic: Functional & Non Functional Requirement
Mr. Roshan Chandekar
Assistant Professor
Master of Computer Application
TGPCET, Nagpur.
Non Functional Requirement
 A nonfunctional requirement (NFR) can be described as a quality attribute, a performance attribute,
a security attribute, or a general constraint on a system.
 These are often not easy for stakeholders to articulate. Suggests that there is a lopsided emphasis on
functionality of the software, yet the software may not be useful or usable without the necessary
non-functional characteristics.
 Quality function deployment attempts to translate unspoken customer needs or goals into system
requirements. Nonfunctional requirements are often listed separately in a software requirements
 As an adjunct to QFD, it is possible to defi ne a two-phase approach that can assist a software team
and other stakeholders in identifying nonfunctional requirements.
 During the first phase, a set of software engineering guidelines is established for the system to be
built. These include guidelines for best practice, but also address architectural style and the use of
design patterns.
Non Functional Requirement
 A list of NFRs (e.g., requirements that address usability, testability, security or maintainability) is then
 A simple table lists NFRs as column labels and software engineering guidelines as row labels . A
relationship matrix compares each guideline to all others, helping the team to assess whether each
pair of guidelines is complementary , overlapping , conflicting , or independent .
 In the second phase, the team prioritizes each nonfunctional requirement by creating a
homogeneous set of nonfunctional requirements using a set of decision rules that establish which
guidelines to implement and which to reject.
Functional Requirement
 The functional model addresses two app processing elements, each representing a different level of
procedural abstraction: (1) user-observable functionality that is delivered by the app to end users,
and (2) the operations contained within analysis classes that implement behaviors associated with
the class.
 User-observable functionality encompasses any processing functions that are initiated directly by the
user. For example, a financial mobile app might implement a variety of financial functions (e.g.,
computation of mortgage payment). These functions may actually be implemented using operations
within analysis classes, but from the point of view of the end user, the function (more correctly, the
data provided by the function) is the visible outcome.
 At a lower level of procedural abstraction, the requirements model describes the processing to be
performed by analysis class operations. These operations manipulate class attributes and are
involved as classes collaborate with one another to accomplish some required behavior.

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