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Corporate Responsibility Ethics Accountability: Mukul Kumar Shrivastava

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Mukul Kumar Shrivastava

• Corporate Responsibility

• 3P’s of CR

• CSR Principles and Strategies

• CSR – New Model

• Corporate Ethics

• Ethics & CSR

• Corporate Accountability
Corporate Responsibility
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and only 5minutes to ruin it.” (Warren Buffet)

What is to be Done….
Task undertaken as per business needs to stay
competitive by maintaining accountability to its four
major stakeholders
- Customers
- Employees
- Shareholders
- Communities

Responsibilities of a Corporate
- Economic
- Legal
- Ethical
- Philanthropic
Corporate Responsibility
Societal Marketing concept has added new dimensions……..

Now, Corporate Responsibility (CR) is used to Place Your Picture Here

refer to as socially responsible business,
responsible business conduct, responsible
entrepreneurship, corporate citizenship, corporate
accountability or corporate sustainability.
Most famously, Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) is a gesture of showing the company’s
concern & commitment towards society’s
sustainability & development.

CSR is the continuing commitment by businesses
to behave ethically & contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of
the workforce & their families, local communities
and the society at large..
Corporate (Social) Responsibility - CSR
CSR expresses a situation in which corporates not only strive for monetary gains, but also take responsibility for
their impact on society--- Economic, Environmental and Social aspects

All employees and customers want

People more transparency than ever before with the
companies they buy from; they want to know who
recycles, who pollutes, who is ethical, who is
responsible and who is sustainable? 

3 P’s of This may be a little obvious, but it’s worth pointing

CSR out the facts. When waste goes to landfill,
something called acidic leachate seeps out of and
it’s toxic nature leads to groundwater pollution.
Here companies need to take responsibility for the

After people and planet, comes profit. Recycling

Profit as a business will make you money, but not just
from an increase in customers and a potentially
happier and more efficient workforce. 
India CSR Announces 1st April as CSR DAY. Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India has notified
India’s Companies Act, 2013 (Companies Act) has Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act as
introduced several new provisions which change the face well as the provisions of the Companies (Corporate Social
of Indian business Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (CRS Rules) which has
come into effect from 1 April 2014.

The companies having Networth of Rs 500 crore or The concept of CSR rests on the ideology of give and
more; or Turnover of Rs. 1000 crore or more; or Net take. Companies take resources in the form of raw
Profit of Rs. 5 crore or more during any financial year shall materials, human resources etc. from the society and
be required to constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility environment, so it should give back to the society.
Committee of the Board “hereinafter CSR Committee”
with effect from 1st April, 2014.
CSR Deals with…
Environment Community Development
CSR sustainable efforts extends to Community development is the
undertaking initiatives that seek to activity embraced by a community

educate various target audiences joining forces with external
about environmnet conservations. organizations or corporations
Environment towards enabling and making
arrangement for the required
needs of the community in getting
Human Resource
their necessities from the

HR Human Resource Workplace
Community The human resources (HR) Our workforce is our greatest
strategic asset and we endeavour
Development responsibility is to critically
evaluate CSR by making CSR turn to ensure that our employees grow
Workplace and succeed under our core.

into efficient way. HR is an
essential partner that guarantees
that the expression of the
organization is openly in-
accordance with the manner in
which individuals and the
community are treated by the
corporate organization .
Social Investment
CSR at Tata Motors is influenced by ‘More from Less for
More’ philosophy.

22.9 crores of rupees (₹) have been spent for CSR in FY2019-20 Tata Motors has mobilised over 59% of the resources
through multi stakeholder partnerships.
CSR Principle &
Strategies Make some
Respect for Feedback
human from the
rights community

Respect for
the difference
CSR Long term
economic &
of views
Strategies development

Fair Self
dealings & realization
collaboration and
Value Added
Infosys, TATA Steel and WIPRO from
INDIA makes it to the world’s Most
Ethical Companies list
Three Indian companies have made it to the list of the
World Most Ethical Companies in the world for the year
2021. according to report published by Ethisphere

As many as 135 companies from 22 countries across

the world had represented among which 47 industries
have made to the list of World Most Ethical
Companies honorees..

these companies as having an impact on society as well

as contributing to positive changes in the business
community and society. It also sees that the impact of
the company norms and ideology on its employees,
shareholders, customers and other stakeholders.
As per, Ethisphere Institute the assessment is based on
the analyses of over 200 data points on parameters
such as culture, environmental and social practices,
ethics and compliance activities, governance, diversity
and initiatives to support a strong value chain. 
Few More Socially Responsible

Johnson &
Starbucks Google Pfizer

The brand focuses on Their efforts are Google has demonstrated Some of the company's
reducing environmental focused on hiring more its commitment to the initiatives include
impact by investing in veterans, young people environment by investing spreading awareness
alternative various in renewable energy about noninfectious
looking to start their sources and sustainable
sources . Globally it careers, and refugees. diseases and providing
also works to provide offices. The company’s
CEO, Sundar Pichai, is accessible health
clean and safe water to services to women and
also known to take stands
communities. on certain social issues. children in need. 
Corporate Ethics
Corporate Ethics
A Corporation is a legal entity that is created under the laws of state It means good and evil right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice
designed to establish the entity as a separate a legal entity having etc.
its own privileges.

Corporate Ethics Example

Corporate are run by people and thus their feelings and Issues of social responsibility include the salary pay should
emotions needs to be cared about. People are very be up to the market standard and city standard that an
sensitive about their culture , religion and traditions employee can save and invest well and grow and support
. his/ her family. Thats the basic need that an corporate
should understand.

From accounting scandals to pollution to executive
compensation, Business Ethics has always been a
hot topic.  It is related to the broader field
of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), plays a
role in ethical investing and may
influence sustainable (“green”) business as well.
Ethics and CSR

Business Ethics CSR

When you incorporate ethics into
business, you’re working to apply (CSR) applies to businesses that
good ethical decision-making put policies and practices in place
practices in the workplace. This that will have a positive impact on
includes doing what is best for the the environment and community.
employees, stakeholders and the
consumers alike – not just the
TATA - Influencing the Quality of Lives
Arogya Ethically
Addressing malnutrition,
Improving employability
Tata Motors’ family
through skill development, Offering water relief volunteered – 1,11,960 hours
spreading awareness and
vocational training, assistance measures – for social upliftment
delivering preventative
for supplementing income, Impacted 21,666 lives
healthcare –
Impacted 3,99,619 lives women empowerment –
Skilled 1,17,474 people

Vidyadhanam Vasundhara Aadhar

Holistic educational Planted 1,17,464 saplings, Rural focussed programmes
initiatives and financial and reached out to create for integrated development
support – Touched lives awareness in 91,025 people approach – Committed to
of 1,52,558 students better lives of 3000 tribal
Acceptance of your Actions and decisions

“A sphere of duty or obligation assigned to a person by

the nature of that person’s position, function or work”

Accountability is the readiness or preparedness to give

an explanation or justification to stakeholders for one’s
judgments, intentions and actions. In the professional
context, accountability is about answering to clients,
colleagues and other relevant professionals.

“It is a readiness to have one’s actions judged by others

and, where appropriate, accept responsibility for errors,
misjudgments and negligence and recognition for
competence, conscientiousness, excellence and

It is associated with responsiveness to the views of all

stakeholders, which includes a willingness to explain,
defend, and justify actions.
Ethical accountability, is the readiness
to take responsibility for actions taken accountability could be defined as
“blaming or crediting someone for an
action”—normally associated with a
recognized responsibility.

If it’s necessary, it’s ethical:

This reasoning often leads to ends- If everyone’s doing it, it’s ethical: This
justify-the-means rationale and reasoning didn’t work with our parents,
treating non-ethical tasks as ethical but for some reason it keeps making a
imperatives. comeback, using cultural,
organizational, or occupational
behaviors and customs as ethical

The basics of ethics and accountability are the stuff we learn as kids:
•Be honest.
•Do not cheat.
•Own up when you make a mistake.
•Do not push the blame on someone else.

In a business organization with a hierarchical structure and levels of power and responsibilities, you can draw up a longer list of ethical responsibilities and issues.

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