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DR - Tjok. Istri Anom Saturti, Sppd. Mars

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dr.Tjok. Istri Anom Saturti,SpPD.


Div of Allergy Immunology , Dept of Internal Medicine

Medical Faculty of Udayana University, Sanglah Central Public Hospital
Denpasar 2018
Disorders of the Immune System

 Hypersensitivity reactions
 Autoimmune diseases
 Immunologic deficiency syndromes
Hypersensitivity reactions
A reflection of excessive or abberant immune
The Classifications
(Gell & Coombs)

 Type I (Immediate hypersensitivity)

 Type II (Cytotoxic / Ab-mediated hypersensitivity)
 Type III (Immune complex mediated hypersensitivity)
 Type IV (Delayed Type Hypersensitivity, Cell Mediated Immunity)
1. Tipe I (Immediate hypersensitivity)

(Abbas AK, 2010)

•Anaphylactic reaction (IgE mediated reaction)

Anaphylactic reaction / IgE mediated reaction3

• Anaphylactoid reaction (Non IgE mediated)
- Complement activation - Physical factors
- Substance for Histamine released - Idiopathic
- Arachidonic acid modulation
(Roitt I, 1996)
The action of Mast Cells Mediator in Immediate / Type I
Action Mediator
Vasodilation, increased vascular Histamine
permeability PAF
Leukotrienes C4, D4, E4
Neutral proteases that activate
complement and kinins
Protaglandin D2
Smooth muscle spasm Leukotrienes C4, D4, E4
Cellular infiltration Cytokines, e.g., TNF
Leukotriene B4
Eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic
factors (not defined biochemically)

(Robbins & Cotran 2010)

2. Cytotoxic / Antibody mediated
(Type II Hypersensitivity)

(Abbas AK, 2010)

3. Immune Complex-Mediated (Type III) Hypersensitivity

(Massoud Mahmoudi, 2008)

4. Cell-Mediated (Type IV) Hypersensitivity

Mechanism of T cell-mediated (type IV) hypersensitivity reactions.

A. In delayed type hypersensitivity reactions, CD4+ T cells (and sometimes CD8+ cells)
respond to tissue antigens by secreting cytokines that stimulate inflammation and
activates phagocytes, leading to tissue injury.
B. In some disease, CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) directly kill tissue cells.
APC, antigen-presenting cell.
(Abbas AK,
Type of hypersensitivity diseases
Type of hypersensitivity Pathologic immune Mechanisms of tissue
mechanisms Injury & disease
Immediate IgE antibody Mast cells & their mediators
Hypersensitivity : (vasoactive amines, lipid mediators,
Type I cytokines).

Antibody mediated: Type II IgM, IgG antibodies against Opsonization & phagocytosis of
cell surface or extracellular cells. Complement- & Fc receptor
matrix antigens mediated recruitment & activation
of leukocytes (neutrophils,
macrophages). Abnormalities in
cellular functions
(eg; hormone receptor signaling).

Immune complex Immune complexes of Complement- & Fc receptor

Mediated : Type III circulating antigens & IgM mediated recruitment & activation
or IgG antibodies. of leukocytes.
T cell mediated : Type IV 1. CD4+ T cells (delayed 1. Macrophage activation,
type hypersensitivity) cytokine-mediated
2. CD8+ CTLs (T cell- inflammation.
mediated cytolysis) 2. Direct target cell killing,

(Abbas AK, 2010)

Mechanisms of Immunologically Mediated diseases
Type Prototype Disorder Immune Mechanism Pathologic Lesions

Immediate (type I) Anaphylaxis; bronchial Production of IgE antibody  Vascular dilation, edema,
hypersensitivity asthma (atopic forms) immediate release of vasoactive smooth muscle
amines and other mediators from contraction,
mast cells; recruitment of
mucus production.
inflammatory cells (late-phase
reaction) Inflammation

Antibody-mediated Autoimmune hemolytic Production of IgG, IgM  binds to Cell lysis, inflammation
(type II) hypersensitivity anemia; Goodpasture antigen on target cell or tissue 
phagocytosis or lysis of target cell
by activated complement of Fc
receptors; recruitment of

Immune complex Systemic lupus Deposition of antigen  antibody Necrotising vasculitis

mediated (type III) erythematosus; complexes  complement (fibrinoid necrosis);
hypersensitivity Some forms of activation  recruitment of inflammation
leukocytes by complement
products and Fc receptors 
serum sickness; release of enzyme and other toxic
Arthus reaction molecules

Cell-mediated (type IV) Contact dermatitis; Activated T lymphocytes  Perivascular cellular

hypersensitivity multiple sclerosis; i) release of cytokines and infiltrates,
type I diabetes; macrophage activation; edema;
transplant rejection; ii) T cell-mediated cytotoxicity cell destruction;
tuberculosis granuloma formation

(Robbins and Cotran, 2010)

Clinical Syndrome and Therapy
Clinical Clinical & pathologic Therapy Mechanism of action
syndrome manifestations
Anaphylaxis Shock caused by vascular Epinephrine Vascular smooth muscle contraction;
dilatation, Increases cardiac output ( to counter
Airway obstraction due to laryngeal shock ); inhibits further mast cell
adema degranulation

Bronchial Bronchial hyper- Bronchodilators Relax bronchial smooth muscles

asthma responsiveness caused by Corticosteroids Reduce inflammation
smooth muscle contraction;
Inflammation & tissue injury
caused by late phase reaction
Most allergic Due to the clinical syndrome Desensitization Unknown; may inhibit IgE production
diseases (repeated & increase production other Ig, induce
administration of low T cell tolerance
doses of allergens)

Anti-IgE Antbody Neutralize & eliminate IgE

Antihistamines Block action of histamine on vessels
& smooth muscles
Cromolyn Inhibits mast cell degranulation
(Abbas AK, 2010)

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