Terapi Cairan Pada Anak
Terapi Cairan Pada Anak
Terapi Cairan Pada Anak
dr. Nurcahaya Sinaga SpAK
• Osmoreceptor EXTRACELLUL
• Baroreceptor
Normal water intake ER
• Renin-angio-aldo
• Autonomic nerv syst
Water of cellular
metabolism Intracellular Extracellular
compartment Compartment
Stool+ 10% Pulmonary+ 1/3
Skin + 2/3
Cl- 104 117.4 4
HCO3- 24 27.1 12
P 2 2.3 40
Protein 14 0 54
Other 5.9 6.2 90
Total 149.9 153 200
Pathways of water balance
Increased plasma osmolality Decreased plasma osmolality
or or
Decreased arterial circulating volume Increased arterial circulating volume
Decreased ADH release and thirst Increased ADH release and thirst
Conservation Excretion 7
Body Fluid Distribution Related Age
Fluid Requirements
Patients who lose excess electrolytes in large volumes of urine require very
high levels of electrolyte suplementation
Patients with unusual losses will require careful monitoring and adjustment
to their electrolyte replacement regimen
Equations for fluid and electrolyte ”maintenance” are based on a
series of ASSUMPTIONS, including :
• Average insensible losses
• Average energy expenditure and metabolism
• Average urinary losses
• No additional losses from other sites
• Normal renal function
24 9 3
+ 4 L Kristaloid + 4 L Koloid
+ 4 L Dekstrose
24 12 4 24 9 7
26,67 10 3,33
3. How should I continue iv fluids ?
Continue iv fluids in situations where oral rehydration will be difficult, consider :
Provide therapy :
~ Add up water & electrolyte from deficits & daily requirements
Mortalitas Renjatan/Gangguan Sirkulasi
Mortalitas renjatan
Mortalitas renjatan
8% 38%
Terapi adekuat
Oksigen Nutrien
◦ Akral dingin
◦ Penurunan kesadaran
Stadium Dekompensata
◦ Takikardia semakin nyata
◦ Takipneu
◦ Tekanan darah menurun (hipotensi)
◦ Oliguria/anuria
◦ Tingkat kesadaran semakin menurun
Stadium Irreversibel
◦ Nadi perifer tidak teraba
◦ Tekanan darah tidak terukur
◦ Gagal multiorgan
Target / Sasaran
Target / Sasaran Terapi
Secara Klinis
◦ Frekuensi denyut jantung/nadi menurun
◦ Kesadaran membaik
- Psychosis
Treatment of Symptomatic hyponatremia
◦ Acute hyponatremia (duration < 48 hrs)
Hypertonic saline < 3 mEq/L/h ~ 5 mEq/L or symptoms resolve
further correction more slowly
Coadministration of furosemide
Full correction probably safe but not necessary
measured Na (mEq/L)
x TBW (L) - TBW (L)
desired Na (mEq/L)
Use 145 mEq/L as desired Na
◦ Need to determine the patient’s overall fluid status to help clarify cause of
Signs and symptoms of hypernatremi
Central Nervous System Respiratory system
- Labored respiration
◦ Mild
- Restlessness Gastrointestinal System
- Lethargy - Intense thirst
- Altered mental status
- Irritability - Nausea
- Vomiting
◦ Moderate
- Disorientation Musculoskeletal System
- Confusion - Muscle twitching
- Spasticity
◦ Severe - Hyperreflexia
- Stupor
- Coma
- Seizures
- Death
Treatment of Symptomatic
◦ Plasma osmolality should not be decreased > 2 mOsm/h (serum Na <10-15
◦ Sodium levels > 165 for > 48 hrs, correction rate < 1 mOsm/h
◦ Replace half of the water defisit over the first 12-24 hr
◦ Replace the remaining defisit over the next 24-36 hrs
◦ Serial neurologic examinations (prescribed rate of correction can be decreased
as symptoms improve)
◦ Frequent measurement of serum and urine electrolytes
◦ Serum K+<3.5 mEq/L Etiology
◦ Shift: metabolic alkalosis, insulin (DKA treatment)
◦ Loss: vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics, sweat, aldosteronism, decreased intake
◦ K+ shift into cells as ECF pH rises →↑0.1 causes ↓serum K+ 0.5 mEq/L
◦ ↑Aldosterone →Na+ & HCO3- retention in exchange for K+
Symptoms : muscle weakness and fatigue, confusion, arrhythmia, ileus paralytic,
ECG change (ST depression)
Treatment Hypokalemia
◦ Oral or IV supplementation urgency of symptoms
◦ Oral :
◦ Asymptomatic hypokalemia (no ECG changes) or mild hypokalemia
◦ Ability to tolerate
◦ Increase diet intake
◦ 1-3 mEq/kg/day in three or four divided doses
◦ Safest
A conservative protocol for IV replacement :
3.0-3.5 mEq/L 0,25 mEq/kg of IV KCl over 1 hour
2.5-3.0 mEq/L 0.5 mEq/kg of IV KCl over 2 hours
less than 2.5 mEq/L 0.75 mEq/kg of IV KCl over 3 hours.
A potassium level should be checked halfway through this infusion.
◦ Serum K+>5.5 mEq/L Etiology
◦ Decreased excretion: renal failure, aldosterone deficiency
K+ load: hemolysis, excessive tissue breakdown, K+ supplements
◦ Shifts: acidosis, insulin deficiency, β-blokade
◦ Symptoms : muscle cramps, muscle twist, paraesthesia, irritability, ECG change
(tall-T), dysrhythmia (Ventricular Fibrilation), cardiac arrest
Treatment of Hyperkalemia
Administer one or more of the drug therapies :
1. Calcium gluconate, 100 mg/kg over 3 min (1mL/kg of 10% solution) IV
2. Sodium bicarbonate, 1-2 mEq/kg given IV over 10-15 min
3. Insulin, 0.1 U/kg/hr, mixed with Dextrose solution 0.5 g/kg/hr
4. An exchange resin, such as sodium polystyrene resin (Kayexalate)
◦ Water, sodium and potassium are strongly regulated by the kidney, renin-
angiotensin- aldosterone and ADH systems
◦ Understanding water and electrolytes homeostasis is important for diagnosis and
management of water and electrolytes imbalance
◦ Fluid and electrolyte therapy must be adjusted based on the clinical