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Digital Circuits Logic Design: Course Coordinators

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Online Class for II B.Tech (IT) - I Semester
AY: 2020-21

Course coordinators:
Mr.G.Amar Tej
Mr.K.Ramesh Babu
Course Objectives:

1. To understand common forms of number representation in digital circuits and

Boolean algebra.
2. To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental
concepts used in the design of digital systems and simplify logic expressions
using basic theorems, K-map and Tabular methods.
3. To understand the concept of Combinational logic design and realize logic
expressions using MUX and Decoder
4. Illustrate the concept of sequential logic design; analyze the operation of flip-
flop and conversion from one flip-flop to another, and application of flip-flop.
5. To impart to student the concepts of sequential machines of digital system.
Number Systems and Boolean Algebra

Number systems: Introduction to different number system and their conversions,

Complement of number system and subtraction using complement method,
Floating-Point Representation, Weighted and Non-weighted codes and its
Properties, Error detection and correction codes

Boolean Algebra: Boolean algebra and logic gates, Basic theorems and properties
of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions, canonical and standard forms, Universal

 Boolean algebra is an algebra that deals with binary digits(0,1)

and logic operations(AND,OR and NOT).

 In addition, there are some derived operations such as

NAND,NOR,X-OR and X-NOR that are also performed in Boolean

 Boolean algebra is the set of rules or laws,used to simplify the

given logic expression without changing its functionality.

 Boolean algebra is used when number of variables are less.

 Axioms or Postulates of Boolean algebra are a set of logical
expressions that we accept without proof and upon which we
can build a set of useful theorems.

 Each axiom can be interpreted as the outcome of an operation

performed by a logic gate.
Properties or Laws of Boolean algebra
1) Complementation Laws:
 The term complement simply means to invert i.e. to
change 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s.
The five laws of complementation are as follows:
2) AND laws:

The AND operation in Boolean algebra is similar to

multiplication in ordinary algebra.

The four AND laws as follows:

3) OR laws:
 The OR operation in Boolean algebra is similar to addition .

The four OR laws as follows:

4) Idempotence laws:
Idempotence means the same value.
There are two laws, those are:

1) A.A=A

This law states that ANDing of a variable with itself is equal to

that variable only.

2) A+A=A

This law states that ORing of a variable with itself is equal to

that variable only.
5) Commutative laws:

 Commutative laws allow change in position of AND or

OR variables.
There are two commutative laws.Those are:
1) A+B=B+A

2) A.B=B.A
6) Associative laws:
The associative laws allow grouping of variables.
There are two associative laws. Those are:

1) (A+B)+C=A+(B+C)

2) (A.B)C=A(B.C)
7) Distributive laws:
The distributive laws allow factoring or multiplying out
of expressions.
There are two distributive laws. Those are:
1) A(B+C)=AB+AC

2) A+BC=(A+B)(A+C)
=A.1+BC (1+C+B=1+B=1)
8)Redundant Literal Rule(RLR):
There are two laws.Those are:
9) Absorption laws:
There are two laws,Those are:
1) A+A.B=A
Proof: LHS= A+A.B
= A(1+B)
= A.1 (1+B=1)
=A (A.1=A)
2) A(A+B)=A
Proof: LHS = A(A+B)
= A.A+A.B
= A+AB (A.A=1)
= A(1+B)
= A.1
Theorems of Boolean algebra
Consensus Theorem(Included Factor Theorem):
Transposition theorem:

RHS = (A+C)(A’+B)
= A.A’+A.B+C.A’+C.B
= 0+AB+A’C+BC
= A’C+AB+BC(A+A’)
= A’C(1+B)+AB(1+C)
= A’C+AB
De Morgan’s Theorem:
De Morgan’s theorem represents two of the most powerful laws
in Boolean algebra.


To get dual of any expression


‘AND’ with ‘OR’

‘OR’ with ‘AND’

‘0’ with ‘1’

‘1’ with ‘0’

Logic gates
 Logic gate is a physical device which performs logical
operations on one or more binary inputs and produces
single binary output.

 Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital


 We are having total 7 logic gates. Those are:

1) AND 2) OR 3) NOT

4) NAND 5) NOR

6) X-OR 7) X-NOR
1) AND gate:
AND is nothing but logical multiplication

The logical operator for the AND operation is ‘.’

Logic Symbol(2 –input):

Truth Table:

A Table which lists all the possible combinations of

inputs and a corresponding output is called Truth Table
i.e. provides input and output relation.

By observing this Truth table the output of AND gate

is High or 1 only when both the inputs are High or 1.
2) OR gate:
OR gate will perform logical addition operation.

The logical operator for the OR operation is ‘+’.

Logic Symbol(2-input):

Truth Table:

By observing this Truth table the output

of OR gate is High or 1 if at least one of
it’s inputs is High or 1.

Hence an OR gate is also called as Any

or All gate.
3) NOT gate:
NOT gate is a logic gate which gives complement
of the input.

NOT gate is also called as Inverter.

The symbol for NOT operation is ‘-’(bar).

Logic symbol:

Truth table:
4) NAND gate:
NAND gate performs complement of AND gate.

Logic Symbol:

Truth table:

By observing this truth table , the output

is ‘1’ when either A=0 or B=0 or when
both the inputs are ‘0’.
5) NOR gate:

NOR gate performs complement of OR gate.

Logic symbol:

Truth table:

 By observing this truth table , the

output is ‘High’ or ‘1’ only when
both the inputs are ‘Low’ or ‘0’.
6) X-OR gate:

The logical operator for X-OR gate is “⊕”.

The algebraic expressions for X-OR gate are:

Logic symbol:

Truth table:

 By observing this truth table , the

output is ‘High’ or ‘1’ only when the
inputs are having odd number of ‘1’s.
7) X-NOR gate:
 The logical operator for X-NOR gate is

The algebraic expressions for X-NOR gate are:

and and
Logic symbol:

Truth table:
 By observing this truth table , the
output is ‘High’ or ‘1’ only when the
inputs are having even number of
1) Find the dual of the functions a) F=A+B’C
b) F= x’y’+yz
To get dual of any


‘AND’ with ‘OR’

‘OR’ with ‘AND’

‘0’ with ‘1’

‘1’ with ‘0’

2) Find the dual of the function F=ABC+A’B’C+ABC’

3) Find the complement of the function F=x’yz’+x’y’z

To find complement of any

function we have to follow
two steps.

1) Duality (AND <-> OR ,


2) Complement each literal of

your Dual function.
4) Find the complement of the following function
5) Find the complement of F = wx + yz; then show that
FF’ = 0 and F + F’ = 1.
Inputs wx yz F F’ F.F’ F+F’
w x y z
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
Boolean functions or Boolean expressions
Boolean function:
 Boolean function described by an algebraic expression
consists of binary variables, the constants 0 and 1, and the
logic operation symbols.

 Consider as an example for the Boolean function:


Literal :
A Variable or complement of variable.
Minimize the following Boolean expressions

1) F= AB+AB’


3) F= (X’+Y)(X’+Z)
4) F=AB+A’C+AB’

5) F=XY’+XY+X’Y

6) F=A’+A’BC
Simplify the following Boolean expressions:
1) F= A.B.C+A’+A.B’.C

2) F= A’B’C’+A’B’C+A’C’

3) F= [A.B’.(C+B.D)+A’.B’].C

4) F= A’C’+ABC+AC’

5) F= (A’B’+C)’+C+AB+BC

6) F= (A’+C)(A’+C’)(A+B+C’D)


8) F= XY+X’YZ’+YZ

9) F= (XY’+Z)(X+Y’)Z

10)F= A’C’D’+AC’+BCD+A’CD’+A’CD’+A’BC+AB’C’
1) F= A’+C

2) F= (A+BC)’

3) F= B’.C

4) F= C’+AB

5) F= AC’+B

6) F= A’(B+C’D)

7) F= BD

8) F= Y

9) F= Z(X+Y’)

10) F= A’D’+AC’+BCD+A’BC
Boolean function representation:
We can represent the Boolean functions in 4 forms . Those are

1) SOP(Sum Of Products)

2) POS(Product of sums)

3) Canonical SOP

4) Canonical POS
1) SOP form:
 SOP is a group of product terms summed together.

Ex : F(A,B,C) = AB+AB’C+BC

 SOP form is also called as Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF).

2)POS form:
 POS is a group of sum terms multiplied together.

Ex : F(A,B,C) = (A+B)(B+C’)

POS form is also called as Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF).

3) Canonical SOP:
If each product term contains all the variables either in
complemented or uncomplemented then it is called as
canonical form.
Inputs Output SOP, Boolean expressions may be
generated from truth tables quite easily,
A B C Y by determining which rows of
0 0 0 0 the table have an output of 1.
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 Y(A,B,C)=A’BC’+AB’C’+AB’C+ABC’+ABC
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
1) For the given truth table ,find the minimal SOP expression.

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
4) Canonical POS :
If each sum term contains all the variables of the function either
in complemented or uncomplemented form then it is called as
canonical form.
 POS, Boolean expressions may be
Inputs Output
generated from truth tables quite easily, by
A B C Y determining which rows of the table have
0 0 0 0 an output of 0.
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 F=(A+B+C).(A+B+C’).(A+B’+C’)
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
1) For the given truth table , find the minimal POS expression.
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
Minimal to Canonical form
To convert minimal to canonical form we have to follow 3 steps:

step1: Find the no.of variables in the given expression.

step2: Find the variables which are absent in each minterm or maxterm.

step3: Try to get the absent variables by using laws of Boolean algebra.

Y=A+B’C Y=(A+B+C’)(A’+C)
Ex: convert the given expression to canonical POS form

1) f(A,B,C) =(A+B)(B+C)(A+C)
= (A+B+CC’)(AA’+B+C)(A+BB’+C)
= (A+B+C)(A+B+C’)(A+B+C)(A’+B+C)
= (A+B+C)(A’+B+C)(A+B’+C)(A+B+C’)

2) f(A,B,C)= A(A+B+C)
Alternative gates

 Alternative logic gate is an alternate logic gate that produces

the same output as the original logic gate. Alternative logic
gates are also called as alternate gates.

 Alternative logic gates are also called as Bubbled

Gates since they contain bubbles in them.

The following rules are helpful in drawing an alternate logic

gate for a given logic gate
For X-OR &X-NOR gates:

 One of the inputs of alternative gate will have a bubble (which

represents NOT gate).

 For EX-OR structured original gate, alternative gate will be EX-

NOR structured.

 For EX-NOR structured original gate, alternative gate will be

EX-OR structured.

 If bubble is present at the output of original gate, then no bubble

will be present at the output of alternative gate.

If bubble is not present at the output of original gate, then a

bubble will be present at the output of alternative gate.
NAND as Universal gate
NAND as NOT gate:
 If the inputs of NAND gate are joined together, then
the NAND gate functions as NOT gate. Thus,

 To implement NOT gate we require 1 NAND gate.

 AND gate is complement of NAND gate.

 To implement AND gate we require 2 NAND gates.

NAND as OR gate:

To implement OR gate we require 3 NAND gates.

NAND as NOR gate:
NOR is complement of OR gate.

To implement NOR gate we require 4 NAND gates.

NAND as X-OR gate:

 To implement X-OR gate we require 4 NAND gates.

NAND as X-NOR gate:

 To implement X-NOR gate we require 5 NAND gates.

NOR as Universal gate
NOR as NOT gate:

 If the inputs of NOR gate are joined together, then the

NOR gate functions as NOT gate. Thus,

 To implement NOT gate we require 1 NOR gate.

NOR as AND gate:

 To implement AND gate we require 3 NOR gates.

NOR as OR gate:
 OR gate is complement of NOR gate

 To implement OR gate we require 2 NOR gates.

NOR as NAND gate:

 NAND is complement of AND gate

 To implement NAND gate we require 4 NOR gates.

NOR as X-OR gate:

 To implement X-OR gate we require 5 NOR gates.

NOR as X-NOR gate:

 To implement X-NOR gate we require 4 NOR gates.

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