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Chemical Process Principles (CLB10904) : Chapter 2 Material Balance: (PART 1)

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Chemical Process Principles



(PART 1)

Marmy Roshaidah Mohd

Tel: 06-5512022
Chemical Process Principles

2.1 Process Classifications

General Material Balance

Material Balances
What are in this chapter?
Material Balance
Balances on

General Balance Recycle

Equation and Bypass

Material Balance Material Balances

Problems without Problems with
Chemical reaction Chemical reaction

We can simplify a Process Flow Diagram

(PFD) into Block/Boxes

Feed stream
Process Output
Product stream

Based on the Law of Conservation of Mass

which stated the
mass can neither be created nor destroyed
Operation that causes physical or chemical changes in a

Mixers: Mixers combine two or more Reactor: The input streams contain
inputs into a single output reactant. Chemical reaction take place
inside the reactor

Splitters: Splitters split a single input Separators: 1 input separated into two
into two or more output. Output streams or more outputs. The output will have
of a splitter all have the same different composition due to physical
composition as the input operation and not chemical reaction

General Material Balance

• Material balance are based on
conservation of mass.
• It accounts for the material which enters,
leaves, or accumulates in a system and
also for the material that are generated or
consumed by chemical reaction in the


The General Balance Equation

A balance over a system on a conserved quantity
(total mass, component mass, energy, momentum)
may be written as
Accumulation =
Input – Output + Generation – Consumption
Input: Material that ENTERS the system by crossing system
Output: Material that LEAVES the system by crossing
system boundaries
Generation: Material that is GENERATED inside the
Consumption: Material that is USED UP inside the system
Accumulation: Change in material INSIDE the system

The General Balance Equation

Consider accumulation of component B in a

Mass of B in
the vessel

Accumulation =
Input – Output + Generation – Consumption

The General Balance Equation

Mass of B in Mass of B in
the vessel the vessel

Mass flow of B Mass flow of B out
into the vessel from the vessel

The General Balance Equation

Mass of B in Mass of B in
the vessel the vessel


The General Balance Equation

Accumulation =
Input – Output + Generation – Consumption
Examples :
Each year 50,000 people move into a city, 75,000 people
move out, 22,000 are born, and 19,000 die. Write a
balance on the population of the city.
Accumulation = Input – Output + Generation – Consumption
= 50,000 – 75,000 + 22,000 – 19,000
= – 22,000
Hence, each year the city’s population decreases by 22,000 people



No change in process Process variables

variables with time changes with time

Process variables:
• Flow rate
• Chemical Composition
• Temperature
• Concentration
• Pressure


(Unsteady state) (maybe transient or
(Unsteady state)
steady state)
• All feed goes in at one • Feed & product stream • Any process that is
time at the beginning. flow continuously neither batch nor
• All product/vessel • Steady state (run close continuous
contents are removed to) Transient (during • E.g: Slowly blend
sometime later. start up) several liquids in a tank
• No mass crosses the • Large production from which nothing is
system boundaries • E.g.: Distillation being withdrawn
between the time the processes
feed is charged and the
time the product is
• Small scale production

Types of Balances
1. Differential Balances
• Based on rates
• kg/hr, kmol/min, and Ibm/hr (quantity divided by
• Indicates what is happening in a system at an
instant of time

2. Integral Balances
• Based on amounts
• Ibm, kg, and kmol (quantity only)
• Indicates what is happening between two instant
of time

Special Cases of Material Balance

• At steady state (nothing can change with time),
Accumulation = 0
Input + Generation = Output + Consumption

• If there is no chemical reaction

Generation = 0, Consumption = 0
Accumulation = Input – Output

• There is no flow across system boundaries

Input = 0, Output = 0
Accumulation = Generation – Consumption

Non-Reactive Reactive Process

Method 1:
Extent of Reaction
Method 1:
Molecular Balance Method 2:
Atomic Balance


Material Balance Calculations (Non-Reactive)

n2 (mol total/hr)
yA2 (mol A/mol total)
n1 (mol total/hr) yB2 = 1 – yA2
yA1 (mol A/mol total) (mol B/mol total)
yB1 = 1 – yA1
(mol B/mol total) n3 (mol total/hr)
yA3 (mol A/mol total)
yB3 = 1 – yA3
(mol B/mol total)
Overall mass balance
Total moles IN = Total moles OUT
We know IN = n1 and OUT = n2 + n3
Therefore, n1 = n2 + n3

Material Balance Calculations (Non-Reactive)

n2 (mol total/hr)
yA2 (mol A/mol total)
n1 (mol total/hr) yB2 = 1 – yA2
yA1 (mol A/mol total) (mol B/mol total)
yB1 = 1 – yA1
(mol B/mol total) n3 (mol total/hr)
yA3 (mol A/mol total)
yB3 = 1 – yA3
(mol B/mol total)
Species Balance on A
Moles A IN = Moles A OUT
We know IN = n1yA1 and OUT = n2yA2 + n3yA3
Therefore, n1yA1 = n2yA2 + n3yA3

Material Balance Calculations (Non-Reactive)

n2 (mol total/hr)
yA2 (mol A/mol total)
n1 (mol total/hr) yB2 = 1 – yA2
yA1 (mol A/mol total) (mol B/mol total)
yB1 = 1 – yA1
(mol B/mol total) n3 (mol total/hr)
yA3 (mol A/mol total)
yB3 = 1 – yA3
(mol B/mol total)
Species Balance on B
Moles B IN = Moles B OUT
We know IN = n1yB1 and OUT = n2yB2 + n3yB3
Therefore, n1yB1 = n2yB2 + n3yB3

Material Balance Calculations (Non-Reactive)

n2 (mol total/hr)
yA2 (mol A/mol total)
n1 (mol total/hr) yB2 = 1 – yA2
yA1 (mol A/mol total) (mol B/mol total)
yB1 = 1 – yA1
(mol B/mol total) n3 (mol total/hr)
yA3 (mol A/mol total)
yB3 = 1 – yA3
This leaves us with 3 balance equations: (mol B/mol total)
• n1 = n2 + n3
• n1yA1 = n2yA2 + n3yA3
• n1yB1 = n2yB2 + n3yB3
It is important to know some other relationships between variables
and/or we must know some of the unknown variables.

Check Your Understanding 1

Given INPUT 100 mol/min of a 40 mole% hexane(H) and 60 mole%
benzene (B). Given top product 32 mol/min H and the bottom
product 48 mol/min B. How do we calculate ńB at the top and ńH at
the bottom??
32 mol H/min
ńB ??
100 mol total/min
0.4 mol H/mol total
0.6 mol B/mol total
48 mol B/min
ńH ??
Solution: Simple Mass Balance
Hexane: 100 mol total/min (0.4 mol H/mol total) = (32 mol H/min + ńH)
Therefore, ńH = 8 mol/min
Benzene: 100 mol total/min (0.6 mol B/mol total) = (48 mol B/min + ńB)
Therefore, ńB = 12 mol/min

Basis for Calculation

• Choose an amount (mass or moles) or
mass flow rate or molar flow rate of a
stream or stream component as basis of
• IF the total input/output is NOT GIVEN,
you may assume a value as the basis of
the calculation.
• Examples: 100 kg mixture of feed or 1000
kg/h of mixture product

Check Your Understanding 2

1000 kg/h of a mixture of Benzene and Toluene containing 50%
Benzene by mass is separated into two fractions. The mass flow rate of
Benzene in the top stream is 450kg/h and that of Toluene in the bottom
stream is 475kg/h. What are the unknown component flow rates ?
Top (T) Assumptions: Accumulation = 0
FB1 = 450 kg B/h Benzene Balance
FT1 = ? Mass Benzene IN = Mass Benzene OUT
Feed (F)
Separator (1000 kg total/h)(0.5 kg B/kg total)
= 450 kg B/h + FB2
& Toluene
Bottom (B) Therefore, FB2 = 50 kg B/h
FF = 1000 kg total/h
Toluene Balance
0.5 kg B/kg total FT2 = 475 kg T/h
0.5 kg T/kg total Mass Toluene IN = Mass Toluene OUT
FB2 = ?
(1000 kg total/h)(0.5 kg T/kg total)
= 475 kg T/h + FT1
Therefore, FT1 = 25 kg T/h

Check Your Understanding 3

Suppose that 3 kg/min of benzene and 1 kg/min of toluene are
mixed. The process flowchart can be drawn and labeled as
follows. Determine Q (total OUTPUT) and x (product fraction).
3 kg B/min
Q kg total/min
1 kg T/min x kg B/kg total
(1 – x) kg T/kg total
Overall Balance:
3 kg B/min (IN) + 1 kg T/min (IN) = Q (OUT)
Therefore Q = 4 kg total/min
Benzene Balance:
3 kg B/min (IN) = Q kg total/min (x kg B/kg total) (OUT)
3 kg B/min (IN) = 4 kg total/min (x kg B/kg total) (OUT)
Therefore, x = 0.75 kg B/kg total

Degrees of Freedom
• Draw and completely label the flow sheet. Count the
number of unknowns, N.
• Write down all the independent equations linking
these unknowns. Count the number of equations, M.
• (N-M) is the number of degrees of freedom, DOF
• IF N=M, then the problem is well-specified and the
problem, in general, can be solved.
• IF N>M, then the problem is underspecified, and will,
in general, have infinite solutions.
• IF N<M, then the problem is overspecified, and will,
in general, have no solutions.

Check Your Understanding 4

A 100 kg/hr liquid mixture containing 45% by mass benzene and 55% by
mass toluene is fed to a distillation column. The product stream from the
top of the column contains 95 mass% benzene, and the recovery of
benzene in this stream is 92%. What is the composition and flow rate of
the bottom stream?
n1 (kg total/hr)
0.95 kg B/kg total
0.05 kg T/kg total
100 kg total/hr
0.45 kg B/kg total
0.55 kg T/kg total
n2 (kg total/hr)
xB2 (kg B/kg total)
xT2 = 1 – xB2
Number of unknown variables: 3
n , n , and y (kg T/kg total)
n1, n2, and yB2
(Therefore we need 3 equations!)

Check Your Understanding 4

A 100 kg/hr liquid mixture containing 45% by mass benzene and 55% by
mass toluene is fed to a distillation column. The product stream from the
top of the column contains 95 mass% benzene, and the recovery of
benzene in this stream is 92%. What is the composition and flow rate of
the bottom stream?
n1 (kg total/hr) Assumptions: Accumulation = 0
0.95 kg B/kg total We need 3 equations because we have
0.05 kg T/kg total 3 variables: n1, n2, and xB2

Total Balance (Equation 1)

100 kg total/hr 100kg/hr = n1 + n2

0.45 kg B/kg total

Benzene Balance (Equation 2)
0.55 kg T/kg total 100kg/hr (0.45) = 0.95n1 + xB2n2

Split Fraction (Equation 3)

n2 (kg total/hr) 100kg/hr (0.45)(0.92) = 0.95n1
xB2 (kg B/kg total)
We can see Equation 3 only has 1 unknown
xT2 = 1 – xB2 variables (n1), therefore we solve this!
(kg T/kg total)

Check Your Understanding 4

Split Fraction (Equation 3)
n1 (kg total/hr)
0.95 kg B/kg total 100kg/hr (0.45)(0.92) = 0.95n1
0.05 kg T/kg total Therefore, n1 = 43.58 kg total/hr

Substitute n1 in Equation 1
100 kg total/hr Total Balance (Equation 1)
0.45 kg B/kg total 100kg/hr = n1 + n2
0.55 kg T/kg total Therefore, n2 = 56.42 kg total/hr

Substitute n1 and n2 in Equation 2

n2 (kg total/hr)
Benzene Balance (Equation 2)
xB2 (kg B/kg total)
xT2 = 1 – xB2 100kg/hr (0.45) = 0.95n1 + xB2n2
(kg T/kg total) 100kg/hr (0.45) =
(43.58kg/hr)(0.95) + (56.42kg/hr)(xB2)
Therefore, xB2 = 0.064 kg B/kg total
and xT2 = 1 – 0.064 = 0.936 kg T/kg total
Chemical Process Principles

2.2 Material Balance Over

Single/Multiple Unit Without

Multiple Unit
• Consist more than one unit operation

Multiple Unit
How many systems can we write balance
equations for ?
Feed 2

Feed E Product
1 3 (P3)
U1 U2
(F1) Unit 1 Unit 2

Product 1 Product 2 Feed 3

(P1) (P2) (F3)

Feed 2
Multiple Unit

Feed Product
1 U1 U2 3 (P3)
(F1) Unit 1 Unit 2

Product 1 Product 2 Feed 3

(P1) (P2) (F3)

Overall balance (IN = OUT)

F1 + F2 + F3 = P1 +P2 + P3

Feed 2
Multiple Unit

3 (P3)
Feed U1 U2
Unit 1 Unit 2

Product 1 Product 2 Feed 3

(P1) (P2) (F3)

• Balance for Unit 1: F1 + F2 = U1

• Balance for Unit 2: U2 + F3 = P3
• At mixing point E: U1 = P2 + U2

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes

(Non Reactive)
• When analyzing multiple-unit processes, carry
out degree-of-freedom analyses on the overall
process and on each subsystem.
• Only consider the streams that intersect the
boundary of the system under consideration.
• Do not begin to write and solve equations for a
subsystem until you have verified that it has zero
degrees of freedom.
• Make sure to find same number of equations with
the unknown variables!

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

Consider the continuous 2 unit process shown below. Each stream
contains two components A and B. There are three streams whose
flow rates and concentrations are unknown (streams I, II, and III).
Calculate the unknown flow rates and compositions of streams 1,
2, and 3.
40.0 kg total/h 30.0 kg total/h
0.9 kg A/kg total 0.6 kg A/kg total
0.1 kg B/kg total 0.4 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3

0.5 kg A/kg total

0.5 kg B/kg total
30.0 kg total/h
0.3 kg A/kg total
0.7 kg B/kg total

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

How many systems can we write
balance equations for?
30.0 kg total/h
40.0 kg total/h
0.6 kg A/kg total
0.9 kg A/kg total
0.4 kg B/kg total
0.1 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h 1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
0.5 kg B/kg total

30.0 kg total/h
We can do balance on the
0.3 kg A/kg total
Overall system, Unit J,
0.7 kg B/kg total
Unit K, and Mixing Point!

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

How many unknowns?
40.0 kg total/h
0.9 kg A/kg total 30.0 kg total/h
0.1 kg B/kg total F2 kg total/h 0.6 kg A/kg total
XA2 kg A total/kg 0.4 kg B/kg total
XB2 = (1–XA2)
kg B total/kg
100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
J K F3 kg total/h
0.5 kg B/kg total
XA3 kg A total/kg
F1 kg total/h
XB3 = (1–XA3)
XA1 kg A total/kg
kg B total/kg
XB1 = (1–XA1) 30.0 kg total/h
kg B total/kg 0.3 kg A/kg total
0.7 kg B/kg total
Number of unknowns: 6
F1, F2, F3, XA1, XA2, & XA3

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

Degree of Freedom Analysis: Overall System
40.0 kg total/h
0.9 kg A/kg total 30.0 kg total/h
0.1 kg B/kg total 0.6 kg A/kg total
0.4 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
J K F3 kg total/h
0.5 kg B/kg total
XA3 kg A total/kg
XB3 = (1–XA3)
kg B total/kg
2 unknowns: F3 and XA3 30.0 kg total/h
0.3 kg A/kg total
2 equations: Total balance and A 0.7 kg B/kg total
Therefore we can solve this!

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

Degree of Freedom Analysis: Mixing Point
F2 kg total/h
XA2 kg A total/kg
XB2 = (1–XA2)
kg B total/kg

1 2 3
F1 kg total/h
XA1 kg A total/kg
XB1 = (1–XA1)
kg B total/kg 4 unknowns: F1, F2, XA1 and XA2
2 equations: Total balance and A
Therefore we CANNOT solve

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

Degree of Freedom Analysis: Unit J
40.0 kg total/h
0.9 kg A/kg total
0.1 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
0.5 kg B/kg total
F1 kg total/h
XA1 kg A total/kg
XB1 = (1–XA1)
2 unknowns: F1 and XA1
kg B total/kg
2 equations: Total balance and A
Therefore we can solve this!

Balances on Multiple-Unit Processes (Non Reactive)

Degree of Freedom Analysis: Unit K

30.0 kg total/h
F2 kg total/h 0.6 kg A/kg total
XA2 kg A total/kg 0.4 kg B/kg total
XB2 = (1–XA2)
kg B total/kg

1 2 3
J K F3 kg total/h
XA3 kg A total/kg
XB3 = (1–XA3)
kg B total/kg
4 unknowns: F2, F3, XA2 and XA3
2 equations: Total balance and A
Therefore we CANNOT solve

Solution Procedure
• Write overall system balances and solve
for F3 and XA3.
• Write balances on Unit J and solve for F1,
and XA1.
• Write balances on Unit K and solve for F2
and XA2.
This is a simple problem, as all balance equations
can be solved sequentially.

Check Your Understanding 6

40.0 kg total/h Overall System 30.0 kg total/h
0.9 kg A/kg total 0.6 kg A/kg total
0.1 kg B/kg total 0.4 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
J K F3 kg total/h
0.5 kg B/kg total
XA3 kg A total/kg
30.0 kg total/h XB3 = (1–XA3)
0.3 kg A/kg total kg B total/kg
0.7 kg B/kg total

TOTAL BALANCE: (100 + 30) kg total/h = (40 + 30 + F3) kg total/h

Therefore, F3 = 60 kg total/h We can substitute in the value F3
(0.5*100) + (0.3*30) kg total/h = (0.9*40)+(0.6*30) + (XA3*F3) kg total/h
Therefore, XA3 = 0.08 kg A/kg total

Check Your Understanding 6

40.0 kg total/h
Unit J
0.9 kg A/kg total
0.1 kg B/kg total

100.0 kg total/h
1 2 3
0.5 kg A/kg total
0.5 kg B/kg total
F1 kg total/h
XA1 kg A total/kg
XB1 = (1–XA1) kg B total/kg

TOTAL BALANCE: 100 kg total/h = (40 + F1) kg total/h

Therefore, F1 = 60 kg total/h We can substitute in the value F1
(0.5*100) = (0.9*40) + (XA1*F1) kg total/h
Therefore, XA1 = 0.23 kg A/kg total

Check Your Understanding 6

F2 kg total/h
Unit K XA2 kg A total/kg
30.0 kg total/h
0.6 kg A/kg total
XB2 = (1–XA2) 0.4 kg B/kg total
kg B total/kg

1 2 3
J K F3 kg total/h
XA3 kg A total/kg
XB3 = (1–XA3)
kg B total/kg
TOTAL BALANCE: F2 kg total/h = (30 + 60) kg total/h
Therefore, F2 = 90 kg total/h
(F2*XA2) = (30*0.6) + (60*0.08) kg total/h
Therefore, XA2 = 0.25 kg A/kg total


Attempt Tutorial 2
Material Balance (Part 1)

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