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AE Program: Sfi/Aegf

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AE Program

Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture: SFSA

Risk Management Research &

Access to Seeds Policy
The operational strategy of the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable
Agriculture (SFSA*) focuses on smallholders, productivity, and
 The Foundation works with partners in developing countries and
emerging markets. Our aim is to help small farmers become more
professional growers. We do this by extending science-based know-
how, facilitating access to quality inputs, and linking smallholders to
markets in profitable ways. This adds value for rural communities, and
sustainably improves food security
Syngenta Foundation India: SFI

Community Agriculture Technology Inclusion &

Assistants Agri-Entrepreneurs
Irrigation Innovation

With an ambition of reaching out to 20 million farmers, Syngenta Foundation India is leaving no stone
unturned to reach out to communities with innovative models.
For farming community, developing affordable irrigation models for profitable Agriculture
For youth, Skilling them through Agriculture Technology Assistant Program and providing them a career
Agri-Entrepreneur Model, flag-ship model to change the Agriculture landscape in this country.
Inclusion through women-specific program and Innovation by bringing in world-class products and platforms
for Indian farming community
SFI Evolution to AEGF

1 2 3 4

2005 - 2009 2009 - 2014 2014 - 2019 2019 ONWARDS

Extension and New Market Led Extension Business Model for Agri AE Scale up Strategy
Technologies Entrepreneur

• • • New Company AEGF under

Section 25 Company in • Organizing farmers Create value for farmers Section 8 is registered, a join
2005 into small groups • Agri- Entrepreneur venture between Tata Trusts
• Extensive focus on • Facilitating Agri • Share insight, methods, and SFI
extension and water inputs to farmers

• On ground operations will be
conservation activities • Collective marketing Policy Work - Insurance taken care by AEGF
• Introducing new • Key to success ‘Last • SFI continues to play role in
technologies in remote mile extension strategic partnerships
tribal areas agents’
Purpose: Last Mile Delivery/First Mile Access for Non-commercial smallholders

Millions of small
Thousands holder farmers,
of Technologies who need:
and Services Platform for Connecting Dots
unavailable to How ?
Access to
smallholders: Information

Who ? Access to Credit

Seeds, fertilizers, Feet on Ground
farm machinery, Village Level Resources
Access to know-
soil testing, how
sensors, post
harvest, Products
Possible scenarios: Increase farmers’ income

Reduce cost of Increase Revenue / Increase Cropping

cultivation Profit Intensity
Affordable Inputs and Access to Better Market Prices/Markets Access to Irrigation
AE Ecosystem
AE Archetypes
AE Stages
• First 6 – 8 months are spent in • An AE now performs regular
farmer data collection, advisory through group
document preparation for meetings and also takes up on-
meeting compliance demand one-to-one
requirements interactions
• Income ranges between INR • With greater farmer
20K – 40K and there is a 10- interaction, AE income doubles
12% increase in income to over INR 70-80,000 by this

Incubation Operationalization

• After two/three years of • By the end of 1.5 – 2 years of

association, an AE business an AE being in operations,
and operations are seen to they begin reinvesting in
stabilize. providing other services to
• The Growth rate of income farmers.
• An AE earns up to INR 1.0
stabilizes and an AE earns
more than INR 2.0 lakhs by Lakhs in this stage.
this stage.

Business Maturity Business Growth

AE Program – Current Status

Total Bihar
2700 AEs 500 AEs Assam
75 AEs
78,163 Farmers 24 AEs
Active 4,545 Farmers
97,770 Acres 3,797 Farmers
1,892 AEs 27,270 Acres
5,959 Acres
Madhya Pradesh AS
Farmers RJ
BH Jharkhand
64 AEs
472,346 Acreages JK 89 AEs
8,217 Farmers MP WB
13,055 Farmers
22,209 Acres
60 Districts OD 6,528 Acres
238 Tehsils/Blocks TS 112 AEs
983 AEs 17,337 Farmers
156,944 Farmers AP
6,071 Villages 27,688 Acres
265,735 Acres
84 AEMs 45 AEs
7,226 Farmers
19,187 Acres
Andhra Pradesh &
AE classification on Business

AE's years in Business

AE Transaction
13% 7% 17%
7% 19%
9% 1%

20% 27% 32%


< 6 months 6 mon-1 year 1-2 year nil 0-5k 5K-1 Lk 1-5 Lk
2-3 year more than 3 year 5-10 Lk 10-20 Lk >20 LK
Training Infrastructure

• 10
• Maharasthra -5
Training Centers • AP, Jharkhad-2
• Odisha -1

Faculties • 20

• English
• Hindi
Training Content • Telegu
• Odiya
• Marathi

Training capacity • 500 student/month

Evolution of AE program
Number of Agri Entrepreneurs




AE Numbers


27 105
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Financial Year

Actual Number of AEs till December 2019: 2543

Existing Agri. Input Value chain With AE intervention
Company Company

Distributor FPO/Super AE

Retailer/Dealers Collective Margin’s:-

Seeds:- 10-25%
Pesticides:- 10-30%
Fertilizer’s:- 3-10%
Sub-Retailer PGR’s:- 20-60%

Local Retailer AE

Farmers Farmers
Existing Agri. output Value chain

With AEs intervention

Agri Trader/
Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer
Entrepreneur Company
Services provided by AEM’s
Output Mktg.
Agri Input
Business Planning
Market connect
Credit Support
Agri Output Aggregation
Farmer AE New Technology Transfer

Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer

Credit Support Agri Input Linkages

New Technology Transfer Legal Compliances

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