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DR Jagdish Narayan Assistant Professor Department of Physiology

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• Human CNS contain >100 billion neurons
• 50-100 times this number glial cells
• About 40% human genes participating its
• Specialized function of muscle – contraction
• Specialized function of neurons – integration &
transmission of nerve impulse
• Along with endocrine, nervous system forms the
major control system for body functions


Brain Spinal Cord Autonomic nervous Somatic nervous
system system

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
nervous system nervous system
• Structural and functional unit of nervous system
• Similar to other cell in body having nucleus and
most organelles in cytoplasm
• Different from other cells:
I. Neurons has branches or processes- dendrites and
II. Have nissl granules and neurofibrillae
III. No centrosome- loss power of division
IV. Contain and secrete neurotransmitter
Classification of Neuron
1. Depending upon the number of poles

2. Depending upon the function

3. Depending upon the length of axon

1. Depending upon the number of
a. Unipolar:
• Having only one pole
• From single pole both axon and dendrites arise
• Present in embryonic stage in human being
b. Bipolar:
• Having two poles
• Axon arises one pole and dendrites other pole
c. Multipolar:
• Nucleus having multipoles
• Axon arise one pole & all other pole give rise dendrites
2. Depending upon the functions
• Motor or efferent neurons:
– Carry impulses from CNS to peripheral effector
organs e.g., muscles/glands/blood vessels
– Generally each motor neurons has long axon and
short dendrites
• Sensory or afferent neurons:
– Carry impulses from periphery to CNS
– Generally each neuron has short axon a long
3. Depending upon the length of axon
• Golgi Type I neurons:
– Have long axons
– Cell body situated in CNS and their axon reaches
remote peripheral organs
• Golgi type II neurons:
– Have short axons
– Present in cerebral cortex and spinal cord
Structure of Neuron
• Structural and functional unit of nervous system
• Consists of nerve cell body with all its processes axon and
• All neurons contain one and only one axon
• But dendrites may be absent one or many
• Axon carries impulses from the soma towards a centrifugal
directions (away from soma)
• Dendrites brings impulse from distance centripetally
(towards the soma)
• Nerve cell means a neuron where as nerve cell body means
• Neuron can be divided in to:
– Cell body (nerve cell body)
– Dendrites
– Axon
– Nerve terminals
i. Nerve cell body:
• AKA soma, perikaryon
• Various size and forms – stellate, round, pyramidal
• It maintains the functional and anatomical integrity of axon
cut part distal to cut degenerate
• Cytoplasm contains:
– Nucleus
– Nissl bodies or Nissl granules
– Neurofibrillae
– Mitochondria
– Golgi apparatus
• Nissl granules and neurofibrillae found only in nerve cell
not in other cells
• Soma are present in :
- Grey matter of CNS
- Nuclei of brain e.g., cranial N. Nuclei/Basal
ganglia/Ganglia of CNS
- All neurons contain soma
- All processes do not survive without soma
i. Nucleus:
– Each neuron has centrally placed one nucleus in
– Prominent nucleoli which contains ribose nucleic
– No centrosome – loss power of division
ii. Nissl granules or bodies:
– Named after discoverer FRANZ NISSL in 19th
– Also called tigroid substance (spotted appearance
when properly stained)
– Small basophilic granules or membrane bound
cavities found in clusters or clumps in soma
– Present in cell body and dendrites but absent in
axon and axon hillock
– Composed of ribonucleoprotein (RNA + Protein)
Ribosome= RNA+ protein
– Synthesize proteins of neurons which transported to axon
by axonal flow
– When demand of protein synthesis great nissl granules
over work and may altogether disappear (chromatolysis)
e.g, fatigue, anoxic, injured
– Reappear following recovery of neurons from fatigue or
after regeneration
• Neurofibrillae (Microtubules &
– Thread like structure present all over cell
– Consists of microtubules and
• Mitochondria:
– Present in soma and axon
– Form the power house of the nerve cell
where ATP produced
• Golgi Apparatus
– Same of Golgi Apparatus other cells
– Concerned with processing and packing
of proteins into granules
• Tapering and branching extension of soma
• Dendrites of cerebral cortex and cerebellar cortex show
knobby projections called dendritic spine
• May be absent if present may be one or many in number
• Conduct impulses towards the cell body
• Generate local potential not action potential as well as
integrate activity
• Has Nissl granules and neurofibrils
• Dendrites and soma constitute input zone
• Each axon has only one axon
• Arises from axon hillock of soma
• Carry impulses away from cell body
• Cannot synthesize own protein depends upon
• Branched only at its terminal end called
synaptic knobe, terminal button, axon
• Axon may be medullary or non medullary
• Synaptic knobs Terminal buttons or Axon
• Axon divides into terminal branches and each
ending in numbers of synaptic knobs
• Contain granules or vesicles which contain
synaptic transmittors
• Specialized to convert electrical signal (AP) to
chemical signal
Axis cylinder
• Has long central core of cytoplasm- axoplasm
• Axoplasm covered by membrane – axolemma
continuation of cell membrane of soma
• Axoplasm along with axolemma- axis cylinder
• Contain mitochondria, neurofibrils and axoplasm,
• Axis cylinder covered by neurilemma in non
myelinated nerve fiber
• Nerve fiber insulated by myelin sheath –
myelinated nerve fiber
Myelin Sheath
• Concentric layers of protein alternating with lipid
• Nerve fiber insulated by myelin sheath- myelinated nerve
• Protein lipid complex wrapped around axon >100 times
• Outside the CNS (peripheral nerve) myelin produced by
Schwann cells
• Inside the CNS myelin sheath produced by
• Myelin is compacted when extracellular membrane
protein (Po) locked extracellular portion of Po
apposing membrane
• Not continuous sheath absent at regular intervals
• Where sheath absent – node of Ranvier (1µm)
• Segment between two node- internode (1mm)
• Formation of myelin sheath around the axon
• Peripheral nerve started 4th month of IUL and
completed few years after birth
• Pyramidal tract remain unmyelinated at birth and
completed around end of 2nd year of life
• Outside its CNS myelin sheath formed by
Schwann cells
• Before myelinogenesis Schwann cells (Double
layer) close to axolemma as in non myelinated
nerve fiber
• Membrane of Schwann cells wrappe up and rotate
around the axon many concentric layer but not
• These concentric layer compacted – produce myelin
• Cytoplasm of cell not deposited in myelin sheath
• Nucleus of cell remain in between myelin sheath and
• Myelinogenosis in CNS occurs by oligodendrogeocytes
Non myelinated nerve
• No myelin sheath formation
• Nerve fiber simply covered by Schwann cells, no
• No internode and node of Ranvier
• Neurilemma and axis cylinder close to each other
• In CNS no neurilemma
• Myelinogenosis in CNS by oligodenogliocytes not
by Schwann cells
Importance and Myelin Sheath
• Propagation of AP very fast d/t saltatory conduction
(possible only in myelinated nerve fiber)
• Myelination results quicker mobility in higher animals
• Have high insulating capacity so prevents cross stimulation
• AKA sheath of schwann
• This membrane which surrounds axis cylinder
• Contain schwann cells which have flattend and
elongated nuclei
• One nucleus is present in each internode of axon
• Nucleus situated between myelin sheath and
• Non myelinated nerve fiber neurilemma surrounds
axolemma continuously
• At node of ranvier neurilemma invaginates upto
Functions of Neurilemma
• Non myelinated nerve fiber – serve as covering
• In myelinated nerve fiber necessory for
• Neurilemma absent in CNS
• Oligodendrogliocytes are responsible for
myelinogenesis in CNS
• Divided in to four zone:
1. Receptor or dendritic zone:
– Multiple local potential generated by synaptic
connection are integrated
2. Origin of conducted impulse:
– Propagated action potential generated (Initial of
segment of spinal motor neuron)
– Initial node of Ranvier in sensory neuron
3. Conductive zone:
 Axonal process transmits
Propogated impulse to the
nerve ending
 All or none transmission
4. Secretory zone:
 Nerve ending where AP
cause release of
Axonal Transport
• Transport subs from soma to synaptic ending
• Fast axonal transport- Membrane bound organelles
& mitochondria ( 400 mm/ day)
• Slow axonal transport- Subs dissolved in cytoplasm-
Proteins (1mm/ day)
• Requires ATP/ Ca++ & microtubules for guide
• Occurs in both direction anterograde & retrograde
• Anterograde transport- Synaptic vesicles/ proteins
• Retrograde transport- Neurotrophins /viruses
Question 1
Nissl bodies are composed of
a. DNA
b.RNA with protein
c. Lipoprotein
d.Fine granules composed of uracil
Question 2
Development of myelin sheath in peripheral
nervous system depends on
a. Astrocytes
c. Oligodendrocytes
d.Schwann cells
Question 3
All or None phenomenon in a nerve is applicable to
a. Mixed nerve
b.Only a sensory nerve
c. Only a motor nerve
d.A single nerve fiber
Question 4
Which of the following may show antidromic
a. Synapse
b. Axons
c. Both a & b
d. Cell body
Question 5
Myelin is
a. Usually ensheaths the axon hillock

b. Usually forms an uninterrupted coating around axons

c. Cover the dendrites, cell bodies and axon endings

d. Is found in greater concentration in the white matter of the

spinal cord then in the grey matter
Lecture 2
• Neurotrophins

• Glial cells (Neuroglia)

• Classification of nerve fiber

Neurotrophins – Neurotrophic Factors
• Protein substances
• Play important role in growth and functioning
of nervous tissue
• Secreted by many tissue in body e.g., muscles/
neurons/ astrocytes
• Functions:
– Facilitate initial growth and development of nerve
cells in CNS & PNS
• Promote survival and repair of nerve cell
• Maintenance of nerve tissue and neural
• Recently – neurotrophins capable of making
damaged neuron regrow
• Used reversing devastating symptoms of nervous
disorders like Parkinson disease, Alzheimer's
• Commercial preparation for treatment of some
neural diseases
• 1st protein identified as neurotrophin- nerve
growth factor (NGF)
• Now many numbers neurotrophin identified
1. Nerve growth factors (NGF)
– Promote early growth and development in
– Major action on sympathetic and sensory neurons
especially neurons concerned with pain
– AKA sympathetic NGF (major actions on
sympathetic neurons
• Commercial preparation of NGF extracted from
snake venoms and submaxillary gland of male mouse
• Used in sympathetic neurons disease as well as many
neurons disorders:
– Alzeimer’s disease
– Neuron degeneration in aging
Other Neurotrophins:
2. Brain derived neurotrophic growth factor
• 1st discovered in pig brain now found in human
brain and sperm
• Promotes survival of sensory and motor neurons
• Enhances growth of cholinergic, dopaminergic
neurons and optic nerve
• Also regulate synaptic transmission
• Commercial preparation used to treat motor
neuron disease
3. Ciliary Neurotrophic factor (CNTF)
• Found in neurological cells/ astrocytes and
Schwann cells
• Potent protective action on dopaminergic
• Used for treatment of Parkinson’s disease
• 4. Fibroblast growth factors:
• Promoting fibroblastic growth
5. Glial cell line- derived neurotrophic factor
– Maintains mid bran dopaminergic neurons
6. Leukemia inhibitory factors (LIF)
– Enhances the growth of neurons
7. Insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I)
8. Transforming growth factor
9. Fibroblast growth factor
10. Platelet – derived growth factors
Neurotrophin 3 (NT-3)
• Act on motor sympathetic and sensory organs
• Regulates release of neurotransmitter from NMJ
• Useful for treatment of motor neuron
neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy
• Others sub belong to neurotrophin family NT-4,
NT-5 α leukemia inhibitory factors
• NT-4 & NT-5 act on sympathetic and sensory and
motor neurons
• Neuroglia or glia (glia- glue) supporting cells of
nervous system
• Non excitable and do not transmit nerve
• 10-50 time as many glial cells as neurons
• Capable of multiplying by mitosis
• Schwann cells invest axon also glial cells
Classification of Neuroglial cells
1. Central Neuroglial cells
– Astrocytes:
– Fibrous astrocytes
– Protoplasmic astrocytes
– Microglia
– Oligodendrocytes
2. Peripheral neuroglial cells
– Schwann cells
– Satellite cells
• Star shaped found throughout the brain
joining to blood vessels
• Investing synaptic structures neuronal bodies
and neuronal process
• Two types:
i. Fibrous astrocytes
ii. Protoplasmic Astrocytes:
i. Fibrous astrocytes
• Found mainly in white
• Process of cells cover
nerve cells and synapses
• Play important role in
formation of blood brain
barrier by sending
process to blood vessels
of brain
ii. Protoplasmic Astrocytes:
• Present mainly in grey matter
• Process of neuroglia run between nerve cell bodies
– Form blood brain barrier so regulate the entry of subs from
blood to brain tissue

– Twist around the nerve cells and form supporting network

in brain and spinal cord
– Maintain chemical environment of ECF around CNS neurons

– Provides Ca+ and potassium and regulate neurotransmitter

level in synapses

– Regulate recycling and neurotransmitter during synaptic

• Derived from monocytes and
enter the CNS from blood

• Phagocytic cells migrate to the

site of infection or injury after
called macrophages of CNS
• Smallest neuroglial cells
• Engulf and destroy microorganism and
cells as debris
• Migrate to injured or infected area of
CNS and act as mature macrophages
• Produced myelin sheath
around nerve fiber in CNS
• Nerve only few process which
are short
• Provide myelination
• Provide support to CNS
neurons by forming semi still
connective tissue between
Peripheral neuroglial cells
1. Schwann cells:
• Major glial cells in PNS
• Play important role in nerve regeneration
• Remove celluler debris during regeneration by
their phagocytic activity
2. Satellite cells:
• Present on extensor surface of PNS neurons
• Provide physical support to PNS neurons
• Help in regulation of chemical environment of
ECF around PNS neurons
Classification of Nerve fiber
• General features of nerve:
• Greater the diameter of nerve fiber
– Greater speed of conduction
– Greater magnitude of spike potential
– Smaller duration of spike
– Lesser threshold of excitation
• Speed of conduction
• Myelinated fibers
– Approximately 6 times fiber diameter
– Myelinated fiber diameter ranges from µ m
– Therefore conduction velocity varies from 6-120
• Nonmyelinated fibers:
– Speed of conduction proportional to square root of
– Largest unmyelinated fiber approxi 1µm in diameter
– Therefore max conduction velocity 1 mt/sec
• Long axon mainly concerned with proprioceptive,
pressure and touch sensation and somatic motor
• Small axons concerned with pain and temp
sensation and autonomic functions
Classification of Nerve fibers
1. Depending upon structure
– Myelinated nerve fibers
– Non myelinated nerve fibers
2. Depending upon distribution
– Somatic nerve fibers (supply skeletal muscles)
– Visceral or autonomic (supply internal organs)
• Depending upon origin
– Cranial nerve (arising from brain)
– Spinal nerve (arising from spinal cord)
• Depending upon functions:
– Sensory nerve fibers (afferent nerve fiber)
– Motor nerve fibers (efferent nerve fibers)
• Depending upon secretion of neurotransmitter
– Adrenergic nerve fibers
– Cholinergic nerve fibers
• Depending upon diameter and conductions of impulse
(Erlanger- gasser classification)
• Classified into three major groups:
– Type A nerve fibers
– Type B nerve fibers
– Type C nerve fibers
• Among these type A thickest fibers
• Type c thinnest fibers
• Except type C fibers all fibers are myelinated
• Type A nerve fibers further subdivided four
– Aα or Type I nerve fibers
– Aβ or Type II nerve fibers
– A or Type III nerve fibers
– A
Fiber type Functions Fiber diameter Conduction
(µm) velocity (mt/sec)
α Proprioception, 12-20 70-120
somatic motor
β Touch, pressure, 5-12 30-70
 Motor to muscle 3-6 15-30
 Pain cold touch 2-5 12-30
B Preganglionic <3 3-15
C Pain temperature 0.4-1.2 0.5-2
Dorsal root Reflex response
Sympathetic Post ganglionic 0.3-1.3 0.7-2.3
Numerical classification
Number Origin Fiber type
Ia Muscle spindle Annulo-spiral Aα
Ib Golgi Tendon organ Aα
II Muscle spindle flower spray Aβ
ending, Touch, Pressure
III Pain and cold receptor some A
touch receptors
IV Pain, Temp and other receptors Dorsal roots
Physio-clinical classification
Susceptibility Most susceptible Intermediate Least suitable

Hypoxia B A C

Pressure A B C

Local Anesthesia C B A
Question 1
Which is not a CNS glial cell
a. Schwann cell
b. Microglia
c. Astrocyte
d. Oligodendroglia
Question 2
The most susceptible nerve fiber to local
a. C type fiber
b.B type fiber
c. Parasympathetic
d.A type Fiber
Question 3
The conduction velocity in a myelinated fiber is
directly related to
a. The amount of axon branching
b. Length of the fiber
c. Diameter of the fiber
d. Diameter of the dendrites
Question 4
Non-myelinated fiber differ from myelinated
once in that they
a. Lack nodes of ranvier
b. Are more excitable
c. Have higher conduction velocity
d. Are not associated with schwann cells
Question 5
Not true of an astrocyte
a. Found throughout the brain joined to the blood
b. Help forming blood brain barrier
c. Forms myelin around the axons within CNS
d. Helps in maintaining optimal concn of ions in the
brain neurons

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