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Chapter 5 Violations of CLRM Assumptions

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Chapter 5

Violation of classical linear regression model

assumptions and diagnostics

Tasew T.(PhD) 1
Violation of the Assumptions of the CLRM

• Recall that we assumed of the CLRM disturbance terms

1. E(ut) = 0
2. Var(ut) = 2 < 
3. Cov (ui,uj) = 0
4. The X matrix is non-stochastic or fixed in repeated samples
5. ut  N(0,2)
• When any of the above CLRM assumptions are violated, OLS
estimation results and inferences are not valid.

Tasew T.(PhD) 2
Investigating Violations of the
Assumptions of the CLRM
• We will now study these assumptions further, and in particular look at:
- Causes
- Consequences
-How we test for violations
 What are the Consequences of violating the assumptions of the CLRM?
 In general we could encounter any combination of 3 problems:
- the coefficient estimates are wrong
- the associated standard errors are wrong
- the distribution that we assumed for the
test statistics will be inappropriate
- the assumptions are no longer violated
- we work around the problem so that we
use alternative techniques
Tasew T.(PhD) which are still valid 3
Assumption 2: Var(ut) = 2 < 

• We have so far assumed that the variance of the errors is constant, 2 - this
is known as homoscedasticity.
û +
• If the errors do not have a
constant variance, we say
that they are heteroscedastic
• Note: heteroscedasticity often occurs
in cross-sectional data than in time series data .

Heteroscedastic pattern of errors:

e.g. say we estimate a regression
and calculate the residuals, u.t

Tasew T.(PhD) 4
Detection of Heteroscedasticity
• Generally, there are many techniques of detection:
– Graphical methods
– Formal tests: There are many of them

• Here we will discuss graphical methods and Goldfeld-Quandt test

Tasew T.(PhD) 5
Detection/Tests of heteroscedasticity i. Graphical
method ^2 ^2
u^2 u yes u yes
no heteroscedasticity

^ ^
Y ^
yes yes yes
u^2 u^2 u^2

Y ^ ^
Tasew T.(PhD) 6
The Goldfeld-Quandt Test
H0 : homoscedasticity Var ( ui ) = 2
H1 : heteroscedasticity Var ( ui ) = i2
Goldfeld-Quandt Test procedures:
(1)Order or rank the observations according to the values of Xi,
beginning with the lowest X value.
(2) Omit c central observations, where c is specified a priori, and
divide the remaining (n-c) observations into two groups/sample each
of (n-c)/2 observations. Usually c is taken to be one-sixth of n.
(3) Run the separate regression on two sub-samples and obtain the
respective RSS1 and RSS2.. Each RSS has [(n-c)/2 - k] df
(4) Compute the GQ or -ratio: RSS1/df

(5) Compare the  and the Fc, if  > Fc (0.05, k, ((n-c)/2)-k)==> reject the H0
Tasew T.(PhD) 7
Gujarati(2003)Table 11.3 Re-order data

Run regression based

on this group of data (n1=13),
Obtains RSS1

Omit central observations

(c = 4)

Run regression based

on this group of data (n2=13),
Obtains RSS2

RSS 2 / df
Tasew T.(PhD)   F8 c ?
RSS1 / df
The GQ Test (Cont’d)

A problem with the test is that the choice of where to split the sample
is that usually2 arbitrary and may crucially affect the outcome of the
test. GQ  s12

Tasew T.(PhD) 9
Consequences of Using OLS in the Presence of

• OLS estimation still gives unbiased coefficient estimates, but they are
no longer BLUE.

• This implies that if we still use OLS in the presence of

heteroscedasticity, our standard errors could be inappropriate and
hence any inferences we make could be misleading.

• Whether the standard errors calculated using the usual formulae are
too big or too small will depend upon the form of the

Tasew T.(PhD) 10
How Do we Deal with Heteroscedasticity?
Generalised least squares(GLS) estimation
• If the form (i.e. the cause) of the heteroscedasticity is known, then we can
use an estimation method which takes this into account (called generalised
least squares, GLS).
• A simple illustration of GLS is as follows: Suppose that the error variance
is related to another variable zt by
var ut    2 zt2
• To remove the heteroscedasticity, divide the regression equation by zt
yt 1 x x
 1   2 2t   3 3t  vt
zt zt zt zt
where vt  is an error term.
 ut  var ut   2 zt2
• Now var  vt   var   2
 2
  2
for known zt.
 zt  z t z t

Tasew T.(PhD) 11
with Heteroscedasticity…

• So the disturbances from the new regression equation will be


• Other solutions include:

1. Transforming the variables into logs or reducing by some other measure
of “size”.

Tasew T.(PhD) 12

• This problem occurs when the explanatory variables are very highly correlated
with each other.

• Perfect multicollinearity:
Cannot estimate all the coefficients
- e.g. suppose x3 = 2x2
and the model is yt = 1 + 2x2t + 3x3t + 4x4t + ut

• Problems if Near Multicollinearity is Present but Ignored

- R2 will be high but the individual coefficients will have high standard errors.
- The regression becomes very sensitive to small changes in the specification.
- Thus confidence intervals for the parameters will be very wide, and
significance tests might therefore give inappropriate conclusions.

Tasew T.(PhD) 13
Measuring Multicollinearity

• The easiest way to measure the extent of multicollinearity is simply to

look at the matrix of correlations between the individual variables. e.g.

Corr x2 x3 x4
x2 - 0.2 0.8
x3 0.2 - 0.3
x4 0.8 0.3 -
• But another problem: if 3 or more variables are linear
- e.g. x2t + x3t = x4t

• Note that high correlation between y and one of the x’s is not

Tasew T.(PhD) 14
Variance inflation factor(VIF)
• This is the commonly used method to detect the existence of MC.
• Consider the regression model: Yi= β 2x 2i + β 3x 3i +---+ β kx ki + εi
• The VIF of β jˆ is defined as:
• where Rj2 is the coefficient of determination obtained when the Xj
variable is regressed on the remaining explanatory variables
(called auxiliary regression).

If we suspect that the jth regressor variable ( Xj) is responsible for

MC, we compute the variance inflation factor
Tasew T.(PhD) 15
Solutions to the Problem of Multicollinearity

• Some econometricians argue that if the model is otherwise OK, just

ignore it

• The easiest ways to “cure” the problems are

- drop one of the collinear variables
- transform the highly correlated variables into a ratio
- go out and collect more data e.g.
- a longer run of data
- switch to a higher frequency

Tasew T.(PhD) 16

• We assumed of the CLRM’s errors that Cov (ui , uj) = 0 for ij, i.e.
This is essentially the same as saying there is no pattern in the errors.

• Obviously we never have the actual u’s, so we use their sample

counterpart, the residuals (the ’s).
• If there are patterns in the residuals from a model, we say that they are

• Some stereotypical patterns we may find in the residuals are given on

the next 3 slides.

Tasew T.(PhD) 17
Positive Autocorrelation

û t ût

- +
uˆ t 1 Time

Positive Autocorrelation is indicated by a cyclical residual plot over time.

Tasew T.(PhD) 18
Negative Autocorrelation

+ ût

- +
uˆt 1 T

- -

Negative autocorrelation is indicated by an alternating pattern where the residuals

cross the time axis more frequently than if they were distributed randomly
Tasew T.(PhD) 19
No pattern in residuals –
No autocorrelation
û t
ût +

- +
uˆt 1 Time


No pattern in residuals at all: this is what we would like to see

Tasew T.(PhD) 20
Detecting Autocorrelation:
The Durbin-Watson Test

The Durbin-Watson (DW) is a test for first order autocorrelation - i.e.

it assumes that the relationship is between an error and the previous
ut = ut-1 + vt (1)
where vt  N(0, v2).
• The DW test statistic actually tests
H0 : =0 and H1 : 0
• The test statistic is calculated by T
  ut  ut 1 2
DW  t  2 T
 ut 2
t 2

Tasew T.(PhD) 21
The Durbin-Watson Test:
Critical Values
• We can also write
DW  2(1   ) (2)
where  is the estimated correlation coefficient. Since  is a
correlation, it implies that  1  pˆ  1.
• Rearranging for DW from (2) would give 0DW4.

• If  = 0, DW = 2. So roughly speaking, do not reject the null

hypothesis if DW is near 2  i.e. there is little evidence of

• Unfortunately, DW has 2 critical values, an upper critical value (du)

and a lower critical value (dL), and there is also an intermediate region
where we can neither reject nor not reject H0.

Tasew T.(PhD) 22
The Durbin-Watson Test: Interpreting the Results

Conditions which Must be Fulfilled for DW to be a Valid Test

1. Constant term in regression
2. Regressors are non-stochastic
3. No lags of dependent variable
Tasew T.(PhD) 23
Consequences of Ignoring Autocorrelation
if it is Present

• The coefficient estimates derived using OLS are still unbiased, but
they are inefficient, i.e. they are not BLUE, even in large sample

• Thus, if the standard error estimates are inappropriate, there exists the
possibility that we could make the wrong inferences.

• R2 is likely to be inflated relative to its “correct” value for positively

correlated residuals.

Tasew T.(PhD) 24
“Remedies” for Autocorrelation: Models in First
Difference Form
• One way to sometimes deal with the problem of autocorrelation is to
switch to a model in first differences.

• Denote the first difference of yt, i.e. yt - yt-1 as yt; similarly for the x-
variables, x2t = x2t - x2t-1 etc.

• The model would now be

yt = 1 + 2 x2t + ... + kxkt + ut

• Sometimes the change in y is purported to depend on previous values of y

or xt as well as changes in x:
yt = 1 + 2 x2t + 3x2t-1 +4yt-1 + ut

Tasew T.(PhD) 25

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