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Visual Impairment: By: Michael Ron Francis D. Dimaano

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Visual Impairment

by: Michael Ron Francis D. Dimaano

Meaning ofVisuall 2
Visually impaired children are those that
have impaired symptoms, difficulties, or
defects in their visual organs that
distinguish them from children with
normal vision to the point of needing
special education.
Definitions of Visual 3
Visual Impairments /blend/
- vision cannot be primary learning channel
Partially Sighted
- some useful vision – person may see colors
and figures with blurring
- vision between 20/70 and 20/200
Legal definition: any of the following
- only reads first E with both eyes
- 20/200 vision with glasses
- tunnel vision (less than 20 degrees)
Types ofVisual 4
1. Hyperopia (far sightedness)
Can see objects of far away but not near
Cause : size of eye ball is too shorter.
2. Myopia (near sightedness)
Can see objects of near but not far away
Cause : size of eye ball is too longer
3. Astigmatism
Cause : irregularity in cornea or eye surface
Cannot focus at one object regularly.
4. Color Blindness :
Genetic causes – natal, prenatal, postnatal 5
Problem with cones cells of the eye
Decreased ability to differenciate between
5. Retinopathy of Prematurity:
This condition is common in children who were
premature babies that required high
concentration of oxygen at birth. Scarring and
detachment of the retina can result from this
6. Macular D
Generation: Loss of
central vision
7. Glaucoma :
Due to the blockage of the fluids that normally6
circulate within the eye
Deficiency in formation of eyes
8. Diabetic Retinopathy :
Cause : disease of diabetes
Diabetes unusual interference with the blood
supply to the retina
May result in serious vision impairement i.e. total
9. Cataract :
Condition or state of cloudiness in the lens into a
distorted or incomplete vision
Because of neurological vision loss of both eyes
10. Amblyopea :
one eye vision loss due to muscle imbalance
Lazy eye
Child sees two images of the one object
11. Crossed eye :
It represents an inability of the individual to focus
on the same object with both eyes
12.Coloboma: a condition in which the central
areas of the retina of a new born are found
incomplete in their formation. It may be serious
Challenges of Visual 8
Impairment in the Classroom
Fewer opportunities to acquire information
visually ( example: maps ,art)
Learning Difficulties
- may read very slowly – fall behind
-difficult to meet the demands of general
education classroom
Social difficulties
- can’t catch non-verbal cues from others
- inability to judge distance ( example:
stand too close when socializing)
Identification of Visual 9
Complaints of headache
Blinks eye frequently
Holds objects close to his eyes
Rub eyes excessively
The pupils of the eyes are of different sizes
Seem very sensitive to light
Becomes inattentive during reading sessions
Watering of eyes
Takes false steps while walking
Causes of Visual 10
Transfer of genes associated from the parents
Carelessness adopted by pregnant mothers
Mishaps and incidents
Unfavorable conditions .i.e. starvation,
malnutrition etc
Eye infections and eye diseases
Evil effects of fatal disease
Improper postures adopted at
work places
Reading, writing and working in defective and
improper lights
Educational provisions for
Visual Impairments
A. Decision concerning educational
placement :-
a. Regular class room
b. Itinerant teacher
c. Resource room
d. Full time special class
Educational provisions for 12

Visual Impairments
B. Decision concerning curriculum :-
a. Personal competence, self adjustments and
 daily living skills
b. Orientation and mobility
c. Communication skills
d. Vocational guidance & career development
e. Use of special aids and equipments like :
tape and cassette recorders
Talking books
Personal computers and typewriters Braille
Large type materials
Educational provisions for 13

Visual Impairments
 C. Decision concerning curriculum
implementation :-
 a. Development of essential skills for gaining
information and knowledge
Training in the use of Braille system
Provision of low vision aids with necessary
b. Development of listening skills
c. Orientation and mobility training
d. Development of independent living
Tools and Technology for 14
Visual Impairment
Special software programs and closed circuit
televisions enlarge the text on a screen until it is
large enough to read. E.g. kyan
Computerised speech systems read text directly
from the screen to the user. The text can be
converted into Braille that is displayed directly on
a specially modified keyboard and read by
Audio description which help people with sight
problems enjoy television, dvd’s or theatre.

Classroom Accommodation :
1. Welcoming the student
2. Safety
3. Seating
4. Assigmnent and

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