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Group 2 - Procedure Text

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Group 2

Reading Education
Millah Kamilah (3120180106)
Muhammad Lutfi Anas (3120180134)
Suci Rahmadany (3120180104)
A. Text Reading
How To Use Camera Goal

You need

1. A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others

camera that you have)
2. 2. The object (find something that interesting to you like
animals, buildings or the others)

Steps Steps

1. Handle camera and turn on it

2. Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom control untill you
get the best view
3. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and
various other calculations
4. Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
5. After that, press shutter all the way down
B. Translation
Cara Menggunakan Kamera

 Kalian memerlukan :

1. Kamera digital (kamera DSLR atau kamera saku atau kamera lain yang kalian
2. Objek (temukan sesuatu yang menarik bagi kalian seperti binatang, bangunan
atau yang lain)

 Langkah :

1. Pegang kamera lalu hidupkan.

2. Pusatkan objek dalam lcd serta kelola kontrol zoom sampai kalian memperoleh
tampilan yang terbaik.
3. Ketika kalian siap untuk mengambil gambar, tahan kecepatan rana, dan juga
berbagai perhitungan lainnya.
4. Lalu, lampu akan muncul yang memberi tahu kalian jika kamera telah diatur
untuk digunakan.
5. Setelah itu, tekan rana sepenuhnya.
C. The Definition and Purpose of Procedure Text

Definition about Procedure Text

 Procedure text is type of text that aims to describe an order or

instruction on how something is achieved in the correct sequence, stages
such as how to use a camera.

Purpose of Procedure Text

 The purpose of procedure text is to provide information

about how to use the camera in sequence.
D.Language Feature of Procedure Text

1. Using temporal conjunction

(for example : first, second, third, the last)
2. Using imperative sentence
(for example : “Handle camera and turn on it..”, “Center the object in the lcd
and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view..” )
3. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner
(for example : for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.)
4. Using action verbs, (for example : hold, manage, get, press, take,)
5. Using Simple Present Tense
E. The Generic Structure of Procedure
 Goal : It is containt the purpose of the text. (for example : How to use camera)
 Material or Ingredient : it is containt of the materials that used in the process.
(for example : You need A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others
camera that you have) and The object (find something that interesting to you like
animals, buildings or the others)
 Step : it is containt of the steps to make something in the goal.
(for example : First, Handle the camera and turn on it. Second Center the object in the lcd
and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view. Third When you are ready to
take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations. Then, a light
should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
And the last After that, press shutter all the way down.
F. Comprehension Pricies and Composition Procedure

 Procedure text is type of text

that aims to describe an order
or instruction on how  Morever, the purpose of procedure
something is achieved in the text is to provide information
correct sequence, stages such about how to use the camera in
as how to use a camera. sequence.
Composition Procedur Text

 a) Generic Structure

Goal Materials or Steps

 b) Languange Feature

Using imperative sentence Using Simple Present Tense

1 2 4
Using temporal conjunction Using action verbs

Using adverbials (Adverbs)
Question and Answer about Text

1. The type of the text above is called Procedure

2. The purpose of the text is : to tell the reader how to use camera
3. Who is the text better addressed to? to camera users
4. What is the first step to take? Handle cmera and turn on it
5. How do I take pictures? Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom
control untill you get the best view
6. what happens next when holding down shutter speed, and various other
calculations? a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go

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