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Roman Gods

The Romans had lots of gods.

Many of their gods are the
same as Greek gods, but with
different names. This makes
things very confusing!

We are going to look at

twelve of the most popular
Roman gods, if they sound
familiar, the following table
might help you recognise the
Greek gods of the same

Venus or Aphrodite
Comparing Gods
Roman God Greek God God/Goddess of…
Saturn Cronus God of Time
Jupiter Zeus King of the Gods
Juno Hera Queen of the Gods
Neptune Poseidon God of the Sea
Pluto Hades God of the Underworld
Minerva Athena Godddess of Wisdom
Mars Ares God of War
Venus Aphrodite Goddess of Love
Mercury Hermes Messenger to the Gods
Apollo Apollo God of the Sun
Diana Artemis Goddess of the Moon
Cupid Eros God of Love
Family Tree of the Gods
Saturn Ops

Latona Jupiter Maea Juno Neptune Pluto

Mercury Venus

Diana Apollo Cupid

Most of the gods were related to each other. Have a look at this family tree to see
how our twelve gods were linked.
Saturn- God of time
Father of: Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Juno, Veres and
Married to: Ops, Mother Goddess

• Saturn was the first King of the Gods. When

he died, the world was split between his three
sons. Neptune ruled the seas, Pluto the
underworld, and Jupiter the skies/heavens.

• Saturn’s weapon was a scythe.

• He is sometimes called Old Father Time.

Saturn- God of time

• Saturn’s children, Jupiter, Neptune and

Pluto, represent air, water and death, the
three things that time cannot kill.

• He use to be known as the god of

agriculture, or see sowing, but the
celebration of Saturnalia festival in
December each year lead to him being
associated with time.

• The Saturnalia lasted seven days, and

was similar to our Christmas today.
Jupiter- God of the Heavens
Son of: Saturn
Brother of: Pluto and Neptune
Married to: Juno, who was also his sister

• Jupiter was the most powerful


• He rode a winged horse called

Pegasus, who carried the
thunderbolts that Jupiter used
as weapons.

• He had an eagle as his

Jupiter- God of the Heavens

• Jupiter had twelve gods as his

special advisors.

• He had many children, all of whom

has special powers.

• Jupiter could shape shift (make his

body look like something else, like
an animal), and
throw his voice.

• Jupiter means Father Jove’.

Juno- Queen of the Gods
Married to: Jupiter
Mother of: Mars, Natio, Juventas and Vulcan

• Juno was the beloved goddess of marriage,

worshipped as a housewife, mother and

• Although Juno watched over all Roman

women, her special concern was Roman
married women.

• There was a festival every year on 1st March

to honour Juno.
Neptune- God of the Sea

Brother of: Jupiter and Pluto

• Neptune’s weapon was a trident,

which had three prongs.

• He rode a dolphin or a horse.

• Neptune was very powerful,

people were very scared of him.
Neptune- God of the Sea

• He had very bad moods and this

would affect the seas. Angry seas
were dangerous so people brought
gifts to the temple to try and please

• Neptune was also god of

earthquakes, known as The Earth-
Pluto- God of the Underworld

Brother of: Jupiter and Neptune

• Pluto ran the Underworld.

• The Underworld was where Romans believed

your soul went when you died. If you were
good, you would go to a nice part of the
underworld. However, if you were bad, then it
wasn’t very pleasant.

• Pluto had a golden chariot.

Pluto- God of the Underworld

• He had a helmet that would make

you invisible.

• He had a three headed dog called

Minerva- Goddess of Wisdom

Daughter of: Jupiter

• Minerva was born without a mother. Minerva

was born directly out of Jupiter’s brain.
According to mythology, Jupiter had a terrible
headache and Vulcan split his head open only
for Minerva to jump out, in full armour!

• Minerva was also the Goddess of women’s

Minerva- Goddess of Wisdom

• She sat on the council of 12 gods.

• It was Minerva’s wisdom that helped Perseus

kill Medusa, the monster with snakes for hair.

• She was very good with horses.

Mars- God of War

Son of: Juno

• Just like Minerva was born without a mother,

Mars was born without a father.

• Mar liked bloodshed, he didn’t care who won

or lost a battle.

• Nobody liked him very much, he was cruel

and very vain.
Mars- God of War

• He travelled with Discordia, the spirit

of Disagreement, and also the spirits of
Pain, Panic, Famine and Oblivion.

• Festivals to honour Mars happen in

March as this is when wars would start
again, having stopped over winter.

• His sacred animals are the wolf and the

Venus- Goddess of Love and

• According to myth, Venus was born from sea foam.

• She represents water, essential to life and contrasting

with Vulcan and Mars who were gods of fire and war.

• She was very beautiful and many statues and paintings

of her were made.

• Her sign was a rose.

• She started the Trojan War, but not deliberately.

Mercury- Messenger to the Gods

Son of: Jupiter and Maea (or Maia)

• Mercury was the youngest son of Jupiter.

• He was very mischievous and everyone loved


• He was intelligent and very quick so he made

a good messenger.

• He had a winged hat and sandals so he could

Mercury- Messenger to the Gods

• He carried a staff which had wings and two

snakes curled round it.

• His job was to tell the Gods about

everything that was happening.

• He was a very good negotiator and could

talk his way out of trouble.
Apollo- God of the Sun
Son of: Jupiter and Latona
Twin brother of: Diana

• Apollo was also the God of Music.

• He and his twin sister were the magical

children of Latona. He was born on a floating
island because Juno was jealous of his mother
and had banished her.

• Every day he took four horses and his chariot

and pulled the sun across the sky to give light
to the world.
Apollo- God of the Sun
• Apollo was very protective of his

• His weapon was a bow and arrow.

• His instrument was a lyre.

• He is associated with laurel trees and

laurel wreaths because Cupid made him
fall in love with a woman who turned
herself into a laurel tree to escape him.

• He was gentle and warm, very rarely

Diana- Goddess of the Moon
Daughter of: Jupiter and Latona
Twin sister of: Apollo

• Diana could be cold and unfriendly.

• Like Apollo, she had a bow and arrow as her


• She had floppy eared dogs that she loved her


• She was also Goddess of the Hunt.

Diana- Goddess of the Moon

• She was associated with wild animals and

the woods. She could talk to and control

• She was often pictured with her bow and

arrow and her hunting dogs, or a deer.
Cupid- God of Love

Son of: Venus

• When Cupid shot someone

with a bow and arrow, they
would fall in love with the
very next person they saw.

• Cupid was sometimes quite

Cupid- God of Love
• He was usually shown
looking very young.

• Cupid had wings and he

would fly around with his
bow and arrow.

• He had two kinds of

arrows. The golden tipped
arrows made people fall in
love and the lead tipped
arrows made people want
to run away from the next
person they saw.
Did you know?
The French days of the week are mainly names after Roman Gods.

Day God French

Monday Goddess of the Moon Lundi (from ‘lune’)
Tuesday Mars Mardi
Wednesday Mercury Mercredi
Thursday Jupiter (Jove) Jeudi
Friday Venus Vendredi
Saturday Saturn Samedi
Sunday Sun Dimanche (from ‘The
Lord’s Day’)

Do you know what the English days of the week are names after?

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