Rizals Exile in Dapitan
Rizals Exile in Dapitan
Rizals Exile in Dapitan
Beginning of Exile in Dapitan
The streamer Cebu which brought Rizal to Dapitan carried a letter from Father
Pablo Pastells, Superior of the Jesuits parish priest of Dapitan. In this letter,
Father Superior Pastells informed Father Obach that Rizal could live at the parish
convent on the following conditions:
1.”That Rizal publicly retract his errors concerning religion, and make statements
were clearly pro-Spanish and against revolution”.
2.”That he perform the church rites and make a general confession of his past life”.
3.That henceforth he conduct himself in an exemplary manner as a Spanish subject
a man of religion.”
Rizal did not agree with these
conditions. Therefore, Rizal decided
to stay at the place of Captain Ricardo
July 25, 1892
Rizal wrote to his mother in Hong
Kong about his Exile in Dapitan.
August 26,1892 •
September 21,1892 •
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01 02 03 04
● Don Ignacio
● Don Florencio
● Rizal prescribed
medicinal plants to
his poor patients.
Water System for
●As a perito agrimensor (expert
surveyor), Rizal applied his
engineering knowledge by
constructing a system of
waterworks to furnish clean
water to the townspeople
●Mr. H.F. Cameron –American
engineer who praised Rizal for
his engineering ingenuity.
Community Projects for
1.Drained the marshes to get rid
of malaria that was infesting
2.Equipped the town with
lighting system using P500 one
of his patients paid him. The
lighting system consisted of:
a.Coconut oil lamps
3.Beautified the town of
Dapitan by remodeling the town
plaza and making a huge relief
map of Mindanao out of earth,
Rizal established a school in
Dapitan which was attended by Rizal as Teacher
16 young boys from prominent
families. He taught them
reading, writing in English and
Spanish, geography, history,
mathematics, industrial work,
nature study, morals and
gymnastics. He encouraged
them to engage in sports
activities as well.
●Hymn to Talisay - A poem
Rizal wrote in honor of Talisay
which he made his pupils sing
Contributions to Science
1.Built up a rich collection of
concology (consisting of 346 shells
of 203 species)
3.Conducted anthropological,
ethnographical, archaeological,
geological and geographical studies.
Linguistic Studies
Continuing his study of languages,
Rizal learned in Dapitan:
3.Malay languages
Upon restoring her eyesight, Dona Teodora returned
to Manila. Seeing how busy Rizal is, she regretted
neglecting her muses. She requested Rizal to write
poetry. As a response, Rizal wrote “Mi Retiro”
relating his serene life as an exile in Dapitan
24 stanzas
Rizal and Josephine Bracken
•Josephine Bracken – Irish girl of sweet eighteen who was born on Hong Kong.
•Mr. Taufer became blind so he sought for an ophthalmic specialist. This is how Josephine
and Rizal met.
•Rizal and Josephine Bracken decided to get married but Father Obach refused to marry
them without the permission of Bishop of Cebu.
•Having no priests to marry them, Rizal and Josephine married themselves before the eyes
of God
•The two were happy for they were expecting for a baby. However, Rizal played a prank on
Josephine making her give birth to an eight-month baby boy. The baby lived for only three
hours. He was named “Francisco” in honor of Rizal’s father.
Rizal and the Katipunan
•Pio Valenzuela – emissary to Dapitan in order to inform Rizal
of the plan of Katipunan during the meeting at a little river
called Bitukang Manok.
•Venus – steamer Valenzuela boarded to reach Dapitan
•Raymundo Mata – blind man who came with Valenzuela to
camouflage his mission
Rizal objected Bonifacio’s project
1.The people are not
ready for a revolution