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• The conversion of water from a liquid to a gas.

• Water is transferred from the surface to the atmosphere
through evaporation, the process by which water changes
from a liquid to a gas. It contributes to the humidity of the
• Evaporation is the change
of a liquid into a vapor at
a temperature below the
boiling point. This occurs
at any temperature
between the melting
point and the boiling
point. However, the
warmer the temperature
the more quickly the
water will evaporate.
• Condensation is the
change of a gas or vapor
to a liquid, either by
cooling it or by subjecting
the substance to an
increase in pressure.
When water vapor cools
in the atmosphere, it
condenses into tiny drops
of water which form
• Sublimation is the
process of changing
from a solid to a gas
without passing through
a liquid phase.
Absolute humidity
• The absolute humidity of a given air mass is
the no of grams of water per cubic meter of
The relative humidity
• The relative humidity (RH) is calculated using the actual water
vapor content in the air (mixing ratio) and the amount of
water vapor that could be present in the air if it were
saturated (saturation mixing ratio)
• RH = w/ws x 100%
• The relative humidity is simply what percentage the
atmosphere is towards being saturated.
• Relative humidity is not a good measure of exactly how much
water vapor is present (50% relative humidity at a
temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit will involve more water
vapor than 50% relative humidity at -40 degrees)
• Relative humidity can change even when the amount of water
vapor has not changed (when the temperature changes and
the saturation mixing ratio changes as a result)
Dew Point
• It is the temperature at which condensation will begin.
• The dew point temperature is the temperature at
which the air will become saturated if the pressure
and water vapor content remain the same
• The higher the dew point, the more water vapor that
is present in the atmosphere.
• The temperature is always greater than the dew point
unless the air is saturated (when the temperature and
dew point are equal)
Vapor pressure
• Vapor pressure (e) is simply the amount of
pressure exerted only by the water vapor in
the air.
• The pressures exerted by all the other gases
are not considered.
• The unit for vapor pressure will be in units of
pressure. (millibars and hectopascals are the
same value with a different name)
Rate of evaporation
Rate of evaporation depends on the factors such as:
• Water temperature
• Absolute Humidity
• Wind
• Atmospheric pressure
• Soluble salts
• Wet soils
• Deep and shallow water bodies
How to measure Evaporation
• It is rather impossible to measure evaporation
directly in field. Evaporation from water
surface its estimated by different methods and
its values are correlated to field data .
How to measure Evaporation
• Evaporation pan
• An evaporation pan is used to hold water during
observations for the determination of the quantity of
evaporation at a given location. Such pans are of
varying sizes and shapes, the most commonly used
being circular or square. The best known of the pans
are the "Class A" evaporation pan . Often the
evaporation pans are automated with water level
sensors and a small weather station is located
• The United States Class A pan is of cylindrical design,
25.4 cm (10 in ) deep and 120.7 cm (4 ft ) in diameter.
• The bottom of the pan is supported 3 to 5 cm above the
ground level on an open-frame wooden platform, which
enables air to circulate under the pan, keeps the
bottom of the pan above the level of water on the
ground during rainy weather, and enables the base of
the pan to be inspected without difficulty.
• The pan itself is constructed of 0.8 mm thick galvanized
iron, copper , and is normally left unpainted.
• The water level is measured by means of either a hook gauge
or a fixed-point gauge. The hook gauge consists of a movable
scale and Vernier fitted with a hook, the point of which
touches the water surface when the gauge is correctly set.
• A stilling well, about 10 cm across and about 30 cm deep,
with a small hole at the bottom, breaks any ripples that may
be present in the tank, and serves as a support for the hook
gauge during an observation.
• The pan is refilled whenever the water level, as indicated by
the gauge, drops by more than 2.5 cm from the reference
Pan Coefficient : Cp

• Evaporation pans are not exact models of large reservoirs:

• Their major drawbacks are the following:
• They differ from reservoirs in the heat storage capacity and heat transfer
characteristics from the sides and the bottom (sunken and floating pans aim to
minimize this problem). Hence evaporation from a pan depends to some
extent on its size (Evaporation from a pan of about 3m dia is almost the same
as that from a large lake whereas that from a pan of about 1m dia is about 20%
in excess of this).
• The height of the rim in an evaporation pan affects wind action over the water
surface in the pan. Also it casts a shadow of varying size on the water surface.
• The heat transfer characteristics of the pan material is different form that of a
• Hence evaporation measured from a pan has to be corrected to get the
evaporation from a large lake under identical climatic and exposure conditions.
Pan Coefficient : Cp

The actual evaporation from a nearby leak is

less than that of pan evaporation

Why ?

• The sides of the pan is exposed to the sun.

• The temperature over the pan is higher that over the lake.

Lake evaporation = Cp pan evaporation

E = Cp Ep

Cp = pan coefficient = 0.7 for Class A Pan.

Other Methods
• Different methods are used for the
computation of lake evaporation which are:
• Empirical Equations
• Water balance method
• Energy budget and Energy balance method
• Mass transfer method
Dalton’s law
E = C (es – e)

E : rate of evaporation (mm/day)

es : the saturation vapor pressure at the water surface; (milibar or mm of
mercury) (mb or mm Hg)
e : the actual vapor pressure of air (mb or mm Hg)

C : a coefficient depends on wind speed, atmospheric pressure and other factors,

C= a+ bu
a , b are constants ;
u : wind speed (m/s) ; ( u2 : wind speed at height 2m.)
• Evaporation occurs till es = ea
• If condensation takes place es ˃ ea
Empirical Equations

Most of empirical formulae are based on the Dalton-type equation:

E = Kf(u) (ew - ea)

E = lake evaporation in mm / day,

es = saturated vapor pressure at the water-surface temperature;
e = actual vapor pressure of over­lying air at a specified height;
f(u) = wind-speed correction function and

K = a coefficient.

The term e is measured at the same height at which wind speed

in measured.
Empirical Equations

Meyer's Formula (1915):

E = KM (ew – ea ) ( I + u9/16 )

u9 = monthly mean wind velocity about 8 m above ground

KM = coefficient of 0.36 for large deep waters and 0.50 for
small, shallow waters

The limitations of the formula that at best be

expected to give an approximate magnitude
of the evaporation.
Rohwer’s Formula
Empirical Equations

• Problem statement:
A reservoir with average surface spread
of 3.3 km2 in December has the water surface
temperature of 22.5 C⁰ and relative humidity of
35% .wind velocity measured at 2.0mabove the
ground at the nearby observatory is 15km/h
.calculate average evaporation loss from the
reservoir in mm/day and the total depth and
volume of evaporation loss for December.
Water balance method
• It balances all the incoming and outgoing of
stored water in a lake or reservoir over a
period of time.
• Eq is in simplest form:
∑ inflow - ∑ outflow = change in storage +
Evaporation loss
∑ I - ∑ O = E + ∆S
Then E = ∑ I - ∑ O ± ∆S
• It can be more generalized by taking all the factors of
inflow and outflow:
∑I = P + Isf + Igf
∑O= T + Osf + Ogf
Where :
P = Precipitation
T = Transpiration loss
Isf=Surface inflow
Igf =Ground water inflow
Osf = Surface water outflow
Ogf = Ground water outflow
∆S = Change in storage
Measurement of all quantities is possible except
Ogf , Igf and T
This equation is fails to give accurate results since ground
water inflow and outflow are very difficult to measure for
a lake or reservoir.
It gives us good results for annually measurements not for
daily estimations.
Energy Balance Method
• Like water balance ,Energy balance for lakes or
reservoirs can be carried out to calculate lake
• Energy of the lake is:
Radiations = Stored energy
Hli + Hsi - Hs - Hlo = Hi + Hif + Hs + He + Hlr + Hgf
Energy Balance Method
• Where:
• Hli = Long wave radiations incident on the
• Hsi = Incident Solar radiations
• Hso = Reflected Solar radiations
• Hlo = Reflected long wave radiations
• Hi = Increased in stored heat energy of water
• Hlf = Energy conducted due to the flow of the water
• Hs = Sensible heat transfer between water and atmosphere
• He = Energy used for evaporation
• Hlr = Long wave radiations emitted from the water
• Hgf = Heat absorbing into ground water
Energy Balance Method
• no water inflow/outflow to lake
• no change in water temperature of lake
• neglects sensible heat transfer to ground and
• neglects heat energy lost with water which
leaves system as vapor
• calculates evaporation on a daily time interval
Energy Balance Method
• Daily calculations are unreliable due to difficulties
in measuring parameters but good estimate can
be obtained if applied to monthly and yearly
values .
• Most difficult value to be measured is Hs ,it can
be measured by Bowen’s ratio:
• β = Hs / He
• Ratio between heat lost by conduction to heat
lost by evaporation.
Energy Balance Method
• Problem statement:
Calculate for the month of august
the solar radiations incident on earth’s surface
and the net outgoing thermal (long wave)
radiations for a place 20⁰ north latitude. Take
no of sunshine hours recorded at the nearby
IMD observatory as 11.5 and mean air
temperature as 25 ⁰C .Take relative humidity
for august as 98%.
Table 4.6
Table 4.7
Mass transfer Method
• Accurate estimation of the amount of water vapour transferred to
atmosphere from a lake surface is still investigated. The equation
proposed by the Thornthwaite and Holzman (1939) takes the following
E = 0.000119 (e1 - e2 )(µ2 - µ1) / Pₓ ln (h2 / h1)
E is in m/sec ,
µ2 and µ1 are the velocities of wind in m/sec at height h 2 and h1 resp.
e1 and e2 are the vapour pressure of air in pascal (pa) at height h 1 and
h2 resp
P is the mean atmospheric pressure in pa between height h 2 and h1 .
h2 is the height taken close to the water surface level(lower height)
and h1 is the upper height.
Mass transfer Method
• Problem statement:
For air temperature of 25⁰ C,
relative humidity of 98%, air pressure of 101.3
× 103 Pa and wind speed of 3m/sec measured
at 2m above the water surface, calculate the
evaporation loss from the water surface .Take
saturation height h1 as 0.03m.
• Analytical methods can provide good results.
However, they involve parameters that are
difficult to assess.
• Empirical equations can at best give
approximate values of the correct order of
• In view of the above, pan measurements find
wide acceptance in practice.

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