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G5Baim Artificial Intelligence Methods: Graham Kendall

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Artificial Intelligence Methods

Graham Kendall
Simulated Annealing
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Simulated Annealing
 Motivated by the physical annealing

 Material is heated and slowly cooled into a

uniform structure

 Simulated annealing mimics this process

 The first SA algorithm was developed in

1953 (Metropolis)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Simulated Annealing
 Compared to hill climbing the main
difference is that SA allows downwards

 Simulated annealing also differs from hill

climbing in that a move is selected at
random and then decides whether to
accept it

 In SA better moves are always accepted.

Worse moves are not
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Simulated Annealing
 Kirkpatrick (1982) applied SA to
optimisation problems

 Kirkpatrick, S , Gelatt, C.D., Vecchi, M.P.

1983. Optimization by Simulated Annealing.
Science, vol 220, No. 4598, pp 671-680
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

The Problem with Hill Climbing

 Gets stuck at local minima

 Possible solutions

 Try several runs, starting at different


 Increase the size of the neighbourhood

(e.g. in TSP try 3-opt rather than 2-opt)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

To accept or not to accept?

 The law of thermodynamics states that
at temperature, t, the probability of an
increase in energy of magnitude, δE, is
given by

P(δE) = exp(-δE /kt)

• Where k is a constant known as

Boltzmann’s constant
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

To accept or not to accept - SA?

P = exp(-c/t) > r
• Where
– c is change in the evaluation function
– t the current temperature
– r is a random number between 0 and 1

Change in Change in
Evaluation Temperature Evaluation Temperature

• Example
Function of System exp(-C/T) Function of System exp(-C/T)
10 100 0.904837418 10 10 0.367879441
20 100 0.818730753 20 10 0.135335283
30 100 0.740818221 30 10 0.049787068
40 100 0.670320046 40 10 0.018315639
50 100 0.60653066 50 10 0.006737947
60 100 0.548811636 60 10 0.002478752
70 100 0.496585304 70 10 0.000911882
80 100 0.449328964 80 10 0.000335463
90 100 0.40656966 90 10 0.00012341
100 100 0.367879441 100 10 4.53999E-05
110 100 0.332871084 110 10 1.67017E-05
120 100 0.301194212 120 10 6.14421E-06
130 100 0.272531793 130 10 2.26033E-06
140 100 0.246596964 140 10 8.31529E-07
150 100 0.22313016 150 10 3.05902E-07
160 100 0.201896518 160 10 1.12535E-07
170 100 0.182683524 170 10 4.13994E-08
180 100 0.165298888 180 10 1.523E-08
190 100 0.149568619 190 10 5.6028E-09
200 100 0.135335283 200 10 2.06115E-09

SImulated Annealing Acceptance Probability

Probability of Acceptance


0.6 Temp = 100

0.4 Temp = 10







Change in Evaluation
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

To accept or not to accept - SA?

Change Temp exp(-C/T) Change Temp exp(-C/T)

0.2 0.95 0.810157735 0.2 0.1 0.135335283
0.4 0.95 0.656355555 0.4 0.1 0.018315639
0.6 0.95 0.53175153 0.6 0.1 0.002478752
0.8 0.95 0.430802615 0.8 0.1 0.000335463
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

To accept or not to accept - SA?

 The probability of accepting a worse
state is a function of both the
temperature of the system and the
change in the cost function

 As the temperature decreases, the

probability of accepting worse moves

 If t=0, no worse moves are accepted (i.e.

hill climbing)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Algorithm
 The most common way of implementing
an SA algorithm is to implement hill
climbing with an accept function and
modify it for SA

 The example shown here is taken from

Russell/Norvig (for consistency with the
rest of the course)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Algorithm
Schedule) returns a solution state

• Inputs: Problem, a problem

Schedule, a mapping from time to temperature
Local Variables : Current, a node
Next, a node
T, a “temperature” controlling the probability of
downward steps

• Current = MAKE-NODE(INITIAL-STATE[Problem])
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Algorithm

For t = 1 to  do
T = Schedule[t]
If T = 0 then return Current
Next = a randomly selected successor of Current
E = VALUE[Next] – VALUE[Current]
if E > 0 then Current = Next
else Current = Next only with probability exp(-
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Algorithm - Observations
• The cooling schedule is hidden in this
algorithm - but it is important (more

• The algorithm assumes that annealing

will continue until temperature is zero -
this is not necessarily the case
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule
• Starting Temperature

• Final Temperature

• Temperature Decrement

• Iterations at each temperature

G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Starting Temperature

• Starting Temperature

– Must be hot enough to allow moves to

almost neighbourhood state (else we are
in danger of implementing hill climbing)
– Must not be so hot that we conduct a
random search for a period of time
– Problem is finding a suitable starting
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Starting Temperature

• Starting Temperature - Choosing

– If we know the maximum change in the

cost function we can use this to estimate
– Start high, reduce quickly until about
60% of worse moves are accepted. Use
this as the starting temperature
– Heat rapidly until a certain percentage
are accepted the start cooling
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Final Temperature

• Final Temperature - Choosing
– It is usual to let the temperature decrease
until it reaches zero
However, this can make the algorithm
run for a lot longer, especially when a
geometric cooling schedule is being used

– In practise, it is not necessary to let the

temperature reach zero because the
chances of accepting a worse move are
almost the same as the temperature being
equal to zero
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Final Temperature

• Final Temperature - Choosing

– Therefore, the stopping criteria can

either be a suitably low temperature or
when the system is “frozen” at the
current temperature (i.e. no better or
worse moves are being accepted)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Temperature Decrement

• Temperature Decrement

– Theory states that we should allow

enough iterations at each temperature so
that the system stabilises at that
– Unfortunately, theory also states that the
number of iterations at each temperature
to achieve this might be exponential to
the problem size
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Temperature Decrement

• Temperature Decrement

– We need to compromise
– We can either do this by doing a large
number of iterations at a few
temperatures, a small number of
iterations at many temperatures or a
balance between the two
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Temperature Decrement

• Temperature Decrement
– Linear
•temp = temp - x
– Geometric
•temp = temp * x
•Experience has shown that α should be
between 0.8 and 0.99, with better results being
found in the higher end of the range. Of
course, the higher the value of α, the longer it
will take to decrement the temperature to the
stopping criterion
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Iterations

• Iterations at each temperature
– A constant number of iterations at
each temperature

– Another method, first suggested by

(Lundy, 1986) is to only do one
iteration at each temperature, but to
decrease the temperature very
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Iterations

• Iterations at each temperature
– The formula used by Lundy is
•t = t/(1 + βt)

• where β is a suitably small value

Change in Change in
Evaluation Temperature Evaluation Temperature
Function of System exp(-C/T) Function of System exp(-C/T)
10 100 0.904837418 10 10 0.367879441
20 100 0.818730753 20 10 0.135335283
30 100 0.740818221 30 10 0.049787068
40 100 0.670320046 40 10 0.018315639
50 100 0.60653066 50 10 0.006737947
60 100 0.548811636 60 10 0.002478752
70 100 0.496585304 70 10 0.000911882
80 100 0.449328964 80 10 0.000335463
90 100 0.40656966 90 10 0.00012341
100 100 0.367879441 100 10 4.53999E-05
110 100 0.332871084 110 10 1.67017E-05
120 100 0.301194212 120 10 6.14421E-06
130 100 0.272531793 130 10 2.26033E-06
140 100 0.246596964 140 10 8.31529E-07
150 100 0.22313016 150 10 3.05902E-07
160 100 0.201896518 160 10 1.12535E-07
170 100 0.182683524 170 10 4.13994E-08
180 100 0.165298888 180 10 1.523E-08
190 100 0.149568619 190 10 5.6028E-09
200 100 0.135335283 200 10 2.06115E-09

SImulated Annealing Acceptance Probability

Probability of Acceptance

0.6 Temp = 100

0.4 Temp = 10






Change in Evaluation
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Cooling Schedule - Iterations

• Iterations at each temperature
– An alternative is to dynamically change
the number of iterations as the algorithm

At lower temperatures it is important

that a large number of iterations are done
so that the local optimum can be fully

At higher temperatures, the number of

iterations can be less
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions

• The cooling schedule is all about SA but
there are other decisions which we need
to make about the problem

• These decisions are not just related to

G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Cost Function

• The evaluation function is calculated at
every iteration

• Often the cost function is the most

expensive part of the algorithm
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Cost Function

• Therefore

– We need to evaluate the cost

function as efficiently as possible

– Use Delta Evaluation

– Use Partial Evaluation

G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Cost Function

• If possible, the cost function should also
be designed so that it can lead the search
– One way of achieving this is to avoid cost
functions where many states return the
same value
This can be seen as representing a
plateau in the search space which the
search has no knowledge about which
way it should proceed

– Bin Packing
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Cost Function

• Many cost functions cater for the fact
that some solutions are illegal. This is
typically achieved using constraints

– Hard Constraints : these constraints

cannot be violated in a feasible solution

– Soft Constraints : these constraints should,

ideally, not be violated but, if they are, the
solution is still feasible
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Cost Function

• Hard constraints are given a large
weighting. The solutions which violate
those constraints have a high cost function

• Soft constraints are weighted depending on

their importance

• Weightings can be dynamically changed as

the algorithm progresses. This allows hard
constraints to be accepted at the start of the
algorithm but rejected later
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Neighbourhood

• How do you move from one state to

• When you are in a certain state, what

other states are reachable?
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Neighbourhood

• Some results have shown that the
neighbourhood structure should be
symmetric. That is, if you move from state i to
state j then it must be possible to move from
state j to state i
• However, a weaker condition can hold in
order to ensure convergence.
• Every state must be reachable from every
other. Therefore, it is important, when
thinking about your problem to ensure that
this condition is met
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Performance

• What is performance?

– Quality of the solution returned

– Time taken by the algorithm

• We already have the problem of finding

suitable SA parameters (cooling
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Performance

• Improving Performance - Initialisation

– Start with a random solution and let

the annealing process improve on that.
– Might be better to start with a solution
that has been heuristically built (e.g.
for the TSP problem, start with a
greedy search)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Performance

• Improving Performance - Hybridisation

– or memetic algorithms

– Combine two search algorithms

– Relatively new research area

G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

Problem Specific Decisions - Performance

• Improving Performance - Hybridisation

– Often a population based search strategy

is used as the primary search mechanism
and a local search mechanism is applied
to move each individual to a local

– It may be possible to apply some heuristic

to a solution in order to improve it
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Acceptance Probability

• The probability of accepting a worse move
is normally based on the physical analogy
(based on the Boltzmann distribution)

• But is there any reason why a different

function will not perform better for all, or
at least certain, problems?
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Acceptance Probability

• Why should we use a different acceptance
– The one proposed does not work. Or we
suspect we might be able to produce
better solutions
– The exponential calculation is
computationally expensive.
– (Johnson, 1991) found that the
acceptance calculation took about one
third of the computation time
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Acceptance Probability

• Johnson experimented with

P(δ) = 1 – δ/t

• This approximates the exponential

Please read in conjunction with the simulated annealing handout

Set these parameters

Classic Acceptance Criteria Approximate Acceptance Criteria Change in Evaluation Func tion, c 20
exp(-c/t) 1-c/t Temperature, t 100
0.818730753 0.8
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Acceptance Probability

• A better approach was found by
building a look-up table of a set of
values over the range δ/t
• During the course of the algorithm δ/t
was rounded to the nearest integer and
this value was used to access the look-up
• This method was found to speed up the
algorithm by about a third with no
significant effect on solution quality
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cooling
• If you plot a typical cooling schedule you
are likely to find that at high temperatures
many solutions are accepted

• If you start at too high a temperature a

random search is emulated and until the
temperature cools sufficiently any solution
can be reached and could have been used
as a starting position
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cooling

• At lower temperatures, a plot of the

cooling schedule, is likely to show that
very few worse moves are accepted;
almost making simulated annealing
emulate hill climbing
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cooling
• Taking this one stage further, we can say
that simulated annealing does most of its
work during the middle stages of the
cooling schedule

• (Connolly, 1990) suggested annealing at a

constant temperature
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cooling
• But what temperature?

• It must be high enough to allow movement

but not so low that the system is frozen

• But, the optimum temperature will vary

from one type of problem to another and
also from one instance of a problem to
another instance of the same problem
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cooling
• One solution to this problem is to spend
some time searching for the optimum
temperature and than stay at that
temperature for the remainder of the
• The final temperature is chosen as the
temperature that returns the best cost
function during the search phase
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Neighbourhood
• The neighbourhood of any move is
normally the same throughout the
algorithm but…
• The neighbourhood could be changed as
the algorithm progresses
• For example, a cost function based on
penalty values can be used to restrict
the neighbourhood if the weights
associated with the penalties are
adjusted as the algorithm progresses
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cost Function

• The cost function is calculated at every
iteration of the algorithm

• Various researchers (e.g. Burke,1999)

have shown that the cost function can be
responsible for a large proportion of the
execution time of the algorithm

• Some techniques have been suggested

which aim to alleviate this problem
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cost Function

• (Rana, 1996) - Coors Brewery
– GA but could be applied to SA

– The evaluation function is

approximated (one tenth of a

– Potentially good solution are fully

evaluated (three minutes)
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cost Function

• (Ross, 1994) uses delta evaluation on the
timetabling problem
– Instead of evaluating every
timetable as only small changes are
being made between one timetable
and the next, it is possible to
evaluate just the changes and
update the previous cost function
using the result of that calculation
G5BAIM Simulated Annealing

SA Modifications - Cost Function

• (Burke, 1999) uses a cache

– The cache stores cost functions

(partial and complete) that have
already been evaluated

– They can be retrieved from the cache

rather than having to go through the
evaluation function again
Artificial Intelligence Methods
Graham Kendall
End of Simulated Annealing

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