Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
Kotler, Philip. Marketing management/Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller. — 14th ed. p. cm
Discussion Questions
Five primary and four support activities that create value and cost in a specific business.
What is the Value Chain Model?
Primary Activities
1. Inbound logistics, or bringing materials into the business;
2. Operations, or converting materials into final products
3. Outbound logistics, or shipping out final products;
4. Marketing, which includes sales; and
5. Service.
Support activities
6. Procurement,
7. Technology development,
8. Human resource management, and
9. Firm infrastructure. (Infrastructure covers the costs of general management, planning,
finance, accounting, legal, and government affairs.)
Core Business Processes
Core Competencies
Difficult to
Useful in a
wide variety
of markets
Contributes to
customer benefits
Holistic Marketing
Marketing Plan
Strategic Tactical
– Analysis of marketing opportunities – Product features
– Target marketing decisions – Promotion
– Value proposition – Merchandising
– Pricing
– Sales channels
– Service
Defining the Corporate Mission
Major Competitive Spheres
Market orientation gets the right product: product orientation
get the product right.
• Can the benefits involved in the opportunity be articulated convincingly to a defined target market?
• Can the target market be located and reached with cost-effective media and trade channels?
• Does the company possess or have access to the critical capabilities and resources needed to deliver
the customer benefits?
• Can the company deliver the benefits better than any actual or potential competitors?
• Will the financial rate of return meet or exceed the company’s required threshold for investment?
Porter’s Generic Strategies