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(Christology) : Theology 1 Doctrine of Christ

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Theology 1

Doctrine of Christ

Theology 1
Doctrine of the Bible (Bibliology)
Doctrine of God (Theology Proper)
Doctrine of Christ (Christology)
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The Person of Christ

The center of Christian faith is Jesus Christ.
Understanding who He is and what He is like is
critical in order to grow in our faith in Him. Not
only that, but many cults and false doctrines
have resulted from wrong teaching about
Jesus. It is very important for us to see what the
Bible teaches concerning the person, Jesus
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

Jesus Christ as the “Ultimate”

Promised Seed
The story of God’s work to redeem man did not begin in the
New Testament, but in Genesis. Even as God sent man out
of the garden of Eden, He also promised that there would be
a provision made to restore right relationship with God. This
was the “seed” in Genesis 3:15. The seed meant that there
would be a special person physically related to Eve who
would return us to fellowship with the Father. This idea of a
special seed repeated periodically through the Old
Testament, and its fulfillment is seen in Jesus Christ.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
Old Testament Promises about the
“Seed” that will save Humanity
Gen. 3:15 - This is the first mention of the Seed. There would
be enmity between the woman's seed and Satan. And while
Satan would bruise the Seed of Eve, the fatal blow would be
to Satan.
Gen 12:3 - The Seed was further identified as coming from
the offspring of Abraham. This descendent of Abraham
would be a blessing to all nations.
Gen. 49:10 - The future ruler of the whole world would come
is from the tribe of Judah. This future King will rule over the
whole earth forever.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
Old Testament Promises about the
“Seed” that will save Humanity
Deut. 18:15 - God would send a Prophet like Abraham from
the midst of Israel. This Prophet would be from among the
brethren - a flesh and blood descendent of Israel.
Ps. 110:4-6 - The descendent of David would not only be a
king (v. 1-3), but also a priest of the order of Melchizedek
(see also Heb. 7). As High Priest he would intercede on
behalf of all men, not only the house of Israel.
Isaiah 53 - God would send one who would redeem His
people through personally suffering and dying for the
iniquities of others.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
The Seed: Jesus the Man
Although it may seem obvious to us today, one fact
has at times been overlooked: Jesus was a
human being just as we are. Many passages of
Scripture support this fact:
1. He is called a man - Jn. 8:40; Acts 2:22; Rom.
5:15; I Cor. 15:21
2. His lineage is defined clearly - Mt. 1:1ff; Luke
3. He is said to be revealed in the flesh - John
1:14; I Tim. 3:16; I Jn. 4:2
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
The Seed: Jesus the Man
The Bible is not the only record of Jesus’ life. There are several other
ancient sources that record information concerning Jesus which support
the claims of Scripture. Some of these are:
Non-Jewish--Pliny (Epistles X.96); Tacitus (Annals XV.44); and
Suetonius (Lives XXV.4).
These were each written within one century of the life of Jesus.
Jewish--Josephus (Antiquities XVIII.3.3; XX.9.1) and the Talmud.
Josephus was writing during the same time the epistles were being
composed, and it is likely Jesus was still alive while Josephus was
growing up in Palestine. While the evidence for his existence is clear,
these sources from outside the Bible give us little data concerning his
actual life and ministry. The Bible still gives us the clearest picture of His
life and ministry.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
A. He was a normal person
We may sometimes wonder if Jesus was normal -- was he
just like us? The Bible shows that He possessed a real
human nature. He had:
1. A Material body
He ate, he drank, he slept, and he was thirsty. He
experienced human growth (Lk. 2:40). He suffered and
died as a normal human (Jn. 19:34). As a carpenter, He
probably occasionally smashed His fingers when He
missed a nail with the hammer. Jesus, like all of us, was
subject to the frailty of a human body.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
A. He was a normal person
2. A Human Soul. This is stated in directly in Scripture (Mt. 26:38;
Jn. 11:33). Jesus demonstrated these human "soulish"
a. Intellect. (Lk. 2:52). Lk. 2:40 it literally says that He grew full of
wisdom. It was not that He needed to be corrected in what He
thought, but that He needed to gain more wisdom as he grew.
b. Will. (Luke 9:51-53; Lk. 22:42) When He faced the decision of
going to the cross, it was a struggle. He had to choose not to
obey the human will, but to do the Father's will.
c. Emotions. Jesus experienced the full range of human emotions.
He was angry (Mt. 21:12ff, Mt. 23:13ff): sad (Jn. 11:35-38); and
felt love (Mt. 23:37ff).
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
We can be certain that Jesus was a normal human being just as we are.
But being the Son of God also meant that He was different from us in
certain ways as well. Some ways that He was different include:
1. His Virgin Birth
Teaching of Scripture. Scripture predicted that Jesus would be born of a
virgin. The prophecy is found in Is. 7:14, which says that a sign would be
given, and the sign was that a young woman would bear a child. The
Hebrew word used was "Almah," which could mean either a young
woman or a virgin. Many scholars believe this was because the prophecy
was fulfilled in two senses. It was fulfilled first during the time that Isaiah
made the prediction (which was a sign specifically given to King Ahaz).
And the fulfillment was completed at the birth of Christ (Matt. 1:18-25;
Luke 1:26ff).
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
1. His Virgin Birth
Significance. Some people have sought to prove
that Jesus’ sinlessness was because He was born
only of the seed of the woman. But this actually has
no biblical basis. Jesus was sinless because He was
the product of the Holy Spirit from inception (Lk.
1:35). Yet the Virgin Birth does prove that Jesus was
not like any other person who has ever lived.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
1. His Virgin Birth
Significance. It also points out two important things about our salvation:
(See Erickson, Christian Theology, p. 757).
a. Our salvation is supernatural, not natural. Jesus came to save us. But
He was not like an ordinary man. Even His life was begun as the direct
result of the Holy Spirit’s power. Jesus was not a normal man who, through
His great self discipline or personal striving, became good enough to be
our savior. He became our Savior through the supernatural work of God
b. Our salvation is a gift of God’s grace. Mary was chosen by God. But
there is nothing in the Bible that gives us the idea that only Mary was
worthy of carrying Jesus in her womb. She was chosen by God, that is why
she is called blessed more than any woman who has lived.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
Some people today deny the virgin birth of Christ.
There have been many arguments against this
doctrine. One common argument is that the people
were just uneducated. They did not know the
medical facts about birth so they believed Mary’s
incredible story. Yet the Jews clearly understood the
way that babies were made. Joseph offered to have
Mary sent away to avoid the shame she would surely
face. But she refused, maintaining her innocence.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
Perhaps the most common objection today is the contention that it
is just a myth. Some liberal scholars say it is part of the "folk-lore"
that arose about Jesus after His death to prove what His disciples
claimed was true. Some say the Virgin Birth is actually syncretism
(a mixture of Christianity and another religion). They say this
because in Greek mythology there are stories other "supernatural
conceptions." They say the early Christians borrowed from
mythology to make Jesus appear as important as the Greek gods.
However, there is no evidence that this could have been true. If
one reads the strange stories about the Greek gods, it is clear that
they were mythical. The Greeks never claimed to have historical
evidence that any of their "superhero" gods really lived.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
In addition, the source of the records of the virgin
birth are primarily Jewish, not Greek. There is no
record of any such Jewish myth. The only similarity
is in the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah, where
the characters involved are clearly historical
people. The words used to describe the virgin birth
were common descriptions of ordinary life, not
science fiction or myth.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like as a man?
Although it was miraculous, it was historically verifiable -- one could
check the story out by interviewing people who were there and see if
it really happened.
This is not "mythical" language. C.S. Lewis, a great scholar of
medieval literature at Cambridge University in England, was asked
what he thought about the theory that Jesus‘ birth only was only a
myth. His response was that the idea was backwards. Rather than
trying to see Jesus birth as a reflection of the ideas of mythology,
actually all mythology could be traced to the truth of the birth of
Christ. The virgin birth of Christ was the real thing, and all the myths
about gods being born in miraculous ways were only poor copies of
the original.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
1. His Virgin Birth
2. His Sinless Life
a. In His Conception. As mentioned above, this is not because there
was no transmission of the sin nature. The sin nature is not
passed on physically. Scripture chooses not to fully reveal how the
sin nature is passed on, but it does make clear that in Jesus’ case,
He was not imputed the sin of Adam. Jesus was sanctified by the
Holy Spirit from the moment of conception. He was not like John
the Baptist in this respect. Luke records that John the Baptist was
filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb (Lk. 1:15, 41). But Jesus was
conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was part of the
process, and Jesus was fully sanctified from conception. Lk. 1:35
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
1. His Virgin Birth
2. His Sinless Life
a. In His conception
b. In His nature. Scripture teaches that He did not have a sin nature like
ours. He was completely free from the corruption of sin -- the second
Adam, able to reflect perfectly what man was intended to be. I Cor. 15:45-
49 also gives us hope that, in the future, we too will be released fully from
the corruption of sin. At that time we will be given a chance to experience
life in a spiritual, resurrected body, without the effects of the fall.
c. In His Experience. Scripture teaches us that Jesus was totally without
sin (Heb. 4:15; 7:26; I Jn. 3:5, 7). Although He faced temptations like we
did, and even more severe than ours, He never gave in to those
temptations. He was experientially without sin.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
What was Jesus like a man?
B. He was a Perfect Person
1. His Virgin Birth
2. His Sinless Life
The Perfect Result
Because Jesus was completely sinless from conception to His
death, Jesus was not condemned, like the rest of mankind, to die.
You and I are under a death sentence: the Bible says, “the soul
that sins will surely die...the wages of sin is death.” Only Jesus had
no sins of His own to die for. Therefore, only Jesus was qualified to
die in our place (Rom. 5:14-19). As we saw from the beginning,
had Christ not been a real man, we would still be in our sins. Only
a real man, without the staining influence of sin, could possibly buy
us out of the slave market of sin.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Throughout history many people have struggled to
understand how Jesus could be both God and man.
Scripture does not answer all of our questions
concerning how it is possible, but it consistently tells
us it is true.
Because many groups today do not believe that
Jesus is God incarnate, the following is a summary
of several arguments from Scripture to prove that He
truly is God.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
The Bible uses a number of terms to describe Jesus. Many of them can
only be used if Jesus is God. Some of these are:
1. Lord (kurios)
This term can mean a wide variety of things, from the master of a slave to
a person deserving respect, to a religious leader or teacher. But it is also
the word the Septuagint uses to translate Yahweh and Adonai, the most
common terms for God in the Old Testament. Jesus is referred to as the
Lord in citings of OT passages originally clearly dealing with Yahweh.
(Acts 2:20, 21; Rom 10:13; I Peter 3:15)
Kurios is used interchangeably between Jesus and the Father in the N.T.
There are times you do not even know for sure who is being spoken of.
(Acts 1:24; 2:47; Rom. 14:11 and Jn 3:3)
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
2. Is. 9:6 Emmanuel. Emmanuel in Hebrew means “God with us.” When
the Bible says that Jesus is the fulfillment of this prophecy, it means
that truly God is with us.
3. Logos, Jn 1:1, 14. Caldwell's rule in Greek makes it clear that the
Logos in Jn. 1:1 is God. When connected to Jn. 1:14, it is clear that
Jesus is the Logos. Therefore, Jesus is God.
4. Son of God. According the International Dictionary of the Bible this title
of Jesus “is to be understood both as a synonym for Messiah (Ps. 27;
Matt. 16:16; 26:63; 27:40) and as implying deity through a unique
relation with the Father (Jn. 5:8).” The description of Jesus as the “only
begotten” of the Father means not only that He was God’s only direct
offspring, but also that He was unique, one of a kind.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
5. Messiah, Anointed one. The Messiah was God's chosen instrument to
deliver His people (Ps. 2:2 cf. 7; Heb. 1:3). At the time, the Jews were
expecting the Eternal King of David's lineage who would restore the kingdom.
For Him to be called Messiah, the Christ, implied they wanted Him to
establish that kingdom. Therefore he avoided it, yet eventually that became
the most commonly given title, because that was truly who He was.
6. Son of Man. The term “Son of Man” was used in Daniel to refer to the One
who would be given the dominion over all the earth for all eternity (Dan. 7:13,
14). This Son of Man was historically linked to the time when the promised
Messiah would rule. Yet it is also the term Jesus used most often to describe
Himself. He saw Himself as the fulfillment of Daniel’s vision. He was the King
to whom all authority would be given (Mt. 25:31-33).
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
• Jn. 8:58 - I Am. Jesus used a term that was familiar to the Jews,
because it was the name God gave Himself in Ex. 2 at the burning
bush: I AM (YAHWEH). He even claimed to have existed before
Abraham. The Jews immediately took up stones to stone Him because
they knew He was claiming to be God.
• Jn. 1:1, 14 -- John said that the Word was God, Jesus was the Word,
and therefore Jesus was God.
• Jn. 10:30 -- “I and the Father are one.” Again, the Jews understood that
He was claiming equality with God, not just that they were of one heart.
They tried to stone Him “because you, being a man, make yourself out
to be God.”
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
• Col. 2:9 -- “In Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” Here Paul seeks, in
limited human language, to describe how God can also be man. This is a clear
picture of the union of the two natures in Jesus. He is both God and man.
• Phil. 2:6 -- “Who, being in very nature God...” The term used for nature is the Greek
word morphe -- the “essential form.” This means that Jesus had the essential
attributes of God, and those attributes were the same before and after the
incarnation. What change was the voluntary exercise of His divine nature, which He
chose to limit in order to become a man (v. 7).
• Tit. 2:13 -- “The appearing of our great God and Savior.” Jesus is both our great
God and Savior.
• II Pet. 1:1 -- “...the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” Another
clear identification of Jesus as both God and Savior.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Jesus demonstrated that He was God by the works that He did. Only God is
capable of the following:
• Total Authority -- Mt. 8:26; Matt. 7:29; 7 miracles of John (see chart, next
• Forgives sins -- Mark 2:5
• Created the World -- Col 1:16
• Has power to raise people from the dead -- John 11:23-27. Jesus did not
just raise Lazarus, but claimed to be the resurrection and life!
• Gives eternal life -- Jn. 10:27ff
• Will Judge all things -- Matt. 25:31-32
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

Miracle Area of Authority

Water into Wine Quality
Feeding of the 5000 Quantity
Healing of the Man Born Blind Time
Healing of the Official’s Son Distance
Calming the Sea Nature
Raising of Lazarus Death
Healing of the Sick Man at the Pool Destiny
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
The Ten Commandments made it clear that no one should be
worshipped except for God alone (Ex. 20:1-4). If a Jew was
to offer worship to anyone else, he was to be stoned. The
Jews would rather be arrested than bow down before the
Roman rulers. Yet Jesus, the great Jewish teacher, accepted
the worship of those who followed Him.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
• Jesus taught that honor should go to him -- Jn. 5:22,23; 14:1
• Disciples spontaneously worshipped Him -- John 20:28; Mt.
• Prayers in NT are addressed to Him -- Acts 7:59-60; I Cor.
• Ultimately all will worship Jesus -- Rev. 5:13; 7:10; Phil. 2:10-
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
Proof 5: Jesus Shares Divine Attributes
Another proof that Jesus truly was God is that He shares the
same attributes that God has. Some of
those attributes include:
• Eternal -- Rev. 1:8; Jn 1:1,2
• Immutable -- Heb. 1:10-12; 13:8
• Omnipotent -- Phil. 3:21
• Omniscient -- Jn. 21:17; Col. 2:3
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ
The Trilemma
(From Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, adapted by Josh McDowell in
various writings.)
Jesus Claimed to Be God

The claim is False The claim is True

(The Trilemma)

(1) He knew (2) He didn't know (3) He is Lord

He was lying He was deluded Accept Him Reject Him

He was a liar He was a lunatic

Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
Proof 5: Jesus Shares Divine Attributes
As the “Trilemma” points out, Jesus claimed to be God. That is
an amazing claim. The people who heard Jesus speak and
saw the miracles He performed still sought more complete
proof that
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
Proof 5: Jesus Shares Divine Attributes
John 2 relates the incident of the cleansing of the temple. At that time, Jesus was
asked what gave Him the authority to condemn the sin of the merchants in the
temple. Actually, they were questioning His right to call the temple “His Father’s
house.” John records this in Jn. 2:19, 21, 22: Jesus answered them, “Destroy this
temple, and I will raise it again in three days”...But the temple he had spoken of
was his body. After He was raised from the dead, His disciples recalled what he
had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

Proof 1: Names and Titles Used Describe Jesus as God
Proof 2: The Bible Makes Direct and Indirect Claims to His Deity
Proof 3: Jesus Does Divine Works
Proof 4: Jesus Receives Divine Worship
Proof 5: Jesus Shares Divine Attributes
In Matt. 12:39-40, Jesus said: A wicked and adulterous generation
asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign
of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the
belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the
earth. While many people have claimed to do great deeds, no
one has ever successfully predicted His own death and
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

• The lives of the disciples. Prior to the resurrection,
they were so scared they were hiding in upper room
of a house, hoping not to be discovered by the Jews.
After Pentecost, they were transformed into bold
witnesses. Ten out of the remaining eleven disciples
were martyred for their faith, and John, the lone
survivor, died in exile after being boiled in oil. Why
would they die for a lie if Jesus had not risen?
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

• The testimony of eyewitnesses. I Cor. 15:3-6 says
that over five hundred people personally witnessed
the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. Since
most of those were still alive at the time the church
was growing, why did the Jews not call on those
witnesses to reveal what really happened, if Jesus
did not actually rise from the grave?
Theology 1
Doctrine of Christ

The SEED: God Incarnate

• The Roman seal and guard. A Roman seal was placed over
the entrance to the tomb. This meant that anyone who broke
the seal could be sentenced to death. In addition, a 24-hour
guard was on duty to ensure that no one tried to steal the
body. If they failed to protect the tomb, the members of the
guard could be imprisoned or killed themselves. It is doubtful
that the disciples were capable, or willing, to overpower
trained Roman guards. This is why the guards were bribed to
keep quiet -- they knew the disciples didn’t steal the body.

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