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HLTH 1047 Part B Poster Template - NURSING

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Name/ID/Study period + Year here A Review of Enablers and Barriers of Indigenous Drug. (2018). Retrieved September 21, 2018, from
Alcohol in Australia: issues and strategies. (2001). Retrieved September 21, 2018, from
Cultural safety and its importance for Australian midwifery practice. (2010). Cultural safety and its importance for Australian midwifery practice. Retrieved September 21, 2018, from
Cultural safety. (2018). Cultural safety. Retrieved September 21, 2018, from
Family violence and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. (2018). Retrieved September 21, 2018, from
MINISTERS, A. H. (2016). Cultural Respect Framework. Retrieved September 21, 2018, from

National Alcohol Strategy 2006-2009. (2015). Retrieved September 21, 2018, from$File/eval2cs1.pdf
The Department of Health. (2018). Retrieved September 21, 2018, from$File/Consultation%20Draft%20National%20Alcohol%20Strategy%202018-2026.pdf
Willenbring, M. L. (2018). Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorders. Retrieved September 21, 2018, from

What is [this risk factor]? Health Promotion Area [insert title] Health Promotion Area continued [insert title]
Health Promotion Strategies and the barriers and enablers for health care:
In the 19th century, the Australian society was consuming a huge amount of alcohol beverages in the In Australia, the consumption of alcohol has economic and social impacts on the daily life of the Australian.
country. In the early 19th century, the people of New South Wales are consuming 13.5 litres of alcohol in In addition, it has related to the health-related harms and the safety of the community. The Australian
the year. In the year 1982, the consumption rate of the people of Australia is 9.8 litters. Moreover, in government also made a strategy to promote the health of the society. Firstly, the government has made a Changes in the healthcare workforce:
1993 Australia has ranked 20th in the world in terms of alcohol consumptions (Alcohol in Australia: plan to develop a safe and healthier drinking plan to prevent the harm (National Alcohol Strategy 2006- Changes in the healthcare workforce:
issues and strategies, 2001). Alcohol is becoming a complex issue in Australia. It is the widely used drug 2009, 2015). The government has made four plans In Australia the diversity is increasing day by day, the health care services are getting the
in Australia. In a report, it was mentioned that around 90% of the adults reported that they have To reduce the frequency of intoxication between drinkers opportunities and the challenges at the same time. Cultural competence can be defined as the ability
consumed alcohol at some point in their lifetime. Moreover, the 80% of the people have consumed the Improve the public safety where the public consumes the alcohols of the health care providers to provide the services that can meet the social and cultural needs of the
alcohol in the previous 12 months. Improve the health services patients. If there is a change in the healthcare workforce, it can be good for the people who come
Promote the healthy drinking habits in the communities. from different communities. As they, health care services can now provide more cultural
Department of health is spreading the benefits of healthy drinking among the communities so that many competence and it can improve patient's satisfaction. If the health cares services are become
The extent of [this risk factor] among Aboriginal and people can relate them and make them healthy. Communities can really help the people to come out of the culturally appreciate it will improve the accessibilities of the people to the healthcare services. The
Torres Strait Islander peoples addition of the alcohol. One of the barriers to health care access is the lack of information and education,
which can resist the people who need help to get over from the addition of the alcohol. Apart from that, the
health care services should be able to provide the healthcare without discriminations without race
and ethnicity. The health care services should provide the interpreter's services and should provide
Epidemiology and the impacts on the consumers and their family: the training to the staffs so that the staff can be aware of the culture. It can also expand the hours of
treatment of alcohol-related treatment is high and in a few areas the lack of availability of the services
As most of the Australian does not consume a huge amount of alcohol, that can lead them to the serious work so that they can attend more of the people who are suffering. The health care providers must
affecting the health care. Apart from that, there are some enablers in the health care. as there are many
injuries or diseases. However, there are some people who consume alcohol in huge amount, by that the include the family members and the communities to take healthcare decision-making. Apart from
staffs who are fighting for the community for this cause. The government also increases there the range of
people can be caught by some sort of disease; More than 17% drinks at the huge level can lead them to that, the health ministers of Australia have developed a framework which is called " The Cultural
the services, so that the people who are suffering from the alcohol-related diseases can get the better
the serious injuries or the diseases. At this level, the risk of getting injuries and diseases are high and put Respect Framework" to provide service delivery by the use of jurisdiction and mechanism to make
treatment. (A Review of Enablers and Barriers of Indigenous Drug, 2018).
the person in a risk, which can be related to family abuse, road accident or any kind of disease, which the relationship strength between the health care system and the indigenous people of Australia
Strategies to promote culturally safe care practices:
can lead to death. There are many impacts that can lead to the person and their family into pain: (MINISTERS, 2016).
In Australia, the current scenario of the health safety and quality standards are insufficient to ensure the
If a person uses the alcohol in huge amount, the risk factor of the person to get caught more than 200
culturally safe care from the alcoholic patients. As the communities are the heart of the society, the
chronic diseases including seven types of cancer. In Australia, around 5500 people died due to the
communities can help overcome the problems, which are related to the alcohols. The culturally safe care
alcohol annually. Due to the alcohol, the families are suffering more as it has increased the domestic
practices are not a new concept in the Australian healthcare or in the communities of Australia. The nurses
violence that can lead the families to separate from each other. From the use of the alcohol, which can
or the midwives are always expected to the engagement with all the people in culturally safe and respectful
increase the cause of birth effects and the behavioral abnormalities, includes FASD (Fetal Alcohol
way. They must behave in honest with the patients. Many health care services are providing the training to
Spectrum Disorder) this is a disorder, which can have its effects lifelong. (The Department of Health,
the staff and the communities about the cultural safety. Cultural safety means to provide care to the person
who needed by reflecting their own statement and culture in order to work with each other with the genuine
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities and Family Violence:
partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (Cultural safety, 2018). The
The work "Family Violence" is preferred that the "Domestic Violence" by many indigenous
communities can help the people beyond the skin colour of the people who need help. With the cultural
communities "family" in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities covers a various range of
competence, one culture can help the other culture by understanding the needs. They can provide the health
the obligations and mutual support. The term of family violence covers a broad range of family
benefits to the other cultures like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities. The Aboriginal and
members, which includes, uncle, aunty, cousins, and children. Family violence is very high in the
Torres Strait Islanders communities have a strong relationship with their land and waters. They transfer
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities and it is often related to the alcohol consumptions. In
knowledge to their babies. So if the government, promotes the cultural safe practices it would be better for
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities, the women consider violence due to alcohol is
the communities like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by which they can learn and take respects in the
one of the greatest worries (Family violence and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, 2018).
health care services.
by which they can learn and take respects in the health care services.

Figures or tables Figures or tables Future directions and conclusion

Alcohol consumption is one of the problems in the world and for Australia. As the people who have consuming alcohol
in a huge amount, which is around 13.5 liters per capita. The 90% of adults have tried alcohol in their life, which means
90 % of the people is consuming alcohol in Australia. The huge amount Alcohol consuming is injurious for the health of
the people. In Australia, around 17% of the drinkers may catch by diseases as cancer or they can get any serious
injuries due to the dizziness. There are 5500 people died due to the alcohol annually. Due to the alcohol's consumption,
the disease like FASD can occur to the person. Apart from that, the people who are related to the alcoholic person
suffers the most from their families. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities suffering from the
domestic violence as many women referred the alcohol is one of the major factors in the domestic violence.
In Australia, the consumption of alcohol is one of the main factors, which influences the social and economic life of the
Australian people. By which the government has made some of the strategies to promote health in which the health
department has made some plans to reduce the consumptions of the intoxicating drink. Apart from that, with the help of
the communities, the government is promoting health benefits. As there are many barriers for the health care to provide
the health services as one of the factors is the lack of knowledge, which stops the people to talk freely to the doctors and
the nurses. Language is one the problem as the health care services is going global the languages of the patients should
be understood by the health care providers to provide better health services. The cultural safe practices mean the
practices where all the people can live in fear and there was no assault on the people. All the communities should share
these practices so that the effect of the alcohol that leads to the domestic violence should be brought down.
In the field of the healthcare, the workforce should adopt some changes so that they can provide better services to the
people. As many of the people come to Australia for better treatment should get better attitudes from the health care
providers. Therefore, the people of Australia and the different communities do not find any inequalities while getting the
treatment. In Australia, there is a lack of the coherent approach and a lack of national standards in terms of the culturally
competent in the health care services. If the government can improve the workforce of the health care towards the
betterment of the communities then the accessibilities of the health care services will automatically increase, as the
people will find it easier to get the treatment without discriminations. For this, the Australian health ministers have
developed the cultural Respect Framework 2004-2009 to improve the relationship between the health care system and
the indigenous Australians.

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