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Advanced Computer Architecture: Hwang, Chapter 2 Program and Network Properties 2.3 Program Flow Mechanisms

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Advanced Computer Architecture

Hwang, Chapter 2
Program and Network Properties
2.3 Program Flow Mechanisms
Program Flow Mechanisms
Conventional machines used control flow
mechanism in which order of program execution
explicitly stated in user programs.
Dataflow machines which instructions can be
executed by determining operand availability.
Reduction machines trigger an instruction’s
execution based on the demand for its results.
Control Flow vs. Data Flow
Control flow machines used shared memory for instructions
and data. Since variables are updated by many instructions,
there may be side effects on other instructions. These side
effects frequently prevent parallel processing. Single
processor systems are inherently sequential.
Instructions in dataflow machines are unordered and can
be executed as soon as their operands are available; data
is held in the instructions themselves. Data tokens are
passed from an instruction to its dependents to trigger
Data Flow Features
No need for
shared memory
program counter
control sequencer
Special mechanisms are required to
detect data availability
match data tokens with instructions needing them
enable chain reaction of asynchronous instruction
A Dataflow Architecture - 1
The Arvind machine (MIT) has N PEs and an N-by-N
interconnection network.
Each PE has a token-matching mechanism that dispatches
only instructions with data tokens available.
Each datum is tagged with
address of instruction to which it belongs
context in which the instruction is being executed
Tagged tokens enter PE through local path (pipelined), and
can also be communicated to other PEs through the routing
A Dataflow Architecture - 2
Instruction address(es) effectively replace the
program counter in a control flow machine.
Context identifier effectively replaces the frame
base register in a control flow machine.
Since the dataflow machine matches the data tags
from one instruction with successors, synchronized
instruction execution is implicit.
A Dataflow Architecture - 3
An I-structure in each PE is provided to eliminate
excessive copying of data structures.
Each word of the I-structure has a two-bit tag
indicating whether the value is empty, full, or has
pending read requests.
This is a retreat from the pure dataflow approach.
Example 2.6 shows a control flow and dataflow
Special compiler technology needed for dataflow
Demand-Driven Mechanisms
Data-driven machines select instructions for execution
based on the availability of their operands; this is
essentially a bottom-up approach.
Demand-driven machines take a top-down approach,
attempting to execute the instruction (a demander) that
yields the final result. This triggers the execution of
instructions that yield its operands, and so forth.
The demand-driven approach matches naturally with
functional programming languages (e.g. LISP and
Reduction Machine Models
String-reduction model:
each demander gets a separate copy of the expression string to evaluate
each reduction step has an operator and embedded reference to demand
the corresponding operands
each operator is suspended while arguments are evaluated
Graph-reduction model:
expression graph reduced by evaluation of branches or subgraphs,
possibly in parallel, with demanders given pointers to results of
based on sharing of pointers to arguments; traversal and reversal of
pointers continues until constant arguments are encountered.
Control flow machines give complete control, but are less
efficient than other approaches.
Data flow (eager evaluation) machines have high potential for
parallelism and throughput and freedom from side effects, but
have high control overhead, lose time waiting for unneeded
arguments, and difficulty in manipulating data structures.
Reduction (lazy evaluation) machines have high parallelism
potential, easy manipulation of data structures, and only
execute required instructions. But they do not share objects
with changing local state, and do require time to propagate

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