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Apptitude Test.

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Aptitude test

what is aptitude?
Aptitude is define as “a condition or set of characteristics
regarded as symptomatic of an individual’s ability to
acquired with training some knowledge , skills or set of
response such as the ability to speak a language or to
produce music.
Aptitude test

 According to Bingham and Freeman,

Aptitude test are tests that will predict success to some
degree. It help us to measure the probability of success an
activity .

According to Julia Kagan ,

An aptitude test is an exam used to determine an individual’s
skills to succeed in a given activity . Aptitude tests assume
that the individual have inherent strengths and weakness,
and have a natural inclination towards success or failure in
specific areas based on their innate characteristics.
Not just written test…….

 An aptitude test can also be …..

Reading ,writing and speaking abilities are also involved
in aptitude test for various jobs and students scholastic
tests for fair judgment of the position or admission .
History or Origin

 Developed during World War 1.

 Carl Brigham a psychologist developed this test.
 First used in the recruitment of Army called Army Alpha .
 Use as a college admission test in 1926.
 In 1933 James Bryant Conant decided to start a new scholarship
 In 1938 all the member schools of the college board started
using the SAT as a uniform exam, but only for scholership
 In 1942, because of the war, all the pre-existing College Board
admissions test were abolished, so the SAT became test for all

 In 1944, under contract to the Army and Navy,

administered the SAT to more than 300,000 people all
over the country on a single day.
 In 1948, the Education Testing Service chartered and the
SAT was on its way to becoming the basic college
admissions device for millions.
Importance of Aptitude test

What is the value of aptitude test ?

 They are excellent predictors of future scholastic
 They provide ways of comparing a child’s performance
with that of other children in the same situation.
 They provide a profile of strengths and weakness.
 They assess differences among individuals.
 They have uncovered hidden talents in some children,
thus improving their educational opportunities.
 They are valuable tools for handicapped childrens.

 Aptitude test are valuable in making program and

curricula decisions.
 Aptitude tests are used in diagnosis learning problems.

future Scope:
 Employers can assess the cognitive capabilities of
potential employees.
 Students can understand themselves and their own
cognitive abilities.
What does APTITUDE TEST evaluate?

 Abstract reasoning-this is the ability to contextualize

information and quickly recognize patterns, a critical
metric for individuals that seek to enter management .
 Numerical Aptitude-an assessment of the candidates
proficiency at math.
 Creative skills-this gauges the test takers ability at non-
divergent thinking.
 Literary skills-evaluates literary abilities.
 Leadership skills-this will show you if the applicant can
manage human resources if placed in an executive role.

 Spelling-a further evaluation of the candidates linguistic

 Scientific skills-again where applicable this assesses base
knowledge in science . May be part of a test for lab
technicians .
Types of Aptitude Test

1. Organizational tests
2. Educational tests
3. Verbal Reasoning tests
4. Numeric Reasoning tests
5. Abstract Reasoning tests
6. Spatial Reasoning tests
7. Mechanical Reasoning tests
1.Organizational tests:

 Aptitude tests offered in organizations are administered

online and undertaken after the initial job application.
The test are used to filter out unsuitable applicants from the
selection process in order to save time.
These are standardize and used to examine certain skills of
2.Educational tests:
An educational aptitude test is provided by some schools to
students at the start of elementary school to measure a
students intelligence and mystery of academics. Along
with measuring intelligence and academics mystery , an

educational aptitude test can determine the placement of

gifted and talented students in certain educational
programs .
Aptitude test also determine if a student should be placed in
special education. For high school students, the test are
used to understand various aspects of a students
development .
3.Verbal Reasoning Tests:

Verbal reasoning tests are designed to measure your ability

to understand concepts framed in words , your ability to
find commonalities among different concepts and to
manipulate ideas on an abstract level.
4.Numeric Reasoning Tests:
Numeric reasoning tests are an increasingly popular way
of assessing candidates during the job selection process.
You don’t need to have studied mathematics to a high
level to succeed . These are primarily test of reasoning
ability and the math needed is invariably straight forward.
5.Abstract Reasoning Tests:
Abstract reasoning ability is believed to be the best indicator of
fluid intelligence and your ability to learn new things quickly
these questions appear in most general aptitude tests.

6.Spatial Reasoning Tests:

Spatial reasoning ability involves visualizing and manipulating two-
dimensional or three-dimensional shapes or patterns . A high
level of spatial reasoning ability is essential in subjects such as
architecture and in some branches of science and mathematics.
7.Mechanical Reasoning Tests:

Mechanical aptitude tests are used to select job applicants

in areas that can range from trade apprentices to
emergency services personnel . Find out what to expect in
these tests and how to answer questions involving :levers ,
pulleys, gears, simple circuits and workshop arthmetic.
Advantages of Aptitude test

 Standardization : aptitude tests are standardized and are

great for the reliability and validity of results.
 Cost effective : it is easy to administered aptitude tests as
they are outsourced and carried out on laptops and
computers. It also accelerates the grading process and
expedites the recruitment process for a company.
 Analysis of the individual: an aptitude test will determine
an individual's weaknesses , which will help a company
and a school to determine the training program needed to
implement for individuals to improve those specific skills.
Disadvantages of Aptitude test:

 Test anxiety: many candidates experience anxiety before test,

which can cause stress and turn into psychosomatic illness.
 Incomplete assessment: an aptitude test does not paint the full
picture: just because a candidate does well on the aptitude test
does not mean they will perform well in the real world when a
particular situation arises.
 No. consideration of soft skills : aptitude tests are designed in a
certain manners that prevents a candidate from demonstrating
their soft skills, and soft skills are an equally important part of
a successful candidate.

 References :
1. Aggarwal,J.C. (1997) , Essentials of examination system:
evaluation, test and measurement . Delhi , IN: Vikas.
2. Linn, R.L,& Groulund , N.E.(2003). Measurement and
assessment in teaching . India: Pearson.
3. Nukerug , E.S .,& Fawcett, R. C. (2015) . Career and
occupational assessment : Interest inventories ,
multiple aptitude , and special aptitude tests. In
Essential of testing and assessment : A practical
guide for counselors , social workers and psychologists.
(3rd ed.). USA, CT: Cengage learning

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