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Indigenous Peoples Right Act: (Ipra Law)

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RA 8371
The State shall recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) hereunder enumerated within
the framework of the Constitution

to their ancestral domains to ensure their members of the ICCs/IPs regardless of sex, shall
economic, social and cultural well being and equally enjoy the full measure of human rights
shall recognize the applicability of customary and freedoms without distinction or
laws governing property rights or relations in discrimination
determining the ownership and extent of
ancestral domain
take measures, with the participation of the
ICCs/IPs concerned, to protect their rights and
to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions
guarantee respect for their cultural integrity, and
and institutions. It shall consider these rights in
to ensure that members of the ICCs/IPs benefit
the formulation of national laws and policies
on an equal footing from the rights and
opportunities which national laws and regulations
grant to other members of the population
a group of people or homogenous societies identified by
self-ascription and ascription by others

continuously lived as organized community on

communally bounded and defined territory
who have, under claims of ownership since time
immemorial, occupied, possessed and utilized such
territories, sharing common bonds of language,
customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural

Travels and Events - blogger

Four Bundles of Indigenous
Peoples Rights
I. Rights to Ancestral Domains/Lands
Ancestral Lands -occupied, possessed and utilized by
individuals, families and clans who are members of the
ICCs/ IPs since time immemorial, by themselves or
through their predecessors-in-interest, under claims of
individual or traditional group ownership, continuously, to
the present except when interrupted by war, force majeure
or displacement by force, deceit, stealth, or as a
consequence of government projects and other voluntary
dealings entered into by government and private

sustains the view that ancestral domains and all

resources found therein shall serve as the material bases
of their cultural integrity
Right of Ownership

Right to Develop Lands and Natural Resources

Right to Stay in the Territories

Right in Case of Displacement

Right to Resolve Conflict

Right to Self­Governance and
Right to Social Justice and Human
Equal Protection and Non­discrimination of ICCs/IPs

Rights During Armed Conflict

Right to Cultural Integrity

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