Enterprise Resource Planning: UNIT-2 Erp and Technology
Enterprise Resource Planning: UNIT-2 Erp and Technology
Enterprise Resource Planning: UNIT-2 Erp and Technology
Presented by
Jawaharlal Institute of Technology
Business Intelligence
BI refers to application and technology, which is
used to gather, provide access to, and analyze
data and information about the company
BI is neither a product nor a system.
It is an architecture and a collection of
integrated operational as well as decision-
support applications and databases that provide
the business community easy access to business
Business Intelligence
The ultimate objective of business intelligence is to
improve the timeliness and quality of the
BI reveals following
1. The position of the firm in comparison to its competitors
2. Changes in customer behaviour and spending patterns
3. The capabilities of the firm
4. Market conditions, future trends, demographic and
economic information
5. The social, regulatory and political environment
6. What other firms in market are doing
Factors of Business Intelligence
System design
Data quality
Specified user access to the warehouse
Data volume (capacity),
How long data will be stored
Data retention
Performance targets
Technological obsolescence
Organizational Changes
Communication Problems
Technologies Supporting BI(Techniques for
integrating Business Intelligence with Business
Database systems and database integration
Data warehousing, data stores and data marts
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
Data mining
Online analytical processing tools
Decision support systems
Customer relation management software
Product lifecycle and supply chain management
Database systems and database integration
◦Enabled by IT
BPR Objectives
To dramatically reduce cost
Reduce time
To dramatically improve customer services or to improve
employee quality of life
To reinvent the basic rules of the business
Customer satisfaction
Organizational learning
BPR Phases
Begin organizational change
Building the reengineering organization
Identifying BPR opportunities
Understanding the existing process
Reengineer the process
Blueprint the new business system
Perform the transformation
Phase 1: Begin organizational Change
The first step is to take a long hard look how the organization
The purpose of analysis should be to determine whether dramatic
changes are possible during BPR
Next step is to look for harmful operating procedures, if, any within
the organization.
BPR must begin with a communication campaign to educate all
those who will be impacted by this change.
Without a common understanding about what is happening ,
confusion and uncertainty about the future can result in resistance
that is strong enough to stop any re engineering work.
In order for change to be embraced , every one must understand
where the organization is today , what it needs to change , and where
it should be in order to survive, thrive and beat the competition
Phase 2: Build the Reengineering organization
Time requirements
Scepticism (Uncertainty)
Job losses