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Monte Carlo Artificial Intelligence: Bayesian Networks

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Monte Carlo Artificial Intelligence:

Bayesian Networks

Why This Matters
• Bayesian networks have been the most
important contribution to the field of AI in
the last 10 years
• Provide a way to represent knowledge in an
uncertain domain and a way to reason about
this knowledge
• Many applications: medicine, factories,
help desks, spam filtering, etc.

A Bayesian Network
B P(B) E P(E) A Bayesian network is made
false 0.999 false 0.998 up of two parts:
true 0.001 true 0.002
1. A directed acyclic graph
Burglary Earthquake 2. A set of parameters

B E A P(A|B,E)
false false false 0.999
false false true 0.001
false true false 0.71
false true true 0.29
true false false 0.06
true false true 0.94
true true false 0.05
true true true 0.95
A Directed Acyclic Graph

Burglary Earthquake


1. A directed acyclic graph:

• The nodes are random variables (which can be discrete or
• Arrows connect pairs of nodes (X is a parent of Y if there is an
arrow from node X to node Y).

A Directed Acyclic Graph
Burglary Earthquake


• Intuitively, an arrow from node X to node Y means X has a direct

influence on Y (we can say X has a casual effect on Y)
• Easy for a domain expert to determine these relationships
• The absence/presence of arrows will be made more precise later

A Set of Parameters
B P(B) E P(E) Burglary Earthquake
false 0.999 false 0.998
true 0.001 true 0.002

B E A P(A|B,E)
false false false 0.999
false false true 0.001 Each node Xi has a conditional probability
false true false 0.71 distribution P(Xi | Parents(Xi)) that quantifies the
false true true 0.29 effect of the parents on the node
true false false 0.06
The parameters are the probabilities in these
true false true 0.94 conditional probability distributions
true true false 0.05
true true true 0.95
Because we have discrete random variables, we
have conditional probability tables (CPTs)

A Set of Parameters
Conditional Probability Stores the probability distribution
Distribution for Alarm for Alarm given the values of
Burglary and Earthquake
B E A P(A|B,E)
false false false 0.999
For a given combination of values of the
false false true 0.001
parents (B and E in this example), the
false true false 0.71
entries for P(A=true|B,E) and P(A=false|
false true true 0.29 B,E) must add up to 1 eg. P(A=true|
true false false 0.06 B=false,E=false) + P(A=false|
true false true 0.94 B=false,E=false)=1
true true false 0.05
true true true 0.95

If you have a Boolean variable with k Boolean parents, how big is

the conditional probability table?
How many entries are independently specifiable?
Semantics of Bayesian Networks

Bayes Nets Formalized
A Bayes net (also called a belief network) is an augmented
directed acyclic graph, represented by the pair V , E
– V is a set of vertices.
– E is a set of directed edges joining vertices. No loops
of any length are allowed.

Each vertex in V contains the following information:

– The name of a random variable
– A probability distribution table indicating how the
probability of this variable’s values depends on all
possible combinations of parental values.
Semantics of Bayesian Networks
Two ways to view Bayes nets:
1. A representation of a joint probability
2. An encoding of a collection of conditional
independence statements

Bayesian Network Example
Weather Cavity

Toothache Catch P(A|B,C) = P(A|C)


• Weather is independent of the other variables, I(Weather,Cavity)

or P(Weather) = P(Weather|Cavity) = P(Weather|Catch) =
• Toothache and Catch are conditionally independent given Cavity
• I(Toothache,Catch|Cavity) meaning P(Toothache|Catch,Cavity) =
P(Toothache|Cavity) 11
Conditional Independence
We can look at the actual graph structure and determine
conditional independence relationships.
1. A node (X) is conditionally independent of its non-
descendants (Z1j, Znj), given its parents (U1, Um).

A Representation of the Full Joint
• We will use the following abbrevations:
– P(x1, …, xn) for P( X1 = x1  …  Xn = xn)
– parents(Xi) for the values of the parents of Xi
• From the Bayes net, we can calculate:
P ( x1 ,..., xn )   P ( xi | parents ( X i ))
i 1

The Full Joint Distribution
P( x1 ,..., xn )
 P( xn | xn 1 ,..., x1 ) P( xn 1 ,..., x1 ) ( Chain Rule)

 P( xn | xn 1 ,..., x1 ) P( xn 1 | xn  2 ,..., x1 ) P( xn  2 ,..., x1 ) ( Chain Rule)

 P( xn | xn 1 ,..., x1 ) P( xn 1 | xn  2 ,..., x1 )...P( x2 | x1 ) P( x1 )
n ( Chain Rule)
  P( xi | xi 1 ,..., x1 )
i 1 We’ll look at this step
n more closely
  P( xi | parents ( xi ))
i 1

The Full Joint Distribution

 P( x | x
i 1
i i 1 ,..., x1 )   P ( xi | parents( xi ))
i 1

To be able to do this, we need two things:

1. Parents(Xi)  {Xi-1, …, X1}
This is easy – we just label the nodes according to the
partial order in the graph
2. We need Xi to be conditionally independent of its
predecessors given its parents
This can be done when constructing the network. Choose
parents that directly influence Xi.
Burglary Earthquake


JohnCalls MaryCalls

P(JohnCalls, MaryCalls, Alarm, Burglary, Earthquake)

= P(JohnCalls | Alarm) P(MaryCalls | Alarm ) P(Alarm | Burglary,
Earthquake ) P( Burglary ) P( Earthquake )

Conditional Independence
• There is a general topological criterion called d-
• d-separation determines whether a set of nodes X
is independent of another set Y given a third set E

• We will use the notation I(X, Y | E) to mean
that X and Y are conditionally independent
given E
• Theorem [Verma and Pearl 1988]:
If a set of evidence variables E d-separates X and
Y in the Bayesian Network’s graph, then
I(X, Y | E)
• d-separation can be determined in linear
time using a DFS-like algorithm

• Let evidence nodes E  V (where V are the
vertices or nodes in the graph), and X and Y
be distinct nodes in V – E.
• We say X and Y are d-separated by E in the
Bayesian network if every undirected path
between X and Y is blocked by E.
• What does it mean for a path to be blocked?
There are 3 cases…

Case 1
There exists a node N on the path such that
• It is in the evidence set E (shaded grey)
• The arcs putting N in the path are “tail-to-

X = “Owns N = “Rich” Y = “Owns

expensive car” expensive home”

The path between X and Y is blocked by N 20

Case 2
There exists a node N on the path such that
• It is in the evidence set E
• The arcs putting N in the path are “tail-to-

X=Education N=Job Y=Rich

The path between X and Y is blocked by N 21

Case 3
There exists a node N on the path such that
• It is NOT in the evidence set E (not shaded)
• Neither are any of its descendants
• The arcs putting N in the path are “head-to-

The path between X and Y is blocked by N

(Note N is not in the evidence set) 22
Case 3 (Explaining Away)

Burglary Earthquake


Your house has a twitchy burglar alarm that is also sometimes triggered by
Earth obviously doesn’t care if your house is currently being broken into
While you are on vacation, one of your nice neighbors calls and lets you
know your alarm went off

Case 3 (Explaining Away)

Burglary Earthquake


But if you knew that a medium-sized earthquake happened, then you’re

probably relieved that it’s probably not a burglar
The earthquake “explains away” the hypothetical burglar
This means that Burglary and Earthquake are not independent given Alarm.
But Burglary and Earthquake are independent given no evidence ie. learning
about an earthquake when you know nothing about the status of your alarm
doesn’t give you any information about the burglary
d-separation Recipe
• To determine if I(X, Y | E), ignore the directions
of the arrows, find all paths between X and Y
• Now pay attention to the arrows. Determine if the
paths are blocked according to the 3 cases
• If all the paths are blocked, X and Y are d-
separated given E
• Which means they are conditionally independent
given E

Conditional Independence
• Note: D-separation only finds random variables
that are conditionally independent based on the
topology of the network
• Some random variables that are not d-separated
may still be conditionally independent because of
the probabilities in their CPTs


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