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Kegiatan Belajar 2 Daily Routines: Luluk Munadifah NIM: 837673151

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Kegiatan Belajar 2

Daily Routines


Luluk Munadifah
NIM : 837673151

A. Expressing Present Time : The Simple Present
Daily routines yaitu rutinitas yang kita lakukan setiap hari

Example :
1. I always goto to work at 06.00 o’clock in the morning
2. I arrive at schcoool at 07.00 o’clock every day
3. The bell rings at 07.30 and the children enter the class
4. I ussualy come home at one in the afternoon
5. Kalimat ini menjelaskan yang dihadapi setiap hari, dengan ditunjukkan kalimat Always, everday,usually
Ke 4 ungkapan tersebut rutinitas yang dihadapi setiap hari,rutinitas ini diungkapkan dalam bentuk simple

Tabel Perubahan Kata Kerja (Predikat)

No Dialog 1 Subject “I” Dialog 3 Subject “Mardi”

1. Tell me about your daily activities from the time you get Tell me about Mardi ‘ s daily activities from the time he gest up until 06.00 in the
up until 06.00 in the morning. morning.

2. I always get up at 05.00 o’clock He always gets up at 05.00 o’colck

3. And then? And then?
4. I take a bath and pray. He takes a bath and prays.
5. What do you usually do after praying? What does he usually do after praying?
6. I put on my clothes, and I eat breakfast. He pust in his clothes, and he eats breakfast.
7. Do you always eat breakfast? Does he always eat breakfast?
8. Yes, I do. Yes, he does.
9. What do you usually have for breakfast? What does he usually have for breakfast?
10. Bread and cheese, and a glass of milk. Sometimes I have Bread and cheese, and a glass of milk. Sometimes he has chicken porridge or fried
chicken porridge or fried rice. rice.

Kalimat yang menggunakan subjek “you” dan “I” menggunakan kata kerja yang tetap yaitu kata
kerja bentuk pertama, seperti get, take, do, put, eat, have, go and come
Tabel Simple Present
Jenis Kalimat (Types Of Sentence)
Statement (Pernyataan) Negative Question (Pernyataan)
Subject Predicate Subject Predicate Auxiliary Subject Verb
Verb (kata
I Work study I do nt Work study Do I Work?
You sleep You (don’t) write You Study?
We We We Sleep?
They They They
He Works He Does Work study Does He Work?
She studies She not write she Study?
Anne sleeps Anne (doesn’t anne Sleep?
My son My son ) my son
It It it

Dalam kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya dengan subjek he, she, anne, my, son, ataui it tidak
ada penambahan –s atau es pada kerjanya
B. Expressing present time : The Present progressive

Yaitu aktivitas atau kegiatan yang sedang dikerjakan atau dilakukaakan pada saat
ini, misalya :
1. He always get up at 05.00 o’clock
2. He takes a bath and prays
3. He puts on his choltes, and he eats breakfast
C. Expressing pas time : The Simple past

The simple past digunakan unutu membicarakan

tentang aktifitaatau kegiatan yang dilakukan pada
waktu lampau. Misalnya kemarin, semalam, tadi
pagi atau dua hari yang lalu.

Tabel Forms of The Simple Past Tense
Types Of Sentence
Statement Negative   Questio  
Subject Predicat Subject Pridecate Auxiliar Subject Verb
e y Verb
I worked I Did not work Did I work
You You (didn’t) You
We We We
They They They
He He He
She She She
Anne Anne Anne
My son My son My son
It It It

D. Expressing Future Time : Will or be Going to
yaitu untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan atau katifitas yang bisa atau selalu dilakukan
secara rutin pada waktu-waktu tertentu .

Contoh :
1. I will get up at 4.00 o’clock tomorrow morning
2. I am going to get up at 4.00 o’clock tomorrow morning
she is will go to school by bus tomorrow

Tabel Forms of the Future Tense
Types Of Sentence
Statement (Be Going To) Statement (Will)
Subject Predicate Complemen Subject Pradicate Complemen
t t
I Am going at 04.00 I Will get up at 04.00
to get up clock clock
You Are going tomottow You tomottow
We to get up morning. We morning.
They They
He Is going to He
She get up She
Anne Anne
My son My son
It It

Dalam table tersebut memberikan contoh kalimat dalam bentuk

negative dan interrogative atau questions, dalam hal ini yes/no
questions. Dalam kalimat negative kita hanya menambahkan not
setelah be atau setelah will

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