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By Leily Eidina, S.PD., M.M.PD

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By Leily Eidina, S.Pd., M.M.

Parts of Speech
Parts of speech adalah bagian-bagian mendasar dari
kalimat bahasa Inggris.

There are 8 parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb,

adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, dan
Parts of speech are used to compose the sentence.
Kinds of Parts Of Speech

1. Verb (Kata Kerja)

Verb is showing the activity or condition. Based on
the function, the verb classified into auxiliary and
ordinary verb.
For examples: Be, Have, Do, Will, Can, Study, Speak,
They are studying english.
He can do this job.
Dika speaks english well.
Kinds of verbs
Transitive and intransitive verb
Regular and irregular verb
Action and stative verb
Finite and non-finite verb
Linking verb
Causative verb
2. Noun (Kata Benda)
Noun is a word for naming an abstract or concrete
Kinds of noun:
countable and uncountable
Proper and common noun
Abstract and concrete noun
Collective noun
3. Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
Pronoun is used to subtitute noun. For examples: I, you,
we, they, it, he, she, her, him, them, me, us, your, their,
our, my, and so on.
Macam-macam pronoun antara lain:
Personal Pronoun (I, you, they, she)
Demonstrative Pronoun (this, those)
Interrogative Pronoun (who, what, which)
Relative Pronoun (who, which, that)
Indefinite Pronoun (anything, none)
Reflexive Pronoun dan Intensive Pronoun (myself,
Reciprocal Pronoun (each other, one another)
4. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk
menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang dapat berupa
orang (person), tempat (place), binatang (animal),
dan benda baik kongkrit maupun abstrak. Contohnya
adalah beautiful, lazy, smart, sleepy, late, tired,
delicious, tall, short, white, busy, red, dan sebagainya.
5. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata
kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan
lainnya. Contohnya adalah always, often, very, quickly,
beautifully, completely, well, enough, really, now, today,
yesterday, likely, maybe, probably, dan sebagainya.

Contoh dalam kalimat:

They often wear flat shoes.
The room was good enough for me.
I completely agree with you.
She speaks really fast.
Macam-macam adverb antara lain:

adverb of time (yesterday, now)

adverb of manner (softly, quickly)
adverb of degree (very, so)
adverb of modality (likely, maybe)
adverb of frequency (always, sometimes)
adverb of place (here, somewhere)
adverb of focus (also, only)
6. Conjuction (Kata Sambung)
Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang
berfungsi menghubungkan antar kata, frasa, klausa,
atau antar paragraf. Contohnya adalah and, but, or,
so, while, when, where, after, before, because,
although, dan sebagainya.
Kata ini terbagi menjadi:
coordinate conjunction (and, but, yet)
correlative conjunction (either…or, rather…than, if…
subordinate conjunction (after, although, when)
adverbial conjunction (however, hence, then)

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