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Network Layer

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Chapter 18: Outline





Chapter 18: Objective
 The first section introduces the network layer by defining the
services provided by this layer. It first discusses packetizing. It
then describes forwarding and routing and compares the two.
The section then briefly explains the other services such as
flow, error, and congestion control.

 The second section discusses packet switching, which occurs at

the network layer. The datagram approach and the virtual-
circuit approach of packet switching are described in some
detail in this section.
 The third section discusses network-layer performance. It
describes different delays that occur in network-layer
communication. It also mentions the issue of packet loss.
Finally, it discusses the issue of congestion control at the
network layer.
Chapter 18: Objective (continued)
 The fourth section discusses IPv4 addressing, probably the
most important issue in the network layer. It first describes the
address space. It then briefly discusses classful addressing,
which belongs to the past but is useful in understanding
classless addressing. The section then moves to classless
addressing and explains several issues related to this topic. It
then discusses DHCP, which can be used to dynamically assign
addresses in an organization. Finally, the section discusses
NAT, which can be used to relieve the shortage of addresses to
some extent.

 The fifth section discusses forwarding of network-layer

packets. It first shows how forwarding can be done based on
the destination address in a packet. It then discusses how
forwarding can be done using a label.

Before discussing the network layer in the

Internet today, let’s briefly discuss the
network-layer services that, in general, are
expected from a network-layer protocol.
Figure 18.1 shows the communication
between Alice and Bob at the network layer.
This is the same scenario we used in Chapters
3 and 9 to show the communication at the
physical and the data-link layers, respectively.
Figure 18.1: Communication at the network layer

18.18.1 Packetizing

The first duty of the network layer is definitely

packetizing: encapsulating the payload in a
network-layer packet at the source and
decapsulating the payload from the network-layer
packet at the destination. In other words, one duty of
the network layer is to carry a payload from the
source to the destination without changing it or
using it. The network layer is doing the service of a
carrier such as the postal office, which is
responsible for delivery of packages from a sender to
a receiver without changing or using the contents.

18.18.2 Routing and Forwarding

Other duties of the network layer, which are as

important as the first, are routing and forwarding,
which are directly related to each other.


From the discussion of routing and

forwarding in the previous section, we infer
that a kind of switching occurs at the network
layer. A router, in fact, is a switch that creates
a connection between an input port and an
output port (or a set of output ports), just as an
electrical switch connects the input to the
output to let electricity flow.

18.2.1 Datagram Approach

When the Internet started, to make it simple, the

network layer was designed to provide a
connectionless service in which the network-layer
protocol treats each packet independently, with each
packet having no relationship to any other packet.
The idea was that the network layer is only
responsible for delivery of packets from the source to
the destination. In this approach, the packets in a
message may or may not travel the same path to
their destination. Figure 18.3 shows the idea..

Figure 18.3: A connectionless packet-switched network

18.2.2 Virtual-Circuit Approach

In a connection-oriented service (also called virtual-

circuit approach), there is a relationship between all
packets belonging to a message. Before all
datagrams in a message can be sent, a virtual
connection should be set up to define the path for
the datagrams. After connection setup, the
datagrams can all follow the same path. In this type
of service, not only must the packet contain the
source and destination addresses, it must also
contain a flow label, a virtual circuit identifier that
defines the virtual path the packet should follow.

Figure 18.5: A virtual-circuit packet-switched network


The identifier used in the IP layer of the

TCP/IP protocol suite to identify the
connection of each device to the Internet is
called the Internet address or IP address. An
IPv4 address is a 32-bit address that uniquely
and universally defines the connection of a
host or a router to the Internet. The IP address
is the address of the connection, not the host
or the router.
18.4.1 Address Space

A protocol like IPv4 that defines addresses has an

address space. An address space is the total number
of addresses used by the protocol. If a protocol uses
b bits to define an address, the address space is 2b
because each bit can have two different values (0 or
1). IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, which means that the
address space is 232 or 4,294,967,296 (more than
four billion). If there were no restrictions, more than
4 billion devices could be connected to the Internet.

Figure 18.16: Three different notations in IPv4 addressing

Figure 18.17: Hierarchy in addressing

18.4.2 Classful Addressing

When the Internet started, an IPv4 address was

designed with a fixed-length prefix, but to
accommodate both small and large networks, three
fixed-length prefixes were designed instead of one (n
= 8, n = 16, and n = 24). The whole address space
was divided into five classes (class A, B, C, D, and
E), as shown in Figure 18.18. This scheme is
referred to as classful addressing. Although classful
addressing belongs to the past, it helps us to
understand classless addressing, discussed later.

Figure 18.18: Occupation of the address space in classful addressing

18.4.3 Classless Addressing

With the growth of the Internet, it was clear that a

larger address space was needed as a long-term
solution. The larger address space, however,
requires that the length of IP addresses also be
increased, which means the format of the IP packets
needs to be changed. Although the long-range
solution has already been devised and is called IPv6,
a short-term solution was also devised to use the
same address space but to change the distribution of
addresses to provide a fair share to each
organization. The short-term solution still uses IPv4
addresses, but it is called classless addressing.
Figure 18.19: Variable-length blocks in classless addressing

Figure 18.20: Slash notation (CIDR)

Figure 18.21: Information extraction in classless addressing

Example 18.1
A classless address is given as We can
find the above three pieces of information as follows. The
number of addresses in the network is 232− n = 25 = 32
addresses. The first address can be found by keeping the
first 27 bits and changing the rest of the bits to 0s.

The last address can be found by keeping the first 27 bits

and changing the rest of the bits to 1s.

Example 18.2
We repeat Example 18.1 using the mask. The mask in
dotted-decimal notation is The AND, OR,
and NOT operations can be applied to individual bytes using
calculators and applets at the book website.

Example 18.3
In classless addressing, an address cannot per se define the
block the address belongs to. For example, the address can belong to many blocks. Some of them are
shown below with the value of the prefix associated with
that block.

Figure 18.22: Network address

Example 18.4
An ISP has requested a block of 1000 addresses. Since 1000
is not a power of 2, 1024 addresses are granted. The prefix
length is calculated as n = 32 − log21024 = 22. An available
block,, is granted to the ISP. It can be seen
that the first address in decimal is 302,910,464, which is
divisible by 1024.

Example 18.5
An organization is granted a block of addresses with the
beginning address The organization needs to
have 3 subblocks of addresses to use in its three subnets:
one subblock of 10 addresses, one subblock of 60 addresses,
and one subblock of 120 addresses. Design the subblocks.

There are 232– 24 = 256 addresses in this block. The first
address is; the last address is
To satisfy the third requirement, we assign addresses to
subblocks, starting with the largest and ending with the
smallest one.

Example 18.5 (continued)
a. The number of addresses in the largest subblock, which
requires 120 addresses, is not a power of 2. We allocate 128
addresses. The subnet mask for this subnet can be found as
n1 = 32 − log2 128 = 25. The first address in this block is; the last address is

b. The number of addresses in the second largest subblock,

which requires 60 addresses, is not a power of 2 either. We
allocate 64 addresses. The subnet mask for this subnet can
be found as n2 = 32 − log2 64 = 26. The first address in this
block is; the last address is

Example 18.5 (continued)
c. The number of addresses in the largest subblock, which
requires 120 addresses, is not a power of 2. We allocate 128
addresses. The subnet mask for this subnet can be found as
n1 = 32 − log2 128 = 25. The first address in this block is; the last address is

If we add all addresses in the previous subblocks, the result

is 208 addresses, which means 48 addresses are left in
reserve. The first address in this range is The
last address is We don’t know about the
prefix length yet. Figure 18.23 shows the configuration of
blocks. We have shown the first address in each block.

Figure 18.23: Solution to Example 4.5

Example 18.6
Figure 18.24 shows how four small blocks of addresses are
assigned to four organizations by an ISP. The ISP combines
these four blocks into one single block and advertises the
larger block to the rest of the world. Any packet destined for
this larger block should be sent to this ISP. It is the
responsibility of the ISP to forward the packet to the
appropriate organization. This is similar to routing we can
find in a postal network. All packages coming from outside
a country are sent first to the capital and then distributed to
the corresponding destination.

Figure 18.24: Example of address aggregation

18.4.4 DHCP

After a block of addresses are assigned to an

organization, the network administration can
manually assign addresses to the individual hosts or
routers. However, address assignment in an
organization can be done automatically using the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
DHCP is an application-layer program, using the
client-server paradigm, that actually helps TCP/IP
at the network layer.

Figure 18.25: DHCP message format

Figure 18.26: Option format

Figure 18.27: Operation of DHCP

Figure 18.28: FSM for the DHCP client

18.4.5 NAT

In most situations, only a portion of computers in a

small network need access to the Internet
simultaneously. A technology that can provide the
mapping between the private and universal
addresses, and at the same time support virtual
private networks, which we discuss in Chapter 32, is
Network Address Translation (NAT). The
technology allows a site to use a set of private
addresses for internal communication and a set of
global Internet
addresses (at least one) for communication with the
rest of the world.
Figure 18.29: NAT

Figure 18.30: Address translation

Figure 18.31: Translation

Table 18.1: Five-column translation table


We discussed the concept of forwarding at the

network layer earlier in this chapter. In this
section, we extend the concept to include the
role of IP addresses in forwarding. As we
discussed before, forwarding means to place
the packet in its route to its destination.

18.5.1 Destination Address Forwarding

We first discuss forwarding based on the destination

address. This is a traditional approach, which is
prevalent today. In this case, forwarding requires a
host or a router to have a forwarding table. When a
host has a packet to send or when a router has
received a packet to be forwarded, it looks at this
table to find the next hop to deliver the packet to.


Forwarding means to place the packet in its route to

its destination. Forwarding requires a host or a router
to have a routing table. When a host has a packet to
send or when a router has received a packet to be
forwarded, it looks at this table to find the route to the
final destination.

Figure 22.2 Route method versus next-hop method

Figure 22.3 Host-specific versus network-specific method

Figure 22.4 Default method

Figure 18.32: Simplified forwarding module in classless address

Example 18.7
Make a forwarding table for router R1 using the
configuration in Figure 18.33.

Table 18.2 shows the corresponding table.

Table 18.2: Forwarding table for router R1 in Figure 4.46

Figure 18.33: Configuration for Example 4.7

Example 18.8
Instead of Table 18.2, we can use Table 18.3, in which the
network address/mask is given in bits.
Table 18.3: Forwarding table for router R1 using prefix bits

When a packet arrives whose leftmost 26 bits in the

destination address match the bits in the first row, the packet
is sent out from interface m2. And so on.
Example 18.9
Show the forwarding process if a packet arrives at R1 in
Figure 18.33 with the destination address

The router performs the following steps:
18. The first mask (/26) is applied to the destination address.

The result is, which does not match the

corresponding network address.
2. The second mask (/25) is applied to the destination
address. The result is, which matches the
corresponding network address. The next-hop address
and the interface number m0 are extracted for
forwarding the packet (see Chapter 5).
Figure 18.34: Address aggregation

Figure 18.35: Longest mask matching

Example 18.10
As an example of hierarchical routing, let us consider Figure
18.36. A regional ISP is granted 16,384 addresses starting
from The regional ISP has decided to divide
this block into 4 subblocks, each with 4096 addresses. Three
of these subblocks are assigned to three local ISPs, the
second subblock is reserved for future use. Note that the
mask for each block is /20 because the original block with
mask /18 is divided into 4 blocks.

The figure also shows how local and small ISPs have
assigned addresses.

Figure 18.35: Hierarchical routing with ISPs

A routing table can be either static or dynamic. A
static table is one with manual entries. A dynamic
table is one that is updated automatically when there is
a change somewhere in the Internet. A routing
protocol is a combination of rules and procedures that
lets routers in the Internet inform each other of
Topics discussed in this section:
Intra- and Interdomain Routing
Distance Vector Routing and RIP
Link State Routing and OSPF
Path Vector Routing and BGP
Figure 22.12 Autonomous systems

Figure 22.13 Popular routing protocols

Figure 22.14 Distance vector routing tables

Figure 22.15 Initialization of tables in distance vector routing


In distance vector routing, each node shares

its routing table with its
immediate neighbors periodically and when
there is a change.

Figure 22.16 Updating in distance vector routing

Figure 22.17 Two-node instability

Figure 22.18 Three-node instability

Figure 22.19 Example of a domain using RIP

Figure 22.20 Concept of link state routing

Figure 22.21 Link state knowledge

Figure 22.22 Dijkstra algorithm

Figure 22.23 Example of formation of shortest path tree

Table 22.2 Routing table for node A

Figure 22.24 Areas in an autonomous system

Figure 22.25 Types of links


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