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BIO 230 Exam 1 Review

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BIO 230 Exam 1 Review

Len Castro 5.13.2020

Illustrated Identification Questions of Anatomy
Question 1
Please identify which organelle line number 7 in
drawn to.

The major job of this organelle is to convert organic

materials into energy for the cell to use.
Question 2
Identify the process of bone development
taking place.
Question 3

Identity the bones highlighted in green.

*please note is shows both the superior and

inferior view of them*
Question 4

Identify the layer of skin marked by the red

Question 5

Identify which organ system of the body is illustrated.

Its responsibilities include: hormone production, and control and

regulation of other functions. Organs in this system include: the pipuitary
gland, adrenals, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroids, and other organs.
Question 6

Identify the body cavity bracketed in blue.

Question 7

Please identify which organelle line number 14 is drawn


This organelle functions as the packing and shipping

center for proteins outbound from the cell.
Question 8

Identify the degree of burn circled in the illustration.

Question 9

Identify the bone highlighted in green.

Question 10

Identify the process that is illustrated.

“The net movement of water across a partially permeable

membrane from a high concentration of water to a low
concentration of water.”
Descriptive Questions of Anatomy
Question 1

This plane divides the body into a left and right side. It is used to display or illustrate the organs in the head
and pelvic cavity.
Question 2

In this process particles move across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high to low
Question 3

This type of carbohydrate consists of a lot sugar units linked together in straight chains or even complex shapes.
Question 4

This gland is in the dermis layer of the skin and has ductway leading to a hair follicle. It is also a scent gland
that responds to both stress and sexual stimulation.
Question 5

This disorder of the skin is the result of contact with chemicals or toxins. It is recognizable by its inflamed
itchy red skin.
Question 6

Bones are shattered into pieces rather than simply broken. This type of fracture most often occurs as the
result of car accidents and other extreme impact accidents.
Question 7

These cells serve to protect and assist the neurons.

Question 8

This type of epithelial cell is flat in shape (like a pancake or scale) and is where one of three types of skin
cancer develops.
Question 9

This term is used as the sum all chemical reactions within the body.
Question 10

This Bone is part of the skull. It is on the posterior side of the skull, is inferior to the parietal bones, and sits
on the midline of the body.
Answer key for the illustrated questions in the
next slide
Answer Key for Illustrated Questions

Q1. Mitochondria

Q2. The Process of Endochondral Ossification

Q3. Tarsal bones

Q4. Dermis layer of skin

Q5. Endocrine Organ System

Q6. Abdominopelvic Cavity

Q7. The Golgi Apparatus

Q8. Third Degree Burn

Q9. Ulna Bone

Q10. The process of Osmosis

Answer Key for Descriptive Questions

Q1. Sagittal Plane

Q2. The process of diffusion

Q3. Polysaccharides

Q4. Apocrine Sweat Glands

Q5. Dermatitis
Q6. Comminuted fractures

Q7. The cells called neuroglia

Q8. Squamous cells

Q9. The metabolism

Q10. Occipital bone

Sources Used

Thompson, Gale. Understanding Anatomy and Physiology : A Visual, Auditory, Interactive Approach, F. A. Davis Company,
Most helpful memory aids for me.

1. Lysosomes - Lyso sounds like Lysol, which is great for destroying bacteria, as are lysosomes.

2. Golgi Apparatus- Take the G from Golgi, the Ap from Apparatus and you have Gap. Gap clothing ships
their packages via FedEx or UPS. The Golgi Apparatus also prepares, packages and ships.

3. Endocytosis - Endo kind of sounds like Indoor. Endocytosis brings substances into or "indoor" the cell.

4. Exocytosis- Exo, like Exorcism. Cast out the devil! Exocytosis moves substances outside a cell.

5. Collagen- Think collage, like the art technique, an assemblage of different forms - Collagen is the most
abundant protein and is in different forms like cartilage, bone, tendons, etc.
6. Epithelial- I think of an EpiPen. You inject it through your skin - Epithelial tissue covers the body's surface.

7. Malignant - Malignant sounds like Malicious. Both mean they intend to do harm.

8. Endoplasmic Reticulum - TransportER

9. Cilia- Sounds like silly - like those inflatable tube man things that wave all directions. Cilia are tubular,
long wavy man looking organelles.

10. DNAs nitrogen bases A, T, G or C. I had a fun teacher who would remember these by saying "I like to
look AT George Clooney." I've never forgotten it even though George just isn't my type.

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