Green Manuring
Green Manuring
Green Manuring
They are turned down or mixed into the soil 15-30 days
before sowing of the crops depending on the tenderness of
the foliage or plant parts is known as green leaf manuring
Increase soil resilience
a) soil structure b) soil fertility c) moisture retention
Decrease inputs
can use locally available seed
25-40% decrease in chemical use
Reduced labor (while growing)
• Avoid competition for land, labor, time, and space with cash or subsistence
Rapid growth and good soil cover under prevailing soil and climatic conditions.
• Production of a great quantity of green and dry mass, of the above-arts and
Environmental conditions,
Soil fertility
Burial of green manure crop at specific time provides maximum nitrogen and organic
This specific stage is when plant is immature and has started flowering.
During early period of crop growth, N content, protein, water soluble constituents are
maximum, whereas fibre, hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin and C:N ratio are less.