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Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document For Science

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Standards-based Curriculum and

Assessment Document for Science

DSKP Sains
Dokumen Standard Kandungan dan Pentaksiran
Six strands in
 Communication
 Physical Development and
Aesthetics 身體發展與美學
 Humanity
 Personal Appearance
 Science and Technology
 Spiritual Attitudes and
 精神態度和價值觀
Skills and Values for the 21st Century
Thinking skills Career and Life Skills Values
 Creative
 Communication Skills  Spirituality 靈性
 Critical
 Information and  Humanity
 Reasoning Technology  Patriotism
 Innovative  Cooperation  Integrity 廉潔
 Problem solving  Entrepreneurship 創業  Responsibility
 Decision making 精神
 Unity 統一
 Leadership
 Lifelong learning
 Flexibility
 Ability to Adapt
 Initiative and Self-
direction 主動和自我指

Student Profile
 Balanced
 Resilient 彈性的
 Thinker
 Skilled in communication
 Teamwork
 Informative
 Caring/ Concern
 Patriotism

The aim of Science Standard Curriculum for

primary is to instill interest and develop creativity
amongst pupils through experience and
investigation so as to master knowledge 掌握知
識 in science, scientific skills, thinking skills
and, scientific attitudes and values.
1. Using the inquiry approach 查詢方式 to fulfill their curiosity 好奇心 about the
world around them.
2. Applying scientific skills and thinking skills critically and creatively.
3. Acquiring 獲得 knowledge on the facts and science concepts.
4. Application of knowledge critically, creatively and analytically in decision
making, innovating and problem solving.
5. Applying of scientific attitude and noble values 崇高的價值觀 , and
6. Play a role in caring for the environment.

Activity 1
Highlight not more than two words in each sentence that you think are the key
words. Then use those key words to write a short passage on the objectives of the
Primary School Science Curriculum.

1. Using the inquiry approach to fulfill their curiosity about the

world around them.
2. Applying scientific skills and thinking skills critically and
3. Acquiring knowledge on the facts and science concepts.
4. Application of knowledge critically, creatively and analytically in
decision making, innovating and problem solving.
5. Applying of scientific attitude and noble values, and
6. Play a role in caring for the environment.

Thoughtful learning

 Content and skills

 Pedagogy
 Assessment

 Mastery of content
 Scientific skills
 Thinking skills
 Scientific attitudes
 Moral values

Activity 2: Create notes with mind maps/concept maps on

the skills, attitudes and values above.
Content organization/Organisation of science Curriculum Standards

 Themes
 Content Standard
 Learning Standard
The Science Standard Curriculum for Year 1 to Year 6 has six themes;
 Introduction to Science
 Life Science
 Physical Science
 Science of Matter
 Science of the Earth and The Universe
 Technology and Sustainability

These themes are not present in every year of study.

Each team is elaborated according to the Content Standard and Learning Standard.
General statement that
contains elements of
knowledge, scientific
skills, thinking skills,
scientific attitudes and
noble values

Tangible learning Statement of the level of pupils’

objective learning development
Content Standard

The Content Standard is a general statement that contains elements of knowledge,

scientific skills, thinking skills, scientific attitudes and noble values in line with the
desired Learning Standard.
The Content Standard has at least one or more Learning Standards that are conceptualised
based on determined fields of study.
The Content Standards are written according to hierarchy in cognitive and affective domains.
The Content Standard for the affective domain 情感領域 is written at the end of the relevant
cognitive domain 認知領域 . However not all cognitive domains are followed by affective
Learning Standard

The Learning Standard is a tangible 有形 learning objective. It comprises the scope of

learning with scientific skills and thinking skills that require the students to master the
intended science concepts.
Generally, the Learning Standard is ordered according to level of difficulty. However, the
Learning Standard can be modified accordingly.
Performance standard

 Performance Standard is a statement of the level of pupils’ learning development

measured with Standard Content and Learning Standards well as to indicate the position
of pupils’ progress in the learning development.
 Pupils’ developments are explained with one or more qualifiers using correct words or
phrases to describe the Standards in the form of learning outcomes.
 Performance Standard is developed as a guide for the teachers to implement School
Assessment (SA) in line with Standard Reference of Assessment.
• Interest
• Curiosity
• Honest
• Accurate
• Brave
• Systematic
• Cooperative
• Diligent 勤奮
• Has perseverance 毅力
• Responsible
• Care for environment
• Courteous 有禮貌
• Purpose
• Type
• Need
Assessment Steps
 Plan
 Execute 執行
 Record
 Analyse
 Report
 Follow-up
 Observing
 Text
 Verbal Communication
 Checklist
 Essay
 Folio
 Quiz
 Puzzle
Elements across KSSR curriculum
The Elements across the Curriculum (EMK) is a value-added element
applied in the teaching and learning process other than those specified
in the Content Standard. The integration of these elements is aimed at
strengthening the human capital skills and competency as well as
intended to prepare pupils for the challenges of the present and the future.

The elements across the curriculum in KBSR

 Language
 Science and technology
 Environmental sustainability
 Values and patriotism
 Creativity and innovation
 Entrepreneurship
Teaching and Learning of Science

 Strategies
 Approaches (Pendekatan)
 Activities
 Assessment methods

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