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Bahasa Inggris: Reading

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Bahasa Inggris

Dr. Eng. Wahyul Amien Syafei
• Kemampuan: • Pengalaman Belajar
• Mahasiswa mampu • Menyimak
menjelaskan (C-2) serta • Berdiskusi
menerapkan (C-3) Teknik • Mengidentifikasi & Latihan
Membaca Teknik membaca
• Bahan Kajian: • Kriteria & Indikator
• Reading (ESP): Fokus latihan • Ketepatan identifikasi & Latihan
tentang Teknik Membaca Teknik membaca
• Keaktifan mahasiswa
Meaningful Reading
• Kemampuan:
• Menuliskan catatan penting dari artikel ilmiah dalam Bahasa Iggris yg dibaca

• Kompetensi Dasar:
1. Membaca teks dengan cepat menggunakan teknik : Speed, Skim, dan Scan.
2. Membaca teks dengan lambat untuk membuat catatan penting: meringkas,
menulis kutipan, dan parafrase.
Meaningful Reading
• Kemampuan:
• Menuliskan catatan penting dari artikel ilmiah dalam Bahasa Iggris yg dibaca

• Kompetensi Dasar:
1. Menandai bagian teks yang penting dengan teknik highlight, garis bawah kata
yang penting, dan tanda garis vertikal.
2. Mengidentifikasi teknik membaca yang sesuai untuk dirinya.
3. Menggunakan teknik membaca yang lain untuk membantu memahami artikel
yang dibaca .
1. Do you always read every book from beginning to end? What about articles, letters, e-mails, or
information on the back of DVDs?

2. If you wish to understand what you are reading on a deeper level, how many times do you read
the material? Give details about the way you read for greater understanding.

3. If you wish to understand what you are reading, do you try to remember all the events and data
• There are many ways to do note-taking when you read texts, find the suitable one.
• Not all reading texts need to be read completely and thoroughly. Consider: time & purpose.
• Texts are written for different purposes, we read for different purposes.
• Novel, comic, story book, …  sequence
• Telephone book, dictionaries, reference books, …  important parts only

• How many times to read?

• News paper, comic, magazine  1 x • Quick first reading
• Al Quran, Holy book, study, analysis  2/3 x
• Slow second reading
Quick 1st reading
1. Speed: The strategy of reading quickly, just to get the overall picture, without
consulting a dictionary.
2. Skim: running your eyes over a text to get a quick idea of a text”, to get
general understanding, not looking for details (Harmer, 2002:202).
3. Scan: choose certain parts to read quickly.
Speed Reading
• The strategy of reading quickly,
• Just to get the overall picture.
• Without consulting a dictionary.
• Let eyes glance at units of words/ phrases, instead of single words,
Skim Reading
• To know the perspective of the writer or to locate the general idea, not to get detailed information.
• Running eyes over a text to get a quick idea of a text, general understanding, not looking for
details (Harmer, 2002:202).
• Read sections only, skipping to find the next section of interest. Concentrate on following the
main ideas and blocking out detail (McLaren, 1995:78).
• “… read the first sentence or couple of sentences at normal speed to see the overview of the
reading, then parts of the following paragraphs, looking for particular helpful words. In a longer
work, such as a book, you may read the beginning paragraphs of relevant chapters… read only a
few important words or phrases …” (Mikulecky and Jeffries. 2005:137).”
Scan Reading
• In longer works, you may choose certain parts to read quickly. Looking at the Contents and Index
of various books helps us to know which books are going to be most helpful.
• “Scanning is very fast reading. When you scan, you look for information as quickly as you can. …
When you scan, you can’t read every word. You have to skip many words…” (Mikulecky and
Jeffries, 2005:39)
• Scanning is looking for a particular word or set of words, ignoring other information, by glancing
quickly through the pages (McLaren, 1995:78).
• Looking for particular information, such as a date or a definition.
Practice 1
• Read the article using the technique of speed reading. Allow your eyes to look
widely at chunks of the text instead of reading word by word. Practice this 2 – 3
• Read the same paragraphs that you just read, using technique of skim reading
now. Practice this 2 – 3 times.
• Read the same paragraphs by scanning, searching for what these paragraphs
say. Practice this 2 – 3 times.
Practice 2
Share with your partner from Practice 1 about your experiences of reading using
speed, scan, and skim reading.
1. Which technique do you use the most often when you read a text quickly?
2. Do you use particular techniques at certain times?
3. Are there any techniques you haven’t been using, but you think would be
helpful for you when you read?
Write them.
Practice 3
What are the differences between the three quick reading techniques?
Give a brief definition of these three techniques of quick reading.
Bahasa Inggris
Reading 2
Dr. Eng. Wahyul Amien Syafei
Meaningful Reading
• Kemampuan:
• Menuliskan catatan penting dari artikel ilmiah dalam Bahasa Iggris yg dibaca

• Kompetensi Dasar:
1. Membaca teks dengan lambat untuk membuat catatan penting: meringkas, menulis
kutipan, dan parafrase.
2. Membaca teks dengan moderate untuk menandai bagian teks yang penting dengan teknik
highlight, garis bawah kata yang penting, dan tanda garis vertikal.
3. Mengidentifikasi teknik membaca yang sesuai untuk dirinya.
4. Menggunakan teknik membaca yang lain untuk membantu memahami artikel yang dibaca .
Slow Reading Note taking
• Detailed, careful reading. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

• It may be necessary to find meanings of some words in the dictionary.

• 3 ways to take a note
• Summary: main points, supporting evidence
• Quotation: source, pp, “ ... “
• Paraphrasing: use own words
Note taking table
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
A. Title of book: ____________________________________
B. Author: _________________________________________
C. Place of publishing: _______________________________
D. Publisher: _______________________________________
E. Year of publishing: ________________________________

Page Number Major points



Practice 4
Use the Note taking table to Section IV and V of the article. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

1. Make summaries and quotations of each paragraphs, put in Major points

2. Make a paraphrasing of each paragraphs, write in Major points column!
Moderate Reading
• Repeated reading for extra details you missed on previous reading .
• Pen & paper ready to add details from your second reading .
• Writing summary: write major points
• Suitable for gathering data for academic or analytical writing.
• Helpful for ‘remembering’ information from reference books or books that have
brought insight to you.
• Write significant point otherwise difficult to recall the information accurately.
• Highlight, underline, vertical line …
• It is helpful to have a light – coloured highlighter pen in hand for the second
reading to highlight important words. Do not use a dark colour. Phrases, chunks
of words, or simply the key words can be highlighted.
Practice 5
Find important parts from Section II and III of the article, This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

then do:
1. Highlighting
2. Underlining
3. Vertical Line Marking
Vertical Line Marking
• When there are a few lines which you wish to mark because of their importance,
you may use your highlighter or pencil or pen to draw a vertical line at the left
or right side of those lines instead of draw a vertical line at the left or right side
of those lines instead of highlighting or underlining particular words.
• If you do not have a highlighter, it is sufficient to use a pen or a pencil, to
underline significant portions or key words.

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