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Mekanisme Pertahanan Ego

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Mekanisme Pertahanan Ego

Defense mechanism merupakan mekanisme tidak sadar yang
memproteksi manusia untuk menghindari dorongan yang bersifat
impulsif, seperti dorongan seksual atau perilaku agresif. Individu juga
memunculkan defense mechanism sebagai usaha untuk melawan
kecemasan yang mereka miliki (Feist, Feist, & Roberts, 2013).

Narcissistic-Psychotic Defenses

Immature Defenses

Neurotic Defenses

Mature Defenses
Narcissistic-Psychotic Defense
Klasifikasi Definisi
Projection Perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses and their
derivatives as though they were outside the self.
Denial Avoids becoming aware of some painful aspect of reality
Distortion Grossly reshaping the experience of external reality to suit inner
needs (including unrealistic megalomania beliefs, hallucinations,
wishfulfilling delusions) and using sustained feelings of delusional
superiority or entitlement
Immature Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Acting Out The direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulses in
action to avoid being conscious of the accompanying affect
Blocking An inhibition, usually temporary in nature, of affects
especially, but possibly also thinking and impulses
Hypochondriasis Real illness may also be overemphasized or exaggerated for
its evasive and regressive possibilities.
Introjection The introjection of a loved object involves the internalization
of characteristics of the object with the goal of ensuring
closeness to and constantpresence of the object
Passive-aggressive Agression toward an object expressed indirectly and
behavior ineffectively through passivity, masochism, and turning
against the self.
Immature Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Projection On a nonpsychotic level, projection involves attributing one’s own
unaknowledged feelings to thers, it includes severe prejudice,
rejection of intimacy through suspiciosness, hypervigilance to
external danger, and injustice collecting
Regression A return to a previous stage of development or functioning
Schizoid The tendency to use fantasy to indulge in autistic retreat for the
Fantasy purpose of conflict resolution and gratification
Somatization The defensive conversion of psychic derivatives into bodily
symptoms; tendency to react with somatic rather than psychic
Neurotic Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Controlling The excessive attempt to manage or regulate events or objects
in the environment in the interest of mimizing anxiety and
solving internal conflicts.
Displacement Involves a purposeful, unconscious shifting of impulses and/or
affective investment from one object to another in the interest
of solving a conflict.
Dissociation A temporary but drastic modification of character or sense of
personal identity to avoid emotional distress
Externalization Referring to the tendency to perceive in the external world and
in external objects component of one’s own personality
Neurotic Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Inhibition The uncounciously determined limitation or renunciation of
specific ego functions, singly or combination, to avoid anxiety
arising out of conflict with instinctual impulses, superego, or
environmental forces or figures
Intellectualization The control of affects and impulses by way of thinking bout
them instead of experiencing them. It is systematic excess of
thinking,deprived of its affect, to defend against anxiety
caused by unacceptable impulses.
Isolation The intrapsychic splitting or separation of affect from content
resulting in repression of either idea or affect or the
displacement of affect of the different or substitute content.
Rationalization A justification of attitudes, beliefs, or behavior that might
otherwise be unacceptable by an incorrect application of
justifying reasons or the invention of a convincing fallacy
Neurotic Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Reaction The management of unacceptable impulses by permitting
Formation expression of the impulse in antithetical
Repression Consits of the expelling and withholding from conscious
awareness of an idea or feeling. It may operate either by
excluding from awareness what was once experienced on a
conscious level (secondary repression), or it may curb ideas
and feelings before they have reached consciousness (primary
Sexualization The endowing of an object or function with sexual significance
that it did not previously have, or posses to a lesser degree, to
ward off anxieties connected with prohibited impulses.
Mature Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Altruism The vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying
service to others, even to detriment of the self
Anticipation The realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner
Asceticism The elimination of directly pleasurable affects attributable to an
Mature Defenses
Klasifikasi Definisi
Humor The overt expression of feelings without personal discomfort or
immobilization and without unpleasant effect on others
Sublimation The gratification of an impulse whose goal is retained, but whose
aim or object is changed from a socially objectionable one to a
socially valued one
Supression The conscious or semiconscious decision to postpone attention to
a conscious impulse or conflict

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