Dr. Sana Bashir DPT, MS-CPPT
Dr. Sana Bashir DPT, MS-CPPT
Dr. Sana Bashir DPT, MS-CPPT
nDefined as
- It is an abnormal dilatation of bronchi.
It maybe either focal, involving the airways
supplying a limited region of lung parenchyma or
diffuse, airways including a more widespread
René Laennec, the man who invented
the stethoscope, used his invention to first
discover bronchiectasis in 1819.The disease was
researched in greater detail by Sir William Osler in
the late 1800s; it is suspected that Osler actually
died of complications from undiagnosed
y of the socio-economic conditions of
No systematic data are available but it is considered
as the reflection
the population under study.
In 20th century the cases of bronchiectasis significantly
reduced due to emergence of anti-biotics and
Race, sex and age related demography :
-no racial prelidiction.
-CF related bronchiectasis more common in
- In pre antibiotic era the disease used to start
as early as in the first decade. But now the disease
has found itself in the age group > 60yrs.
y 1.Focal:
-obstruction. For eg: Aspirated foreign body,
tumor mass.
2. Diffuse:
- Cystic fibrosis, Necrotising and suppurative
pneumonia (Staphylococcus Aureus and
Klebsiella), Post tubercular sequale.
1. Childhood
Pertussis, measles, Necrotizing
2. Primary infections
klebsiella species
staphylococcal species
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Measles virus
Influenza virus
Herpes simplex
virus Adenovirus
Pertusis virus
MAC infections (Mycobacterium avium complex
(MAC) are bacteria that can cause a life-threatening
bacterial infection. The disease is also called MAC and
it affects people with HIV who have a severely
suppressed immune system and are not taking anti-
HIV drugs (ART) or medication to prevent MAC has
increased propensity to occur in HIV infection as well
as in immuno compromised individual)
It is found mainly in women >60yrs who are non-
smokers, who don’t have any predisposing
pulmonary disorder and who tend to suppress
3. Obstruction
Foreign body
4. Tumor
Laryngeal papillomatosis, adenoma,
5. Hilar adenopathy
6. Mucoid impaction
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,
Congenital anatomic defect
Williams-Campbell syndrome
(congenital cartilage deficiency), Mounier-Kuhn
syndrome (tracheo-bronchomegaly), Swyer-James
syndrome(unilateral hyperlucent lung), pulmonary
sequestration, pulmonary artery aneurysm, yellow
nail syndrome(Hypoplastic lymphatics, pleural
effusion, yellow nails )
8. Immunodeficiency state
IgG subclass deficiency, X-linked,
agammaglobulinemia, selective IgA, IgM, or IgE
deficiency, bare lymphocyte syndrome, chronic
granulomatous disease, Nezelof syndrome
(Thymic dysplasia with normal immunoglobulins)
9. Hereditary abnormality
Dyskinetic cilia syndrome,
Kartagener’s syndrome (situs inversus, nasal
polyposis and bronchiectasis) , cystic fibrosis etc
s and destruction of structural component of the
Bronchieactasis is a consequence of inflammatory