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Fermat's Little Theorem and Wilson's Theorem

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Fermat’s Little

Theorem and
Wilson’s Theorem
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
Born in France
AFrench lawyer and Mathematician
University of Orleans

Analytic Geometry, Probability Theory,

Calculus and Number Theory

 “Fermat’s Conjecture”

For any integer n>2, the equation

has no positive integer


Fermat’s Little
Theorem: Let p be a
prime and suppose that p
does not divide a.

A. Fermat's little theorem states that

if p is a prime number, then for any
integer a, the number ap − a is an
integer multiple of p. In the notation
of modular arithmetic, this is
expressed as ap = a mod p
B. If a is not divisible by p, Fermat's
little theorem is equivalent to the
statement that a(p - 1) - 1 is an integer
multiple of p. In symbols, it is expressed
as a(p - 1) = 1 mod p.
1. Find the value of 313 mod 11.
Since 13 is not divisible by 11, we will
proceed to the 2nd statement above. 11 - 1
= 10. Therefore, 310 = 1 mod 11. Then,
divide 13 by 10 and get the remainder. What
we are doing is that we are reducing the
exponent to a smaller value. 13/10 = 1
remainder 3. This will become 33 mod 11 =
27 mod 11 = 5.
2. 22003 mod 11

a(p - 1) = 1 mod p.
210=1 mod 11
(210)200 (23)
(1) 200 (23)= 8 mod 11= 8 
3. 52018 mod 7.

Using FLT, 7 - 1 = 6, therefore, 56 = 1
mod 7. Then divide the exponent by 6
and get the remainder. 2018 mod 6 =
2. [Since 2018/6 = 336 remainder 2].
We reduce then the exponent to 2. 52
mod 7 = 25 mod 7 = 4.
4. 43929 mod 13.

Using FLT, 13 - 1 = 12, therefore, 412 =
1 mod 13. Then divide the exponent by
12 and get the remainder. 3929 mod 6
= 5. [Since 3929/12 = 327 remainder
5]. We reduce then the exponent to 5.
45 mod 13 = 1024 mod 13 = 10.
5. 32105 mod 17.

Using FLT, 17 - 1 = 16, therefore, 316 =
1 mod 17. Then divide the exponent by
16 and get the remainder. 2105 mod
17 = 9. [Since 2015/16 = 131
remainder 9]. We reduce then the
exponent to. 39 mod 17 = 19683 mod
17 = 14.
Method of Successive Squaring for
a k MOD m
Idea is to break the exponent k into a
sum of powers of 2 (starting with 2)
and break a
in terms of exponential terms as these
powers of 2, computing the powers of 2
by “successively squaring” the previous
Example : Compute 7 MOD 41

Solution: We first note that the exponent k = 85.

We first determine the powers of 2 that are less
than this exponent. Starting with, we see that
0 1 2
2  1 , 2  2 , 2  4 , 23  8 , 24  16 , 25  32 , 26  64

26  64 2  128  85.
We can stop at since
We now decompose the exponent k into powers
of 2.
85  64  21  64  16  5  64  16  4  1  1  4  16  64

We next write

785 MOD 41  71 4 16  64 MOD 41  (71  7 4  716  764 ) MOD 41

We next compute the needed powers of 7

needed with respect to the modulus 41. The
ones that we will need are indicated by . Note
that arrows are used to indicate the substitutions
from the previous step.
71 MOD 41  7
7 2 MOD 41  49 MOD 41  8

7 4 MOD 41  (7 2 ) 2 MOD 41  (8) 2 MOD 41  64 MOD 41  23

78 MOD 41  (7 4 ) 2 MOD 41  (23) 2 MOD 41  529 MOD 41  37

716 MOD 41  (78 ) 2 MOD 41  (37) 2 MOD 41  1369 MOD 41  16

732 MOD 41  (716 ) 2 MOD 41  (16)2 MOD 41  256 MOD 41  10

764 MOD 41  (732 ) 2 MOD 41  (10) 2 MOD 41  100 MOD 41  18

785 MOD 41  71 4 16  64 MOD 41
 (71  7 4  716  764 ) MOD 41
 (7  23  16  18) MOD 41 Substituti ng from ' s above
 (161  288) MOD 41 Note that 7  23  161 and 16  18  288
 (38  1) MOD 41 Note 161 MOD 41  38 and 288 MOD 41  1
 38 MOD 41
 38 Hence, 785 MOD 41  38
Fermat’s Little Theorem in special cases can
be used to simplify the process of modular
exponentiation. We state it now.

Fermat’s Little Theorem: Let p be a prime

number, a an integer where 1  a  p . Then
1. If gcd( a , p )  1 , then a p 1
MOD p  1 .
2. a MOD p  a .
 Compute in FLT 7 MOD 41

Using FLT, 41 - 1 = 40, therefore, 740 = 1
mod 41. Then divide the exponent by 40
and get the remainder. 85 mod 41 = 5.
[Since 85/40 = 2 remainder 5]. We reduce
then the exponent to 5. 75 mod 41 = 16807
mod 41 = 38 .

  Use FLT to calculate


 Use FLT to calculate

John Alexander Wilson
Born in England
AGeologists and Mathematician
University of St. Andrews

Number Theory
If p is prime
then 1 + (p - 1)! is
divisible by p.
Wilson Prime
In Number Theory, a Wilson Prime is a
prime number such that 
Divides ,It bears a striking
resemblance to Wilson's Theorem.
Although conjectured to be infinite in
number, no other Wilson primes have
been discovered besides 5, 13, and 563.
Case 1

In number theory, Wilson's Theorem states

that if integer p > 1 then (p-1)!+1
is divisible by P if and only if P  is prime. It
was stated by John Wilson. The French
mathematician Lagrange proved it in 1771.
Suppose first that   is composite. Then   has a
factor   that is less than or equal to  . Then 
divides  , so   does not divide  . Therefore   
does not divide 
Two proofs of the converse are provided: an
elementary one that rests close to basic principles
of modular arithmetic, and an elegant method that
relies on more powerful algebraic tools.
Elementary proof
Case 2
Find the remainder of 5! When divided by 7.
P = 7 (since 7 is a prime number we can use Wilson’s

Therefore, the remainder is 1 when 5! divided by 7.

2. Find the remainder of 9! When divided by 11.
p = 11 (prime number)

Therefore, the remainder is 1 when 9! divided

by 11.
3. Find the remainder of 21! When divided by 23.
P = 23 ( prime number)

Therefore, the remainder is 1 when 21! divided by

4. Find the remainder of 14! When divided by 17.
P = 17 ( prime number)

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