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Class B Complementary Symmetry Power Amplifier

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Complementary Symmetry Class B Amplifier:

The complementary symmetry class B amplifier is as shown in Fig.

The important features of this circuit are
Both the transistors
as follows:
operate in the
• One p-n-p and the emitter follower
other n-p-n transistors configuration for the
are being used. purpose of impedance

This circuit does not use The low load

the driver and output resistance can be
transformers. matched with the low
output resistance of
Therefore it is called as emitter follower
transformerless class configurations.
B push-pull amplifier.
• The two transistors should have
matched characteristics.

• This circuit requires a dual polarity

supply ( ±Vcc).

• Both the transistors are biased at

cutoff, hence the circuit shown in the
Fig. is going to operate as class B

• C1 and C2 are the two identical

coupling capacitors which couple the ac
input signal Vs to the bases of both the
Operation of the circuit:

Let us analyze the circuit operation in both the half cycles of the ac input signal.

Operation in the positive half cycle (0 < ωt < π)

•In the positive half cycle of the input signal, the
BE junction of transistor Q1 is forward biased
and that of Q2 is reverse biased.

•Therefore transistor Q1 conducts in the entire

positive half cycle of the input signal to produce
the positive half cycle across the load, as shown
in the equivalent circuit of Fig. (a). The input and
FB – Forward Bias output voltage waveforms in the positive half
RB – Reverse Bias cycles are as shown in Fig.
Operation in the negative half cycle of
the input (π < ωt < 2π):

RB •In the negative half cycle of the input, BE

junction of the p-n-p transistor Q2 is
forward biased and Ib2 starts flowing as
shown in the equivalent circuit of Fig.
•BE junction of Q1 is reverse biased hence
Q1 remains OFF.

•The load current IL flows in the opposite

direction through RL and produces a
FB – Forward Bias negatives output voltage as shown in Fig.
RB – Reverse Bias
•The input and output
voltage waveforms are as
shown in Fig.

•Note that the amplitudes of

input and output voltages
shown in Fig, are almost

•This is due to the fact that

both the transistors
operate in the emitter
follower configuration.
Analysis of Complementary Symmetry Class B Amplifier:

All the results obtained for class B push-pull amplifier are applicable to this
circuit replace RL’ in all those expressions by RL for the complementary
symmetry circuit.
Analysis of Complementary Symmetry Class B Push Pull Amplifier:
The analysis is carried out by following the steps given below:

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Obtain the Q-point and dc input power(Pdc).

Step 2: Obtain the expression for the ac output power (Pac).

Step 3: Get the expression for efficiency (η).

Step 4: Find the expression for maximum efficiency (ηmax).

Step 5: Calculate the maximum power dissipation (Pd).

Step 1: Q point of the circuit

• For the class B operation the Q point is positioned on the X-axis in order
to bias the transistors at cut-off. That means the co-ordinates of the Q point
are ( VCC, 0 ) as VCEQ = VCC and ICQ = 0.

 Q po int  VCEQ ,0   1

• Thus in absence of the ac

input signal, the..power drawn
from the source is zero.
DC input power (Pdc):

• Pdc = VCC x Average current drawn from the source.

• To calculate average source current, refer to the source current waveform of


• Let us obtain its average value as follows:

1 
I dc   I m sin t dt
 0
 Im
  cos t  0  Im
  1  1  2 I m   2
 I dc 
 
 Im • Therefore the total dc power input is given by,
  cos   cos 0
 2VCC I m
Pdc  VCC .I dc    3

Step 2: AC output power: 2
Pac  V Lrms . I Lrms   4   I Lrms RL VLrms  I Lrms RL

where VLrms  RMS value of load voltage & I Lrms 
I Lrms  RMS value of load current
Assuming the turns ratio to be 1 : 1: we get,
Vm Im
V Lrms  and I Lrms 
2 2

Vm I m Vm I m
 Pac  .    5
2 2 2
2 2
VLrms I Lrms RL
 
2 RL 2
Step 3: Efficiency (η):

Vm I m 2VCC I m
Let , Pac  , and Pdc 
2 
Vm I m 
 2   Vm
 %  100  4 V  100   6

Step 4: Maximum efficiency (% ηmax):

The maximum efficiency corresponds to the maximum swing of the load

voltage, and the maximum output swing Vm = VCC.

Substituting this value of Vm in Equation (8) we get,

 Vm  VCC
%   100  100  78.5%
This is the maximum possible efficiency under the ideal operating conditions.

But practically the value of ηmax will be between 65 to 70 %.

Step 5 : Power Dissipation:

To find the total power dissipation taking place in the two transistors is given by,

Pd  Pdc  Pac

2VCC I m Vm I m
   8
 2
But from equ (6), I m 
2VCCVm Vm2
 Pd     9
 .RL
This equation shows that the power dissipation taking place in the transistors
under no signal condition is,
Pd = 0 as Vm = 0 when there is no input signal.
Step 6: Maximum power dissipation (Pd):

We can derive the condition for maximum power dissipation by differentiating

Equation (9) w.r.t Vm, and then equating the derivative to zero.
2VCCVm Vm2
Pd  
2  .RL
Pd  max  / Tr  Pac  0.2 Pac
Now substitute this into Equation (9) to get, 2
Pd 2VCC 2Vm
2VCCVm V 2    0
Pd   m
Vm  .RL 2.RL

 .RL 2.RL Rearrange Equation (10) as,

   Vm
 2VCC  2
2 VCC 4  VCC2
 2
  Pd  max   2  2   .RL RL 
2VCC  2VCC      But 2 R  Pac
    RL   2 RL  L
 .RL    2.RL or
Vm 
4 VCC 2
4 VCC  Pd  max   2 Pac  0.4 Pac  11 
 2  2 
 RL 2 RL This is the condition for
2 maximum power dissipation.
 Pd  max   2  10 This is the maximum power dissipated in both the transistors. The power
 RL dissipated per transistor is given by:
Advantages of Complementary Symmetry Amplifier:

• Impedance matching with the load is possible as both the transistors

operate in the emitter follower configuration.

• Transformers are not being used. This makes the circuit less expensive and
less bulky.

• The practical value of % ηmax is higher than that of a class B push-pull

amplifier as the transformers are not being used.

• Even harmonics are automatically balanced out. Hence only the odd
harmonics are present.
Disadvantages of Complementary Symmetry Amplifier:

• A dual polarity supply ( ±VCC ) is essential.

• It is necessary to have transistors Q1 and Q2 with matched characteristics;

otherwise output waveform will be distorted.

• Crossover distortion will be present in the output.

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