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40 Days Prayer For The Deceased

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Leader 1: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the Oribiana family come
together to share in sympathy to the grieving family of (Francisco Elpidama).
It is good that we come to pray for our dear (Francisco Elpidama) who has
been taken away from us. When we are together in our sadness and share
our sorrows, they become lighter; but tonight, we are even more united in
faith, hope and love. God will surely bless all of us, as we bind together to
comfort someone who is dear to us, while at the same time helping one
Let us sing together our Opening Hymn.
Leader 1: Let us all rise and lift up to our merciful God our prayers.
All: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…I believe in
Leader 1: 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be
Leader 2: The First Glorious Mystery is THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS

Dear God, we are sad, and we turn to you, we pray to you for we know that you
are present among us, we gather in your name in the full hope that you will be
merciful on our dear (Francisco Elpidama), and that you will also console us in our
sorrows. We are sure Lord, and we firmly believe that you will keep your promise
to us, that all those who believe in your Son will not die an eternal death, even
though they have died. Lord God, we place our hope in you, that they will have
everlasting life through Jesus your Son and our Lord forever.

Leader 1: Please have a seat.

Leader 2: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, 1 Oh My Jesus…
Leader 3: The Second Glorious Mystery is THE ASCENSION OF JESUS

Dear God, you are love, there are no limits to your love for all men. You
share the wealth of your love with the living as well as the dead. Yes, you
love the world so much, that you gave your only Son. You sent your Son
into the world not to condemn the world but that the world might be
saved through him. We thank you dear Lord for the love without limits.
We thank you for eternal life and for your love, which never ends.
Leader 3: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, 1 Oh My Jesus…
Leader 4: The Third Glorious Mystery is THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY

Dear God, you are really good, for you are love itself. With you, our life is
in good hands. In you, we find joy and happiness. Our faith in you and in
your love makes us happy. We thank you dear God for your immense
eternal love for (Francisco Elpidama) who is now taken away from us, for
all the Saints in heaven, for all our deceased brothers and sisters, and
also for us people with shortcomings. We thank you because after dying,
we are accepted into the everlasting community of love in heaven. Thank
you dear Lord for the fullness and the beauty of your time.
Leader 4: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, 1 Oh My Jesus…
Leader 5: The Fourth Glorious Mystery is THE ASSUMPTION OF THE

Dear God, your Son Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, speak to us on the
meaning of life and death. He tells us that in death there is life. Jesus’
death brings him a glorious life and has brought life to all men. He must
die in order to give life, so all Christians must also die to have full life
with you. Man must therefore be like a seed. If it is left to itself, it
produces nothing and it apparently dies. But when it is buried in the
ground, it gives more than itself, it brings bountiful harvest. Thank you
Lord that you have made death a way to the house of the Father. Thank
you Lord that we may live with you forever in heaven.
Leader 5: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, 1 Oh My Jesus…
Leader 6: The Fifth Glorious Mystery is THE CORONATION OF THE

Dear God, you are the source of love. Out of an unselfish friendship that
does not count the cost, You sent Your Son into the world. And Jesus in
his kindness went all the way for men to die on the cross. Our Lord
Jesus Christ lived for others and because he had lived for others, Our
Father in heaven raised him up from the dead. By dying, he brought us
forgiveness for our sins. By rising, he brought us new life, the life of God,
a life that is eternal. We thank you dear Father because we know that in
life and in death, we live secure in your great love. We pray today that
you give consolation and strength to the family of (Francisco Elpidama)
that they may bear his leaving in a spirit of faith.
Leader 6: 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, 1 Oh My Jesus…
Leader 1: Let us all rise for the Gospel reading.
Leader 7: In the reading from the Gospel according to John, Jesus
Himself re-assures us that we are forever destined to live in his love and
the love of the FATHER. He gave his apostles the greatest of His
commandments, the commandment of love. Love one another as I have
loved you. lf you have this love for one another, then everyone will know
that you are my disciples.
By washing the feet of His apostles, He showed us that love means
service, and now in the words that he is going to speak to us, He tells us
that if we have faith and love like his, he will give us eternal life of
happiness in the house of the Father in heaven.
Leader 7: The Lord be with you!

All: And also with you.

Leader 7: Our reading is taken from the Gospel of John 14:1-6.
At the last supper, Jesus said to His disciples. Do not let trouble upset
your hearts. Continue to have faith in God and have faith in me. There
are many rooms in the house of my Father. I am going there to prepare
a place for you. I shall come back to take you with me, so that you too
may be where I am, you know the way that leads to where I am going.
Thomas said, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we
know the way?” Jesus answered him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND
Leader 7: My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this is the Gospel of the
All: Praise to You O Lord Jesus Christ!
Leader 1: Please have a seat.
Short talk/reflections (in silence).
Leader 1: Let us all rise.
Hiram sa DIYOS ang aking buhay
Ikaw at akoy tanging handog lamang
Di ko ni nais na akoy isilang
Ngunit salamat dahil may buhay
Ligaya ko na akoy isilang pagkat tao ay mayroong dangal
Sino ang may pag ibig sinong nagmamahal
Kung di ang tao DIYOS ang pinagmulan
Kung di ako umibig kung di ko man bigyang halaga
Ang buhay kong handog ang buhay ko ident
Ng hiram sa DIYOS
Kung di ako nagmamahal sino ako
Leader 1: Let us pray to the Father who is the God of the living for the soul
of (Francisco Elpidama) and for all our beloved dead. And let us say to Him:

(1) For our Dear (Francisco Elpidama), that God may keep in mind, not only
his failures and shortcomings, but that the Lord Our Father may remember all
the good he has done and all his good intentions, even when in his weakness
he could not keep them.
Let us pray to the Lord.
(2) That being a good father and husband devoted to his family, he may
soon join the large and happy family of the Father in heaven.
Let us pray to the Lord.
(3) That our faith may be deep enough to believe that we are still united to
our dear (Francisco Elpidama) through bonds of love even though he is gone.
Let us pray to the Lord.


(4) For the love of those who are dear to (Francisco Elpidama), now that he
has left us, we ask for more faith that, from heaven, he will continue to love
his dear ones, with a deep and eternal love.
Let us pray to the Lord.
(5) For our dear (Francisco Elpidama) and for all the dead in our respective
families, those who were dear to us, that God, who called them by their
names, may be the source of their unending joy.
Let us pray to the Lord.
(6) Finally, for ourselves that we may keep and support one another, on the
journey through life, that we may always share joys and sorrows, life and
death, and that we may all go to the Lord's way side by side.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Leader 1: (PRAYERS) Our God and Father, we thank you for the consolation
you have given us, and we pray to you now, help us not to let our hearts be
troubled, but prepare a place for us where we shall all be united again one
day, with those whom we have known and loved, and give us Jesus, your
only begotten Son be our way, our truth and life forever.
All: Almighty God, Lord of everlasting life, the living and the dead are in your
hands. You know what is in us and we know that you are merciful to all who
serve you in faith. We pray to you for those who are dear to us both in life
and in death. In your kindness, forgive all their sins through the prayers of
your saints, we ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Leader 1: Give (Francisco Elpidama) eternal rest, Oh Lord.

All: And may your light shine on him forever.

Leader 1: May all the faithful departed rest in peace.

All: AMEN.
Leader 1: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it
was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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